I love gays and even lived with a drag queen but there's still some scientific things about this I am confused about with gays and to some extent with even straight people. I'm not bashing anyone just want to know what's going on here. Please and thankyou!!! Okay let's look at the following......
* GLB people-Anatomically speaking, men and women are built a certain way - man have upper body strength and women in the legs. Now I'm not saying let's be rabbits but GOd did design us a certain way and learning pvc piping they tell you " the male connector goes to the female connector". Now how's the pvc pipe suppose to work if I have 3 female pieces?
* Happiness. I'm down for happiness, but gay or straight- why are you depending on someone for your happiness in an Eros's-type relationship Psychology even has a phrase for this " Honeymoon period".
* " I was born this way!" Okay I was born with a deficiency and transvestites were born transvestites but everyone else- yes you were born with a certain amount of libido, but you still have a decision unlike a transvestite or myself. You can decide at any moment you don't want to be GLB.
17:04 Jul 03 2013
If it helps you to sleep better at night, sure. Go ahead and think that. I've tried numerous times to be straight and every attempt failed miserably. I'm just not attracted to opposite sex at all. Their bodies disgust me. Not that they're ugly. I know some very fine looking people. But I could never imagine having sex with them. Ever. I've tried to fit in and go mainstream with my choices. Who we like and what we do is NOT choice for most of us. If that's the way you think then you are beyond confused, my dear.