My Dearest Liar
How can i ever thank you
It Seems you find it impossible to say the truth
I never asked you for anythin and never will
But what you put me trough is different
You never embraced me with your love
I had so much faith and you and thats why i choosed you
But i realised i made the wrong choose
But it was never too late for you to change
Finally you got the wish you always wanted
Your own son!!!!
Leaving me and my sis out of the picture
It was framed with us in it
I cant say you were cruel
but you had a temper
You made us rebel, living with you was like a prison
You never asked for our opinion you just brought in all the chances that you could
I found it was all bullshit
The lies that you told me has helped me
Now i realise who you truly are
Im glad i you kicked me out
Because if i stayed i would have gone insane
Now it seems you rarely call to bitch
It's never a day without screaming
but its a long time i have not seen you
and you keep telling me the same lies