Hi everyone just wanted to drop a few lines here. okay quick! No thinking! What's the FIRST thing to come to mind? Comment and tell all...I'll go first
Eh. Just wanted to write a little bit. So, as we all know, tomorrow's Valentine's Day. I'm getting nothing and receiving nothing. (agreement between my husband and I). In other news, I'm extremely happy. I got letter of recognition in the mail yesterday stating that, because of my excellent grades and leadership at Jones International University, I'm eligible for up to half a million dollars in scholarships and internships through JIU's partnership with National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS). I'm ecstatic! All I have to do is accept before February 27 (my mom's birthday) lol. Sigh...WISH ME LUCK!!
Okay, so as a new member, I am completely lost and I"m pretty sure I've maxed my 10 messages today reaching out to mentors. Can anyone help me? Just send me a message explaining what you know about the site. I understand some of it, but most of it's still pretty confusing.
Buy a premium membership. It really is pretty affordable and then you get all kinds of perks including unlimited messaging.
I can't. My husband and I do good just to get by with bills on our income. I get a school check every 6 months. He gets paid every Friday, and I'm lucky to bring home $50 biweekly...
You could leave a message in the rate box when you rate ;-)