Back 2 work. I certainly missed some things, not 2 mention simply actively having something 2 do. I was really worried I would lose my truck regardless of all of the other stress involved that I won't mention. I have almost paid it off.
Now, I need 2 decide if I am going after a house, a motorcycle, or a cruise first. All are on my personal 'to do' list.
There is one other but a vacation to a dozen counties is a bit less realistic right now. I will do that one day, but not yet...I am going 2 focus on what I know I can do1st.
Having internet is not so strange 2 me, but even having the equipment 2 use wifi I have never been able 2 do so. I even bought a wireless router, but never managed 2 get my regular modem 2 work accurately much less my router. It refused 2 cooperate. Imagine my delight as I type this on my Ninendo 3DS which is wirelessly, effortlessly streaming the Rave for the 1st time...ever. I have had 1 of these systems since they were created. For those of you who are not imagining what I mean properly, google game boy...the original...not the advance. I still have it and the games. I even have a cube and the base attachment that allows you 2 play game boy games on a tv screen. Scary, huh? I have a playstation also with tons of games I still enjoy playing. The point being...I may honor the past, but when given the chance...I still love 2 try out new things. You are never 2 old 2 learn a new trick as my parents have also learned. They are currently playing Dragon's Dogma & Divinity II. I am lazing around in the sun...*gasps n shock*...and riding around on motorcycles. I have been swimming in pools and playing Harvesr Moon:A Tale of Two Cities on my 3DS when not slaying hydras and killing chickens or dragons indescriminately. I have been going back 2 church also, but daylight still hurts my eyes and gives me a headache. I miss the moonlight...
Tell the
Friend code on 3DS
please, feel free 2 friend me. no one has...i play a lot of harvest moon: a tale of two towns.