lenoresprettycorpse's Journal

lenoresprettycorpse's Journal


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20 entries this month

spring cleaning.

18:12 Mar 31 2008
Times Read: 670

so yeah i have 11 cabains to clean not 10 i miss counted. working on the lodge rooms today since all the cabains are locked! that kinda pissed me off but not i have the keys to them so its all good. I decided to take another week off of subway, so now i have 2 weeks off to clean and i wont feel rushed at all. man it dont feel like spring cleaning when its snowing lol the snow needs to go away. man who wants to help me clean? im doing most of the places by myself.



17:45 Apr 11 2008

i will help you clean.....not. i cant clean. it took ne a year to clean my room. im just too lazy to clean because i have better things to do.



04:50 Mar 31 2008
Times Read: 671

Well I have a very busy week ahead of me. I start spring cleaning for one of my jobs tomorrow. I have to clean 10 cabains and 3 lodge rooms head to toe by the 7th. i plan on trying to work 8 or 9 hours aday i hope, it takes a awhile to do a complete cleaning on a place. Man oh man am I going to be beat after all that cleaning. then the 8th i go back to subway. sucks that i dont get a break at all, oh well i guess. Well all this cleaning will be a test for my bad knee, its been feeling really loose lately. If still had my exrcises for my knee from theropy i would do them but that was so many years ago that i did that. I know that I'm going to have to get it checked out again sometime. I need to make a cd for cleaning gotta have the music it makes the time go by faster i think.





22:52 Mar 29 2008
Times Read: 673


Man its so beautiful outside right now and the thing that makes it the most beautiful is theres 2 swans on the river in front of my house. they are so beautiful. its nice to see them again, I saw them before winter on the river just glad there back this year which means they might stay all year i hope. Man it was nice to get out and walk around alittle too, I cant wait til it warms up more, i just sat by the edge of the river for 15 mins. enjoying nature.




just peachy.

21:52 Mar 29 2008
Times Read: 676

Lets see right now i just poured my self a glass of peach chardonnay. Its pretty tastey, never had it before. I decided that i was just going to do nothing but relax tonight. ive been getting to damn fraustrated the last few days. I need a break from that. I will be around all night so talk to me if you want.





17:30 Mar 28 2008
Times Read: 680

I am so sick of looking for cars!!! I just want to find one now. ive been looking for a car for the past 6 months and havent found any good ones that i can buy. i really hope i find one soon or figure something out. Because I am sick and tired of looking for them. i have one more month before i get my lisence back. blah! i think i just need to give up for a few days. im getting really fraustrated.



22:33 Mar 28 2008

awww, hang in there...

btw, love the new Avatar, the septum is so cute! can't wait to get mine done!

03:26 Mar 29 2008

thanx, thats a old pic but i love it. i hope to find a car soon.


My sisters Wedding

18:41 Mar 25 2008
Times Read: 682

So yesterday was my sisters wedding, everything went good. Sunday night my sister and i stayed in a hotel room and just chilled. Sunday really wasnt a good day for her, just alot of stress and then her van broke down! damn fan belts. The van is fixed now so that is good her hubby and his dad fixed it before the wedding. Yesterday was kinda stressful it seemed like we didnt have enough time the time just went by really fast. we had hair appointments at 11 am, got something to eat then it was back to the hotel to get ready for the wedding at 3pm. I spent alot of time running around trying to find the men so they could get there flowers pinned on them. Man was my sister pretty, her dress was so amazing. after she got all ready she looked in the mirror and just started crying. yes there was alot of tears yesterday everyone was crying. after the wedding it was picture time! man there was so many pictures taken its crazy. the reception was really nice too alot of fun. I just cant belive my sister is married! congrats heather! pics of the wedding will be up on my myspace sometime this week i hope.




blah stress everywhere.

