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11 entries this month

Kings of Leon - Milk

23:33 Sep 22 2007
Times Read: 1,015

Music: Obsession #1

Caleb Followill - lead vocals, rhythm guitar

Jared Followill - bass

Matthew Followill - lead guitar

Nathan Followill - drums

Press play to listen


Salty leave, Salty leave

Tell me the one about the friend you knew,

And the last good night that we toasted too.

Salty leave,

Stay for me, stay for me

We drank wine in the matinee

And the spotlight showed what i chased away

Stay for me

She saw my comb over, her hourglass body

She had problems with drinking milk

And being school tardy

She'll loan you her toothbrush

she'll bartend you party

Kill me, kill me

I called i called, but i cant get through

Said he's on his own, but his own is you

Kill me

She saw my comb over, her hourglass body

She had problems with drinking milk

And being school tardy

She'll loan you her toothbrush

She'll bartend you party

She saw my comb over, her hourglass body

She had problems with drinking milk

And being school tardy

She'll loan you her toothbrush

She'll bartend you party

I love Kings of Leon, i think their sound is beautiful, Calebs vocals are completely amazing to me, his voice is full of raw emotion, and the lyrics are deeply poetic. Especially this song, they set up an atmosphere and surroundings. Beautiful.

If you don't know already, Kings of Leon are a rock band made up of three brothers and one cousin, based in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. Their influences range from Southern rock, Indie rock, to blues styles. The group's name is derived from Nathan, Caleb, and Jared's father and grandfather, both named Leon. Their music is influenced by their religious upbringing and their Southern roots and also other musicians, including Matthew R. Hudson who played the drums in a similar fashion to that of Nathan.

This song is taken from their second studio album titled Aha! Shake Heartbreak, which is my favourite! Their debut album was titled Youth and Young Manhood, and their recent offering is called Because of the times which includes the hits 'On Call' and 'Fans'.




Vampire Killers

21:45 Sep 22 2007
Times Read: 1,021

Vampires: Obsession #3

A Most Vicious Vampire: Fritz Haarmaan - The Butcher of Hanover

Fritz Haarmann

Born: October 25, 1879

Hanover, Germany

Died: April 15, 1925 (aged 45)

Hanover, Germany

Conviction(s): Murder

Penalty: Capital punishment

Status: Executed

One of the worst cases of clinical vampirism is that of Fritz Haarmann, also known as Germany's "Hanover Vampire." Haarmann was actually institutionalized at one point during the late 1800s, but he managed to escape. Eventually he became a homeless vagrant. Then he learned to butcher meat, which allowed him to have a home and start a business. Having his own place protected his attack on boys.

Graf, sketch

He would seek wandering waifs in the train station and take them home. Soon he teamed up with a good-looking male prostitute named Graf who had much better luck. They'd take the boys to Haarman's home, feed them, and then Haarman would force them to have sex. Often those victims would simply vanish. Once the police caught Haarman in the act and arrested him for molestation. They had no idea that he'd murdered another boy and had his head sitting there under some newspapers.

Together Graf and Haarman trapped and killed an estimated 50 young men over a five-year period. They were finally stopped when someone found a sack of skulls and bones in the Leine Canal and turned them into the police. Since Haarmann lived near the canal and had been arrested before, investigators searched his home, They found clothing from missing boys and saw bloodstains on the walls. Again, they arrested Haarmann and he confessed.

As he talked, he called his victims "game." He described how he would grab the boys, sleepy from a large meal, and while sodomizing them would chew through their throat until the head was practically severed from the body. As he tasted their blood, he achieved orgasm. He would then cut the flesh from their bodies, consume some of it, and sell the rest on the open market as butchered meat. The rest of the parts he dumped into the canal.

His trial was very spectacular; it was one of the first major media events in Germany. There were no concepts or expressions for his crimes; he was called a "werewolf", a "vampire" and a "sexual psychopath" at the same time. But apart from the cruelty of what Haarmann had admittedly done, even more scandalous — shaking German society at the very core — was the involvement of the police in the case: Haarmann cheated on thieves and dealers. He had also been used as an informant by the police who failed to identify Haarmann as the murderer.

Armed with grisly evidence for 27 of the murders, investigators ensured Haarmann's conviction and he was sentenced to die by execution. Moments before the blade fell, Haarmann announced that this was his wedding.

A Memorial to Haarmanns victims

Haarmann was beheaded, though it was not entirely clear if he would rather have to be locked up in an asylum for being in a state of diminished responsibility. But public opinion was heated and would not have approved of Haarmann just being locked away. Haarmann was found guilty and executed, even though serious doubts about his state of mind remained. Grans received a 12-year sentence. What exactly became of him after his release is not known, only that he continued living in Hannover until about 1980, when he presumably died.

The case stirred much discussion in Germany, not only about the death penalty but also about the correct approach towards mentally ill offenders, about investigation methods of the police and the role of their informants, and last but not least about homosexuality - the case, of course, fueled prejudice against homosexuality.

