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6 entries this month

Internationally Published Poet

20:54 Apr 12 2007
Times Read: 705

The following was received Via my E-mail.

As of now I am unsure exactly its meaning, other than becoming an internation published poet.

More looking into this is required otherwise this sounds like a Great Opertunity.

Office of the Publisher

Poetry Division

London, U.K.

12 April, 2007

Dear Robert,

As you may know, Noble House is one of the foremost publishers of fiction and nonfiction works by new and established authors today. Our international poetry division has had the honour of publishing thousands of poems over the past twelve years.

Recently, I had the pleasure of reading the poetry that you have had published in the United States. I congratulate you on this grand endeavour, and propose to you that your singular talent and vision deserves appropriate international recognition as well.

1st NH Centres ExpressionFor this reason, I have posted this letter to request your permission to include one of your favourite poems in Centres of Expression - a new poetry edition that is being distributed worldwide by Noble House . . . a collection of poetry that is perhaps unlike any you have ever seen . . . one where each poem is featured on its own page, and one whose quality is reminiscent of the finest 19th century antique poetry books.

Hearken back, if you will, to the days of Emily Dickinson, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and William Wordsworth . . . the age of grand bookmaking. Poetry editions were some of the most highly prized volumes because of their intimate attention to detail - quality typography, fine ivory laid paper, and colourful ornate covers. Robert, for this edition, we've returned to the traditional size, style, and quality of these classic 19th century antique poetry books.

Scheduled for release in Winter 2008, Centres of Expression will surely become one of your most treasured keepsakes. Your publication in this edition will establish you as an international author and afford you the respect and admiration attendant to such an honour. International Copyright notice for your poetic artistry will, of course, be in your name, assuring that you will retain worldwide rights to your work of art.

Best of all, should you decide to obtain a copy of the edition for your personal library, or as a wonderful personalised gift (you are, naturally, under no obligation to purchase a copy - notwithstanding the publication of your work in this edition), as you proudly turn its pages you'll find it one of the best values on the book market today. At only £23.14 (U.S. $45.55) for a hardbound, 225-page edition printed in two colours on ivory laid vellum, with a finely crafted and highly detailed laminate cover and a single poem to a page, this edition promises to exceed your expectations, and it will enjoy pride of place in your home. In fact, its quality is guaranteed. If for any reason you are dissatisfied, your money will be completely refunded in U.S. dollars with proper dispatch.

Robert, you may also wish to consider giving the public some insight about you and your artistry for this poetic showcase . . . perhaps the meaning behind your poem, or your own philosophical perspective. Because an entire page in the book is devoted to honouring your poetry, we can feature this additional material about you and your poetry (up to 100 words) on the verso leaf opposite your poem . . . you will thus have two full pages devoted to you and your artistry.

Robert, may we have permission to publish your work? Regardless of whether you purchase a copy or not, the international public deserves to see more of your artistic talent. You may Submit Your Poem and biographical information, and give us permission, all within the confines of the next page. And if you are inclined to order a copy of Centres of Expression, you may also do so at the same time.


Nigel Hillary

Publisher, Poetry Division - Noble House U.K.




My Wonderful English Teacher

14:46 Apr 10 2007
Times Read: 709

She sits at her desk smile on her face day in day out and she loves to talk with her students, she gives them work and laughs with them whenever a joke is told,

She gives me reading comprehention sheets though I read at a 12th grade level and im in 11th.

She tells me that ill never make it and that its to hard for me to learn.

Im in special english class, with a special teacher too she likes to bitch and wine and cry and tell me my educations through,

she loves the sound of her own voice,

and loves to bring people down,

to tell them they are worthless but its not their fault oh no, its their parents fault that they are failures, loosers, and rejects, its alright she takes pitty on me even though I dont need to be in this class.

She likes to pretend im stupid and beleive her own lies, she loves to gloat about her PHD if shes got one then why oh why is she in highschool teaching us less skillful students, helping us by choosing what we should take, forcing classes on our plate,

To my wonderful english teacher,

I really wish that things were different,

and you were no were close to here,

so take that english book you copy from,

and shove it up your.....




Welcome one and all

21:20 Apr 04 2007
Times Read: 717

This is the month of april everyone please enjoy the works that are to be released this month and enjoy learning more about me as I enjoy learning about all of you.





19:37 Apr 04 2007
Times Read: 718

an update my friends, its a little weird and i have to proceed carefully but it seems im free and reborn again.

it may take a few poems to straighten me out, but just think you guys will have tons to read if things keep going like this.

So lets see...my love life is well i suppose its a bit complicated at the moment but i know ill find my voel were ever she is but until then ill enjoy the company of so many wonderful and unique people as are all my friends, and kick their butts at video games.

things are a little clearer now, so i guess im not so ignorant, its just a little rough right now.

things are going to get better, bring it on life, i havent gone through fire and pain and hate and fear just to be knocked down this early in the game, im ready to fight and make my mark.

Travel wise : maybe new york, definitly texas and LA ( there are some very special people there )

Publishing's : ive gotten published in a book and im sending my poem out to see how it does, the poem is copyrighted ( HA CHA! ) my first copyrighted work, you can look it up in my poetry section its called trapped in regret enjoy.

and one last update.....I care for all my friends, at times it may have seemed like they were using me but i know there not, I look forward to speaking with all my friends when they feel like it and whenever they feel like it.




The Strength of laath swei ( R.D.S. )

19:28 Apr 04 2007
Times Read: 720

Im in ignorant teenager who fell for the lies, who fought for the wrong and didint know why,

it tears at me and i wont let it win, i could hate them i could let them win, ill forgive what the've done and move forward to, to play with me is a dangerous thing, ill be watching more closely and ill find all your fears, try as you might ive been a close friend, turn your back on me and youill soon be dead,

ill move on with life, i wont let you win,

i could hate you forever, within my own soul,

ill clense all my hate, its pointless to have it and sufficate, so ill just lay back and write all my books, you might matter to me, but that remains to be seen.




The last time?

00:14 Apr 04 2007
Times Read: 722

Is this the last time you leave me.....is this goodbye forever....is this the last time i get to see my voel, and tell her i love her......or do i not even get that chance.

for all the pain ive felt there is more joy, ill never hate you, and love you forever more.



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