01:29 Mar 24 2008
Times Read: 686

Well my sister gets married tomorrow! we are supose to stay at the hotel tonight. dont know how we are getting there right now my sisters van is crapping out right now the belt is falling off! its been a stressfull enough day for my sister and her hubby as it is but now the van its messing up which really sux. in other news i started playing world of war craft at my sister on her account its kinda fun hehe. man i just want to get to the hotel and relax with my sister she really needs to relax. Tomorrow will be a good day i hope. damn now i have no idea how we are getting to the hair place tomorrow, maybe its gonna be a stressful day. hmmm stress is no good.




manic mondays

01:52 Mar 23 2008
Times Read: 688

Im watching the 10 Commandments right now its pretty good lol anyways my sisters wedding is on monday! wow cant believes its here already. Im staying the night at my sisters tomorrow. I will be helping her out with things and doing her make up , we also have hair apointments. Im going to be all pretty on monday its going to be scary lol hehe. the wedding is at 3pm. i need to start packing soon get my dress and everything ready to go. thats about it in my life right now.




Stop shaking the snow globe again

12:54 Mar 18 2008
Times Read: 697

man what the hell winter is supose to start to go away bit i just woke up and theres like over 5 inches of nes snow outside. its fuckin beautiful as hell out side but still the snow needs to go away ive had enough of it and everyone else has too. man its still snowing too errrr. the snow is going to take forever to go away we need more 40 degree days i miss thoughs



21:38 Mar 21 2008

time for you to move to Cali. it's 80+ over the Easter Weekend my dear.


02:32 Mar 22 2008

yeah i want to go there my brother lives out there


bang bang

02:12 Mar 17 2008
Times Read: 709

Well i shot a desert eagle 50 cal. today thats a nice gun, also shot a 32 automatic today too. it was nice havent shot a gun for awhile, should get in the practice of it cuz i want to try and go hunting this year.

today was just a relaxing day and to play with my friends puppy, I went with him yesterday and he got a 9 week old long hair german shepherd puppy he is sooooooo cute!

well damn next monday on the 24th is my sisters wedding wow cant believe its that close, i need to find a place to get my hair done soon and i still need to get use to the high heels lol fuck those things errr.



03:21 Mar 17 2008

how the heck do you handle the kick on those things?

i prefer a glock 9.

15:15 Mar 17 2008

im just getting use to guns before yesterday ive only shot a 12 gauge and a 22 gauge shot gun. the kicks arnt that bad i think man that desert eagle is a hot gun its so pretty fires really good too :)

20:13 Mar 17 2008

and it'll take a mother down, that is for sure.


who shook the snow globe?

02:27 Mar 13 2008
Times Read: 712

man its snowing alot. i guess we are supose to get 1 to 3 inches but i have feeling that we will get alot more then that. maybe even a blizzard. the roads are shitty right now. i just want the snow to go away im tired of winter. blah




warm weather on the way

18:20 Mar 12 2008
Times Read: 714

man yesterday was so nice out it was over 40 degrees outside and sunny. today its abit colder and cloudy. winter is almost over I can not wait. to be able to go on walks will be so nice and i can get out and about more.




road trip... maybe?

04:24 Mar 12 2008
Times Read: 715

Im im so happy i cant wait till the end of next month. I get my license back! fuck yeah. and i should have a good amount of money get buy a desent car too. It will be so nice to leave when i want and drive places, no more having people drive me around either! the only shitty thing is the damn gas prices. I really want to spend about 3 days in my hometown in may so that will been nice, or maybe see if some friends want to go to valley fair or mall of america. i doubt that will happen but it would be nice





01:36 Mar 10 2008
Times Read: 722

Man did that ever hurt. I brunt my back the other day. it looks pretty bad. doesnt hurt much anymore, mostley when i take a shower. this might leave a scar on my back. here are some pics of it.

about 20 mins after it happend


the next day




23:56 Mar 10 2008

oh, my, sorry for your pain. remember the aloe vera gel...