Haarmann became known as "The Butcher of Hanover." A film titled The Tenderness of the Wolves (Die Zärtlichkeit der Wölfe) was released in Germany in 1973 dramatizing Haarmann's crimes. It starred Kurt Raab as the killer and featured Rainer Werner Fassbinder in a minor role. Another film based on the murder spree, Der Totmacher (The Deathmaker; 1995), starred Götz George as Haarmann. It was based on the records of the psychiatric examinations of Haarmann by Erich Schultze, one of the main psychiatric experts in the trial and features the last days of Haarmann where he's interviewed by a court psychatrist.

The classic film M, directed by Fritz Lang and starring Peter Lorre, was inspired by Haarmann's crimes, as well as those of Düsseldorf child killer Peter Kürten (Haarmann is mentioned by name in the film, along with another well-known German serial killer, Karl Grossmann).

The American death metal band Macabre have made two songs about him: "Fritz Haarmann, the Butcher" on Gloom and "Fritz Haarmann, Der Metzger" on Murder Metal.

The German music label Beton Kopf Media uses a picture of Haarmann for its logo. BKM's founder has made a song named "Totmacher", whose title possibly refers to the film.

In 1992 the Polish rock band T.Love have also made a song named "Kiełbasy Harmanna", what means "Haarmann's sausages".





17:48 Jul 28 2008

You cant call this a serious case of a vampire killer. This is not vampirism.

50 in five years period, huh? I could do that much each month.

17:51 Jul 28 2008

Selling victims meat on the market, that somehow reminds me of Chinese, would he tell you it is dog, not chicken?


La Belle Dame Sans Merci

21:13 Sep 21 2007
Times Read: 1,041

Poetry: Obsession #8

Movies: Obsession #9

Natassia Malthe: Obsession #48

A Short Film by Hidetoshi Oneda

Based on the poem by John Keats.

The Story

1819. The Navigator and the Doctor survive a shipwreck only to find themselves lost in a strange forest. The Navigator is challenged by the gravely ill Doctor into pursuing his true passion - art. While he protests, the ailing Doctor dies.

Later, the Navigator is beside a lake, where he finds an Old Knight who tells him his story:

Once, he encountered a mysterious Lady, and fell in love with her. But horrified by her true form - an immortal spirit and the ghosts of her mortal lovers - the Young Knight begged for release. Awoken and alone, he realized his failure.

Thus he has waited, kept alive for centuries by his regret. The Navigator considers his own crossroads. What will he be when he returns to the world?

55. La Belle Dame Sans Merci


By John Keats


O WHAT can ail thee, knight-at-arms,

Alone and palely loitering?

The sedge has wither’d from the lake,

And no birds sing.


O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms!

So haggard and so woe-begone?

The squirrel’s granary is full,

And the harvest’s done.


I see a lily on thy brow

With anguish moist and fever dew,

And on thy cheeks a fading rose

Fast withereth too.


I met a lady in the meads,

Full beautiful—a faery’s child,

Her hair was long, her foot was light,

And her eyes were wild.


I made a garland for her head,

And bracelets too, and fragrant zone;

She look’d at me as she did love,

And made sweet moan.


I set her on my pacing steed,

And nothing else saw all day long,

For sidelong would she bend, and sing

A faery’s song.


She found me roots of relish sweet,

And honey wild, and manna dew,

And sure in language strange she said—

“I love thee true.”


She took me to her elfin grot,

And there she wept, and sigh’d fill sore,

And there I shut her wild wild eyes

With kisses four.


And there she lulled me asleep,

And there I dream’d—Ah! woe betide!

The latest dream I ever dream’d

On the cold hill’s side.


I saw pale kings and princes too,

Pale warriors, death-pale were they all;

They cried—“La Belle Dame sans Merci

Hath thee in thrall!”


I saw their starved lips in the gloam,

With horrid warning gaped wide,

And I awoke and found me here,

On the cold hill’s side.


And this is why I sojourn here,

Alone and palely loitering,

Though the sedge is wither’d from the lake,

And no birds sing.

On Death

By John Keats


Can death be sleep, when life is but a dream,

And scenes of bliss pass as a phantom by?

The transient pleasures as a vision seem,

And yet we think the greatest pain's to die.


How strange it is that man on earth should roam,

And lead a life of woe, but not forsake

His rugged path; nor dare he view alone

His future doom which is but to awake.


posthumous portrait of John Keats by William Hilton.

The Cast:

Natassia Malthe portrays The Lady.

Jack Donner, The Old KnightLucas Babin, The Young KnightJon Mycroft, The Navigator

Zale Morris, The DoctorGideon Emery, The NoblemanJohn Klemantaski, The Boatswain




The Vampire Part I

10:50 Sep 21 2007
Times Read: 1,049

Vampires: Obsession #3

'If ever there was in the world a warranted and proven

history it is that of vampires.'

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1788)

I've always been interested in Vampires, though i think most people are in one way or another. I couldn't tell you where it started for me, a memory that sparked the obsession, a movie or a book.

Everything about the Vampire intrigues me, from the physicality, the abhorence, the lore, the murders. To Vampire art, literature and media.

The fact and fiction, the different accounts, peoples views of them. Their evolution, their history their sexuality and romance, their brutality and vengeance. How they have gripped and mesmerised people of all races throughout time.

