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Lord Giavoni

03:44 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 545

He put a shaky hand upon my arm and with brave words he said,

"Don’t think I’ve gave into defeat for our army must be led.

If I fail you mi lord this night tell them I went without shame,

My family should not hate you mi lord for it is I who is to blame.

I chose to be a knight, protection was my task,

Saving lives of others with no expectation for them to ask.

Many wars to this day we fought side by side,

I regret nothing mi lord nor the fears this day I hide.

There are many in this army and they fight very well,

With my sword in hand mi lord I will take them all to hell."

Darkness fell across the land not a single sound was heard,

Moments later our swords where drawn then things became a blur.

The sounds of metal hitting metal and the moans of defeat,

I knew without a doubt our army had been beat.

The shadow fell upon my face as time seemed to pass,

For who stood beside me now was a pretty young lass.

I thought death was upon me for an angel I thought I faced,

But only it was my blood, this angel wanted to taste.

With fangs protruding out her mouth I felt her teeth sink in,

I felt my life drain away and knew the change would soon begin.

It all seemed like a dream at first with dizziness and fear,

But it didn’t take me long, to see things very clear.

Demon some say a creature of the night,

A gruesome beast, a nightmare of fright.

And yet day after day, war after war, year after year I stand and fight,

Protecting this world from the true creatures of the night.

Child molesters, murders and thugs,

Yet it is my grave they wish to see dug.

How can this be that they misunderstand,

Am I so different because I am no mortal man?

I fought to protect them and yet they don’t care,

Let those ungrateful bastard’s cross me, I dare.

Power and authority but that’s always been me,

I still stand tall and proud the name - Lord Giavoni




Lord Giavoni part 2

03:43 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 546

Silence, he said with an angry voice,

this demon army has given us no choice.

We fight or surrender but death is our fate,

we fight at our best but their blood we must take.

Sinister life is all around,

the blood of our people is on the ground.

I ask you now who will stand and fight,

take heed and know you may lose your life this night.

50 swords were raised then more stepped in,

Giavoni shouted, then let this war begin.

Armor clanged as the soldiers got ready,

the sounds of their march were strong and steady.

No one said a word as they charged through the night,

but everyone knew they were giving up their life.

Giavoni wondered how much more he could take,

how many demons would the undead make?

He is one, but his army never knew,

for hatred and bitterness inside him grew.

For a vixen of the night had changed his path,

so he vowed one day she would feel his wrath.

Seeking her out and hunting her down,

he vowed to rip out her heart and stomp it into the ground.

The love of his life was dead and gone,

the lonely path was now what he was on.

No one would except him for what he is,

no woman would he ever be able to call his.

The undead struck without a sound or whisper,

the horses bucked and began to whimper.

Giavoni let out an evil hiss,

he could smell her, he shouted the vixen was his.

He looked and he saw her step down off the horse,

his temper raised, his control he had to force.

He felt the beast rise within,

when he saw the vampiric vixen that made his nightmare begin.

She grinned at him from across the feild,

"take heed to my warning your army must yield."

The telepathic message was strong and clear,

she said to him where nobody else could hear.

"You are crazy if you think my army will back down,"

using the same mind link he newly had found.

"I say to you Giavoni take your army away from here,

for my army is strong their wrath you should fear."

"You killed me once what else can you do,

Its time now I drain the blood out of you."

Giavoni moved quick his presence a blur,

the next thing she knew the sword was buried deep inside her.

Surprise on her face and blood on the ground,

she looked up at him and said with a frown.

"You may have killed me this day this is true,

even though life and power is what I gave to you.

It had been many years since we had seen each other,

I understand your hatred and anger for me, my brother."

Her appearance changed and he looked into her soul,

he saw them playing down by the watering hole.

"What is this," he said with fear in voice.

"I am sorry Giavoni but they gave me no choice.

They took me that night they burnt our village to the ground,

mother thought I was in the house when it went down.

Truth be told they converted me to,

I had no choice but to convert you.

You would never have understood what I have become,

not unless you too had became one."

"Why didn’t you tell me," Giavoni had asked.

"It has been many years since that night had past."

"I knew that you hated me for what I had done,

the beast inside you had clearly won."

