itiseyebatta's Journal

itiseyebatta's Journal


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the game

07:24 Aug 16 2011
Times Read: 574

ip it apart tear it apart drag me down with it if u

have to its the only way the beast has awoken

running unanswered scared of nothing no lock

should lock forever for everything eventually

decade into the ashes where it all once fell from

the immortal sands of time and from those dust

energies were forged and the winds of presence

to roam free amongst us in us threw us and

around certain of the sand spirits we blessed and

did righteous good helping defending protecting

all of the good lights guiding them on the way to

endlessness other spirits though we tainted with

the dark sands and they only took joy in pleasure

death destruction creating ways to make us the

pawns of the earth always searching for the

endless war even though they were only to

oversea the games and at times suggestively sway

a poor weary soul to do as it saw fit never to walk

solidly among us to interact on personal level the

evil was losing numbers in the battle for the

collection of souls so it broke the singular bond it

held with its angelic brother came down in a blaze

of inferno though the angelic brother did not

want to interfere only by its share will to forever

stay pure stayed were it was looking down among

the chaos that had befallen the once peaceful

place he would sit and weep at all his brother had

done knowing that if wanted it could be stopped

after what had seemed like ages since the horrid

sights had begun the angelic presence and finally

grown tired of idly standing by so in a flash

crashed down onto the surface commanding his

brother to stop the brother laughing arms out

stretched claiming this mound of ash and blood

was his and was to be from the beginning of time

he proclaimed that father would want it that way

hearing this the angelic one broke the bond of

peace in challenging his brother to a duel to in

which the winner would claim the spirits of both

man and earth. the feud instilled on for an

eternity to only be stopped by the father coming

to them telling them enough is enough the games

should began again with rules to be altered

slightly he would give man freewill though also

allow the light and darkness free rain to

interweave with man and all the doings of the

planet some fell to the darkness and others rose

to the light the most open to the energies would

at times willingly and others not so allow the

spirits to become one with their own spirit these

intern as part god would in time rule most not

knowing who they truly were or precisely how to

control their gifts the wars began again only more

furious now as the combatants had the power and

drive of the heavens and hells light a glorious

display of violent reds and serene blues in the

skies not to help or stop it all merely to watch as

man destroyed itself bringing the earth back to its

original state to the purity of a humble still garden

of life time had past and once again man had

returned to the planet that they so carelessly once

destroyed those these new men knew nothing

about their fallen ancestry or the gods of old

going among their lives unaltered as if all alone in

so many small worlds they aged produce and

eventually died threw this time serenity ran threw

the world until time had past and the offspring

started to become born with that openness

allowing the gods to again play there hands in the

game of life the halfbreed men though now not

so aware of what they really were in most cases

used their gifts only at times and in those times

mostly by accidental means those of them that

gained the knowledge of what was inside them

researched endlessly building the strength withing

them until and time when it had appeared the

once mere mortals had managed to turn

themselves into shadows of gods thinking they

were the most powerful amongst the cattle in

their own ways became to play the game off souls

though from much more personal arena

eventually swaying the masses to their sides

splitting the world into many worlds once again

the endless cycle of purity incense tranquility into

the darkened chaotic spiral of endless

hopelessness forever intertwine with inherent

beating of out hearts

at the time when the only ones that could do

anything carelessly beheld the fall of man



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