01:15 Mar 11 2008

yup ive been useing that i should put some on soon. im very clumsy sometimes lol


working my ass off

03:59 Mar 08 2008
Times Read: 724

yay for me i get to work my ass off the whole week, today i worked 1:20 to close at subway, tomorrow was my day off but now i have to work 8 to 2 the person who was suposed to work is not showing up, shes been not showing up alot. sunday i work at another job 7am to 3 30pm. then im back at subway the whole week, monday i open then the rest of the week i close. i to get a day off on saturday then i work at another job on sunday. im going to be wore out this week. i hate subway blah! but hell its money so it gets me closer to having a car soon.

man my head really itches lol im bleaching my hair right now then dying it red, I know that i shouldnt be doing it right now since it takes awhile and i have to work early but i know that i wont get to bed for awhile. it takes me a while to relax, i hate doing a closing shift and then have to do a opening shift the next day i just cant do it dont get enough sleep.




home sweet home.

05:36 Mar 07 2008
Times Read: 727

Well im home, got back around 7pm. I had a nice trip. the trip really didnt go how it was supossed to but it was still good. we wanted to pick up my brides maid dress yesterday but they were to busy so we went there today. I got a few things altered on the dress but the lady told us it will be done in 2 week! nope sorry cant do that, cant afford to keep driving 2 and half hours done there. and last month a lady told us it could be done in the same day. We had to pay a rush fee to have it done today i think thats pretty dumb but oh well i have the dress it looks good on me and i also found some nice shoes to wear for the wedding. High Heels lol yup its been many years since i wore high heels. It was really nice to hang out with my friends down there. I went to go see some friends i havent seen in over a year, that was really nice too see them too. man i miss eau claire already, im a city gurl and always will be, I fuckin love it where i live too. man so i cut off 5 inches of my hair today, now i have about shoulder length hair, I am going to be bleaching it and dying it red really soon.




happy meals

17:11 Mar 04 2008
Times Read: 728

thats right i have a mother fuckin happy meal from mc donalds lol. its been years since i had one.never to old to have one. so im at my sisters now will be here for the whole day until tomorrow when me and my sister head to eau claire, cant wait to be in my hometown. it will be a great time.





04:22 Mar 03 2008
Times Read: 730

man i am so pissed off at my cats right now. they ruined my 2 spider plants, chewed and ate them, its going to take a while to get them better now. I guess its my fault some since i moved them to a lower area for a few days but the cats didnt mess with them for the last 2 days. damn cats and eating plants. errrrrr




my day

02:50 Mar 03 2008
Times Read: 732

So i was on my way to work today around 7am and i come across a car in the ditch. and that gurl that crashed her car last week and woke us up, crashed her car again! but this time she went to a diferent house. i bet shes glad that she dont have a car tonight the roads are pure ice, gotta love the freezing ran. Dont drive drunk why cant that chick understand that by now shes going to kill herself one of these days. any ways i get to work took forever it seemed no one was checking out early. I was asking around about the office job again and some one else got it. I was pissed about that i really wanted it. but if i talk to some people i more then likely can get a full time job housekeeping so that will be really good i wouldnt mind that. That would mean i get to quit subway. and just have 2 jobs now instead of 3!. more great news... My friends dog had 9 puppies so far today oh my god they are so cute. I really hope that i will be able to have one, i hope my dad caves in, ,my mom caved in. thats what i miss about living on my own i could have a dog. I think im just gonna chill for the rest of the night maybe have some wine but i dont know i got really drunk friday it was bad but fun lol I should start packing tomorrow, leave for my hometown on wednesday but im crashing at my sisters the whole day tuesday. man i cant wait i get to see my 2 bestfriends in the world this week!




one year.

01:21 Mar 02 2008
Times Read: 734

so its been one year today since i moved back in with my parents. man i cant believe its been that long. glad to see there wasnt a blizzard today last march 1st there was a big blizzard, let me tell you something dont move in a bad blizzard i learned that one lol. well i got my self jobs paid off all my bills this past year so that was good. but then i also lost my license for 6 months that part sucked, i will be getting that back in april! yay! things seem to be going good which is nice i havent had a good pst couple of years. I hope to move out and figure someting out with my jobs this year those are my plans so far.



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