I have been editing instead of writing, so hope you don't mind there haven't been story additions lately. I have also been having computer problems. Firefox keep gliching and shutting down on me, or not loading at all. My windows media player keeps stalling and pausing while playing, etc. I don't know what the issue is, but perhaps I will fix it soon.
Got to go to the Circus. Highly thrilled about that. I know it sounds dumb, but since I first saw Siegfried and Roy on the TV I have wanted to go to Barnum & Bailey's Ringling Bros. I know the two have retired due to a tiger maul incident, but still...I have been dreaming of it since I was 5. It doesn't make sense to some, but a dream is a dream. Since I know most of my dreams CAN never come true, I try to do the ones that I can.
Still looking for that great gorgeous, lovably sweet gay male pair to be my best friends and occasional lovers, but that doesn't seem likely either.
Celtic Woman is touring near here. I might go see them in Memphis on the 27 or 28th if I can drag someone into going with me. I don't really have the money, but they are rarely in the neighborhood.
My car insurance is screwing me again. They never sent me a bill and are complaining that I didn't pay them. They didn't send a bill! I am forgetful; I need the bill. Stupid people...Lazy idiots. It is not my fault if they didn't tell me it was due.
I will have to arrange a 1 month payment and get back on my large long ones next month. You can be sure they are going to get an earful when I calm down enough to speak to them logically. Whatever?!? I hate stupidity that could be avoided.
Jenna Karro