Yes since i do boxing im gonna share some things that ive been taught that really have helped my punching power and speed, here ya go!
1- you gotta train your legs you may not believe if but lots of boxers train legs just as much as their upper body because that is where the punching power starts and or comes from because your legs are pushing on the ground giving you the stability and the push to hit hard, so dont forget to incorporate some back squats and or other leg training equipment like machine leg ext and or ham curls among other things they will help greatly.
2- be sure to train your back aka lats and so on because when you have that fast extending motion from your arms that is where the base strength comes from so be sure to do some over hand pull ups and or deadlifts and or lat pulldowns hopefully all three of them :)
3- train your olbiques and abdominals! many people know that the quick snapping movement in say a few of bruce lee's film would create a loud snap and a hard hit thats because of all the abb training he would do, be sure to incorporate some sit ups crunches and russian twists and or just regular sit ups with a twist into your workouts these really help with that snapping speed and overall power.
4- shadow boxing and or just boxing nothing or if your creative an imaginary friend this will help correct your form and allow you to build up some type of general punching know how for you to imply it in a real fight.
now im not saying with what i just taught you that once you do all of this that you could take on the biggest person in the world because truth be told it increases punching power and speed not how lucky you are lol now with thwe right training and teaching syou could become an adequate opponent for a person who could be 20-40lbs heavier then you but thats as high as id go unless you have much more cardio then the person then feel free to wear em down and then unleash fury!
Sleep is extremely important when trying to build adequate muscle mass i mean when you look at it simply if you dont rest then you dont recover.
within the first 4 hours of sleep over 60% of the muscle and tissue repairs happen now this doesnt mean just sleep 4 hours and doesnt mean sleep more than 10 because no taht just isnt healthy if you sleep for anywhere between 6-9 hours and yes haha 69 anyway this will ensure that your building muscle an a pretty decent pace and recovering properly and it will also help you reset and feel more dedicated to your workouts to little sleep can cause a lack of motivation and why you shouldn't sleep more than 10 hours is because your body needs fuel all the time and after about 10 hours your body will feel as if its starving and it will begin eating at your muscles which is why sometimes youll wake up with a headache meaning your over slept and your body is pissed at you!
many people know the fat burning facts about just jogging and cardio but to actually run at your full rate of speed for 20-35 seconds resting and then doing it all again around 5-10 times can actually jump start your metabolism for a full 24-48 hours depending on your size and already standing metabolic rate and if you didnt know metabolic rate is basically just the rate at whcih your body burns and consumes calories :)
by sprinting at your full rate of speed for more than 20 seconds and resting for about 90 seconds and doing it again for a total of 3-5 times this can not only improve cardiovascular performance aka making you be able to jog more but it will put your body into a furnace mode where youll be burning calories at a much faster rate turning your little heater for a metabolism into a volcanoe hope this helps a bit :)
Now we get to the type of lifting that i just love the sound of i mean come on power lifting power implies well strength power aka control and lifting well come on you know what that implies, lets get to the basics and let me teach you about it and the different rep ranges along with maybe even nutrition at a later date though on a different journal just to make ya wait a bit haha.
Powerlifting rep ranges- for the different rep ranges you'll want to pick a very heavyweight and keep it at and or under 5 or 4 reps i usually do about 5 reps for a warm up with a decent weight and move up to wnywhere from 90% to 97% of my maximum one rep lift and do 3-1 reps with that and it increases strength pretty fast i will say that, many people dont know this but many different bodybuilding took place among the powerlifters for a bit just to build a strong base on the 3 main lifts to help with all of the other lifts, anyway keep the rep ranges simple anywhere from between 5-1 lol remember if you can get 5 reps with a weight then you can always go heavier lol, always for warm up use anywhere from 70%-75% of your maximum your dont want to tear anything you may feel invincible but say you got 315lbs on the bar for a warm up and its 95% of your max once that weight falls because your not warm your rotator cuff will tear and that weight will crush your sternum or your skull, now warm up 70-75% of your maximum then youll go up to 85% and then work your way all the way up to 93-98% of your maximum, Remember To Always Lift With An equally strong partner!
