time pass by . can not stop it , want to . but cant . feeling slowly leaving at least the kind of feelings we have . its new , all is new . pain gone . fear gone . loneleness gone . nothing more to do but lay back and give up . no more fight in me . its time to go . i fear not, only that thos i leave behind will not find there way . its not up to me . its only in their hands . they have the power to take and make of their life what they want . only they can do with it and make it something more then just ok fine. darkness all around now but still no fear . i can feel the wormth leaving my body . but i still fear not . the time i have is very soon gone . the light is so bright i cant tell witch way it comes from only that there is no end to it . its a joy that i have never felt before . i kind of wispper in my ear come home its time . rest you have just started your journey . once gone nothing here matters any more . all is fine . all is so much better . days are gone only mins and then thos mins to 2nds . tic toc tic toc gone . its all better now . i am home.
i had a lean put on my bank so could not even get food today . i will not go hungry never have never will i will not let this little set back in my life stop me .