8 weeks, 100 Apps with updated resumes and follow-up calls and the best response is... Can you wait until after the election... or, we might have something for you the end of November...
I'm still waiting to be notified of my date with a Mediator to appeal my unemployment denial... thank goodness for the kindness of strangers.. I've been able to get gas and food money... now and then by panhandling....
been out of work almost 7 weeks... still waiting on my arbitration hearing date... so that I can appeal my denial of my unemployment claim... until then, I get zero support assistance(monetary, "Food Stamps", etc.) only what I can "husstle"through begging for change. I never thought as an American Veteran, I'd be getting the run-arround.... and I'm not even 60!
23:43 Dec 05 2008
I have no referalable job reference for a 23 year period,
I have worked. But all the places I worked are no more.
As a Slacker though, I have never been disheartened.
04:43 Jul 17 2009
Keep with it , it took me two years but i found not one but two , i looked online most of the time and even got one of them from applying online.