now we get to the three main lifts, bench press, deadlift, barbell back squat :) haha
deadlift and bench press have to be my favorite of the three because well its very simple but with the back squat your arms may go numb when you got 550 on the bar, now lets get to each lift and break them down :)
1 the first lift youll do in an actual pl meet and then 2nd and 3rd
1- back squat:
now this is where an un-padded steel and or iron bar is placed on your back with a shit ton of weight and your required to go below parallel basically meaning you have go until your hips are lower then your knees basically below parallel= shit tons of knee pain! but with perfect form or near perfect then i believe anything is possible remember to when your first starting off with pl(power lifting) then always use a very low weight and get your form perfect them move up to heavy ass weight haha, with the squat your using almost all of your stabalizer muscles in this lift aka your abbs and lats and or back muscles lattimus dorsi and the list goes on lol this lift is painful but very benefitial it can help alot with jumping height and well kicking power for all you mma fighters out there :p
2- Bench Press:
now on this lift your required to keep your ass on the bench and have a slight arc in your back and touch your tits with the bar and press it back up thats all but its a lot more complex then how i just made it sound, you have to have perfect form for this or your could tear something a lot easier and you could well die with that weight right above your rib cage so always get your form perfect and then lift heavy id rather see people in the gym lifting decent weight with perfect form and be not at risk for injury then seeing someone lifting heavy weights with shitty form and probably causing extreme damage to their nervous system and skeletal system, now this with movement youll arc your back breath in while lowering the weight and controlling it all the way down and rest is very gently on your chest then the judge will say PRESS! and then your breath out ehavily and blast that weight up and hold it in a lockout position until the judge says RACK! and then well you rack the weight lol.
this is another need for perfect form because with this lift you could easily throw out your back but with perfect form this has been proven to help with back pain and to increase an overall good feeling the reason for this is you have an electric current flowing up your spinal cord constantly and with a strong in-place back then that electricity can travel wheres its supposed to go instead of off course and into other nerves causing substantial pain so basically with a strong back and strong feeling everywhere will come along for the ride :), now with this you will have your legs shoulder width apart grip the bar with one overhand and one underhand and then well your lift that bar and lock out your back pulling your shoulders back and basically standing straight up with the weight once this is done you can set the weight back down once the judge says so and there you have it but dont forget form is 70% of the battle the other 30% is a mizture of strength and stamina lol.
hope this has been helpful!
I am making this to help out people who are interested in taking supplements since ive read up and have a decent grasp we'll cover everything from different protein types to different creatine types in this journal type :)
entry 1: pre workout supplements!-
I always use a pre workout i am now using Neuro-Core created by Muscle tech because it gives me adequate energy for my cutting workout and even focus for bulking workouts, there are many different types be sure to read all of the ingredients in a pre workout before taking it to ensure you wont have an allergic reaction and or overdose! and now a very cheap pre workout stimulant would have to be hands down coffee and or orange juice! many people dont realize that caffein increases reagular strength by 30% and stamina by 25% if taken 30 mins before a workout be sure not to overdose on caffein though and yes it can happen lol. A cup of calorie free black coffe anywhere from 30-45 mins before a workout is just as good as over priced pre workouts except you wont have any extra focus or energy just better muscle pumps and strength along with some extra stamina, no we will go to orange juice vitamin c is a natural nitric oxide pre-cursor which stimulates the blood vessels to open along with veins to carry more oxygenated blood throughout the body along with adrenaline which we all love. what the vitamin c will do is help to ensure recovery in between workouts and muscle pumps so be sure to take in anywhere from 100% to 250% your daily value of vitamin c throughout the day whcih you can already get a good boost in that category by taking a multi-vitamin but we'll get to that later :). Now with taking these hell you might even want to do a mixture of both to ensure proper pump and recovery between sets this is the pre workout guide.
