There is much ado in many Houses and Covens about the time spent online by their various members. In fact, I was kicked out of one because I didn't have internet access for two days. Yeah, that's right, I said 48 hours. While my current affiliation is not like this, it is a subject that comes up repeatedly amongst the various VR members I know in RL...for those who don't know...Real LIFE.
I take issue with this.
I don't know about anyone else, but I joined VR because I have an interest in Vampires. It is a passion I inherited from my father. I joined to read, learn and socialize with people who share this interest. I joined for personal enjoyment.
I did not, however, join the Rave to have my time dictated. I sign on when I have the inclination and time available to do so. However, I have other time constraints that take priority. For example: my daughter, my job, my housekeeping needs, my friends, my family, my church. If someone would like to pay my bills, clean my house, do my shopping and make sure all my other needs (and those of my daughter) are met so that I can spend more time on VR, feel free. I'll take that offer.
However, until that happens, I'll continue to log in whenever I have the time. Earn some favor. Participate in forum threads that interest (and don't annoy) me. In other words, live my life.