His sister closed her eyes and laid as if asleep,

Giavoni fought back the feelings inside him to weep.

He looked over the field and saw death all around,

and now his sister too he must put in the ground.

Why was this life given to him,

so many burdens buried within.

Rage and anger, memories he couldn’t erase,

damn this nightmare, damn this place.

He could do no other but go into the ground,

sleep the sleep of the dead until another soul was found.




She sleeps with angels ...

03:39 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 547

"Mama were does Jesus live?"

She asked with the biggest smile she could give.

"He lives in the heavens way up high,

someplace so amazing we can’t even imagine inside our minds."

"What about grandpa and gram are they there too?

What about Felix our cat and our old dog, blue?"

"Well I suppose that they are there."

I said as I pulled the covers up and brushed back her hair.

"What about angels, do they really exist?"

I smiled down and gave her forehead a kiss.

I then told her the stories that was told to me,

about Noah, Moses, and how Jesus parted the sea.

I explained to her that angels were very real,

and that there even was one named Gabriel.

"Then what do they do when it is night?

And when it storms does that mean they are having a fight?"

"Well at night the angels sleep just like you and me,

and when it storms God is just giving back water to plants and trees."

I turned to leave and looked back and said,

"Good night my precious girl its time for bed."

The memory of that night will forever haunt me,

as I set beside her grave, her teddy bear in hand, slowly rocking.

I yelled with the deepest pain from inside my chest,

"Was I not a good mother, I swear I did my best?"

My tears flowed like a river onto the ground,

I thought never again will happiness be found.

Then the earth shook and the wind began to blow,

and I heard a voice whisper soft and low.

It said: "I took your daughter from you that is true,

but only because it is her future I seen and knew.

I know you loved her, I know you cared

and you will always have memories of things you once shared.

I took her from the pain of this world,

and gave back love and happiness to your little girl."

"Then why didn’t you cure her?" I shouted out loud.

"Why didn’t you take the cancer all out?"

Then the wind stopped blowing, the trees stood still,

and down my spine ran a cold little chill.

What appeared in front of me I can’t really explain,

but I found peace in my soul once again that day.

I looked up at the child who now stood before me,

I knew without a doubt that was my little Halle.

"Mama don’t cry and don’t be mad at God,

I’m happy in heaven and my pain is all gone.

And I play everyday and never get hungry,

I seen grandpa and gram, you know grandpa is still grumpy?

You were the best mom a kid could ever want,

you know I love you and thankful for the lessons you taught.

Don’t worry about me mom I’ll be fine,

just remember we will see each other again soon sometime."

The lump grew bigger inside of my throat,

my sadness and pain I tried to cloak.

"Halle I love you." My quivering voice said.

Who will tuck in at night when your ready for bed?"

Halle’s eyes got big and her smile got wide,

"Ah mom, don’t tell me your worried, that’s no reason to cry.

I sleep on a pillow soft bed that looks like a cloud,

and guess what mom, I have angels all around."

She then walked up to me and gave me the biggest hug she could give,

then smiled and said, "Mama be brave and remember God is watching you live."

Sometimes it takes a big slap in the face,

to realize all the mistakes that we have made.

I knew I had to get my life right with God that day,

if ever again I wanted to watch my Halle play....





03:38 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 548

The feel of silk enhanced her heat,

her body tingled from her head to her feet.

She felt a strong hand caress her body,

leaving her ready willing and wanting.

His tongue on her body exploring every place,

only raw hunger shown on his face.

Touching her places that felt so good,

not caring at all if it was right or if she should.

She felt his breath upon her neck,

emotions went crazy her mind a wreck.

Then the sting of his teeth as they pierced her skin,

the blood drained from her body giving life to him.

Her body was hot as he explored every inch,

taking her willingly without so much as a flinch.

Giving her wave after wave of eminence pleasure,

she knew know other man’s love could ever measure.

He left her fulfilled and completely sated,

letting her know her soul had been consummated.

Now the dawn approaches and he is gone,

but she knows nothing can break their hearts true bond.

She will wait for his rising on this night to come,

so once again their body’s will become one.

Then deep in the ground a heart will begin to beat,

and at last her sorrow will be brought to defeat.



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