Entry 2: Protein Powder/shake's!-
We have all seen the many different types of proteins out there soy,whey,casein the list goes on from one type to mixtures of different types but how can we be sure what to take when whey protein is becoming more expensive and casein takes so long to digest its just so difficult and it can be very mind boggling but im here to shed some light and or very dim light for some of you with a light problem like me :) hope this all helps, i myself take whey protein and casein before i go to bed whey protein is perfect for right after workout along with simple carbs for fast glycogen responses and protein synthesis by taking soy protein a quicker digesting protein 1 hour before workout along with a decently proportioned complex carbed meal it can have plenty of amino acid benefits for throughout the workout to ensure between set recovery now taking the whey protein after the workout along with simple carbs for quick glycogen response it delivers plenty of amino acids to start recovery process early and almost fully stop your body from delivering catabolic aka muscle eating acids and hormones which can help you make muscle gains faster and burn fat faster along with protein speeding up muscle recovery it also speeds up the metabolic rate aka the rate at which you burn calories. Now we get to casein protein this protein takes 7 hours to fully digest which is why its best used for right before bed because who wants to wake up in the middle of the night and eat and then go back to sleep no one or if you a nocturnal person the middle of the day and we all know where this is going lol so casein protein is best served for before a regular sleeping amount of time and once your asleep since it takes longer to digest it will deliver more amino acids and better the recovery process to ensure proper muscle recovery and muscle size gains and or striation gains for the cutting folks.
Entry 3: Creatine!-
one of my favorite controversial subjects haha, creatine is naturally found within the body and mostly its muscle tissue its also found in the rare steak that you eat that is why the gladiators were so bulky they ate a lot of meat ;) haha and were able to put on mass quicker because of the protein and creatine, now there are many different types of creatine the best by far for me is creatine mono-hydrate, now many people think creatine will make you just gain water weight when they honeslty have no proven facts on that which usually pisses me off because that proves that they are ignorant of the subject now yes creatine will pull in water weight into your muscles making them slightly bigger but this helps increase strength for time being but it also does a lot more it increases protein synthesis dramatically speed up the recovery process and increase atp within the muscles aka energy to ensure recovery between sets and long lasting energy throughout the day now this may not seem like a big boost but taking in any where from 5 grams aka 5,000 mgs and 10 grams aka 10,000 mgs a day you can ensure that youll be gaining size fast and strength now when cutting be sure to stay off of the creatine because it wont be needed because your losing weight not gaining :p, be sure to take any creatine product right after a workout no matter what people tell you unless the label says different if it says take it right before the workout dont take it before the workout if your already on a pre workout stim because it will just be a waste of one of the two take it right after to ensure youll have proper glycogen response and perfect timin will isolate the gains and improve recovery response and anabolic hormones to activate.
entry 4: testosterone enhancers!-
the name implies what it does it increases natural testosterone production and it also puts more testosterone in you by artificial means aka putting more of a surplus of the amazing anibolic activator testosterone aka muscle building hormones, now if you naturally have high testosterone do not take this along with if you have very agressive tendencies because this only enhances the attributes of a person so say your a very sweet and loveable person this will make you even sweeter but faster at gaining strength now say your very agressive and angry all the time it will make it worse and possibly give your sadistic thoughts because after all testosterone is the male main hormone aka the hormone or anger and agression now it will also increase those horny hormones we all love haha so dont be scared it just comes with the supplement, now be sure to take this with care and dont waste money on stupid supplements that only try to sell to name of the company and not the product and if you want a cheap way to naturally increase your testosterone start taking ginkgo biloba that will naturally increase you testosterone because this herb was around when the dinosaurs were its extreme old and very useful maybe thats why those animals were so strong, now ginkgo biloba increases natural test production and improves memory and focus so be happy about killing 3 birds with one stone lol.
entry 5: multi-vitamins!-
a great multi-vitamin is much needed if you ask me or any bodybuilder i mean not having a multi-vitamin is like selling your car for gas money its kinda stupid lol now if your nutrition has no holes and you get the proper minerals and vitamins then so be it you dont need one but most people dont have a full nutrition like that and are in need of this because it supplies everything that you need and them some the vitamins increase protein synthesis and anibolic activation so be sure to get a multi-vitamin first overall supplements because not only do they increase overall health but they increase digestive enzymes but i reccomend one of the one a day vitamins which youll take in the morning every 24 hours since they supply everything that you need.
there ya go guys hope this helped some aspiring muscle builders or fat burners out there :)