So here i will let my obsession boil over, and write down whatever it is that intrigues me at the time of writing it. To have a little bit of everything about the vampire written down, from their history, folklore and witness accounts. To the Vampire in religion, science, literature, media and art. Also the modern day vampire killers, serial killers, murderers et al. And anything else that strikes my fancy!

Vampire myths go back thousands of years and occur in almost every culture. The myths differ in every part of the world as does the description and name. From red eyed monsters with green or pink hair in China to the Greek Lamia which has the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a winged serpent, from vampire foxes in Japan to a head with trailing entrails known as the Penanggalang in Malaysia. But the vampire we know today although tainted and mutated by movies and fiction is largely Eastern European.

Many things we associate with the Vampire today are relatively new concepts, such as the romanticism, as well as the long black capes and tall collars and the tranforming into bats. But we still retain some of the details from the Eastern European mythos such as blood drinking, returning from the dead, prowling at night preying upon the living etc.

But the details such as placing poppy seeds at the corner of the grave to keep the vampire occupied counting seeds all night (as seen in an episode of The X-Files:) instead of killing relatives has all but vanished from modern day myth.

Even among the European myths there are a variety of vampires, which can be seen in movies, the difference in appearance, different ways of being killed even different names.



In Romania the Vampire is called Strigoi based on the Roman term strix for screech owl which also came to mean demon or witch.

There are different types of strigoi: strigoi vii are live witches who will become vampires after death. They can send out their soul at night to meet with other witches or with Strigoi mort who are dead vampires. The strigoi mort are the reanimated bodies which return to suck the blood of family, livestock, and neighbours.

The Vircolac which is sometimes mentioned in folklore was more closely related to a mythological wolf that could devour the sun and moon and later became connected with werewolves rather than vampires. The person afflicted with lycanthropy could turn into a dog, pig, or wolf.

The vampire was usually first noticed when it attacked family and livestock, or threw things around in the house. Vampires, along with witches, were believed to be most active on the Eve of St George's Day (April 22 - I was born on St. Georges day!), the night when all forms of evil were supposed to be abroad. St Georges Day is still celebrated in Europe.

A vampire in the grave could be told by holes in the earth, an undecomposed corpse with a red face, or having one foot in the corner of the coffin. Living vampires were found by distributing garlic in church and seeing who didn't eat it.

Graves were often opened three years after death of a child, five years after the death of a young person, or seven years after the death of an adult to check for vampirism.

To destroy a vampire, a stake was driven through the body followed by decapitation and placing garlic in the mouth. By the 19th century people were shooting a bullet through the coffin. For resistant cases, the body was dismembered and the pieces burned, mixed with water, and given to family members as a cure.

The Mercy Brown Vampire Incident.

One of the most well documented events of where a corpse is dug up to perform rituals.

In 1892, when tuberculosis, at the time called consumption, wasn't understood and was subject to urban myth. Several members of the Brown family who lived at Rhode Island contracted the disease. The mother and eldest daughter both died from tuberculosis and left the Brown son Edwin ill.

Three years later in 1891 another daughter, Mercy also died from the disease. People believed that one of the dead family members was a Vampire and was keeping Edwin ill.

So they dug up the bodies of the mother and the first daughter to find both in late stages of decomposition. They then dug up the grave of Mercy 2 months dead to find that she had not started decomposing, and that there was blood still in the heart, they believed that this meant she was undead and the cause of Edwins condition.

Mercy's heart was removed from her body, burnt, and the remnants mixed with water and given to the sick Edwin to drink. Shockingly... this didn't relieve Edwin of the sickness and he died two months later.

The first recorded documentation of the Vampire was in 1047AD. A Priest writing about Novgorodian Prince Vladimir Yaroslavovich writes that his name is "Upir' Likhyi " (Упирь Лихый), which would mean something like "Wicked Vampire" or "Foul Vampire."


Catalepsy is a disorder of the nervous system that causes a form of suspended animation. It causes a loss of voluntary motion, a rigidity to the muscles, as well as decreased sensitivity to pain and heat. A person suffering from catalepsy can see and hear cannot move. Their breathing, pulse, and other regulatory functions are slowed to the extent that to an untrained eye, it would seem as though they were deceased. This condidtion can last from minutes to days. Before 20th century medicine came along, there were few diagnostic tests that could be done on a body to ensure it was in fact dead, and so it is possible and even likely that persons suffering from catalepsy could have been declared dead prematurely. Embalming a corpse before burial is also a 20th century idea, so it's very possible that these bodies were declared dead and buried while the person still lived. Upon recovering from their catalyptic state, the person would try to dig their way to the surface. Many myths may have arisen from this single condition alone.

Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org





Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)

23:36 Sep 20 2007
Times Read: 1,063

Movies: Obsession #9

I'm getting ready for the new installment of Resident Evil, i loved the last two especially the second. Gotta love Nemesis!

I've been really looking forward to this for sometime...even though Ashanti is in it...

I think Milla Jovovich is a great actress she did an awesome job in Fifth Element alongside Bruce Willis and Gary Oldman no less. So great infact that i will forgive her for Ultraviolet.

The third and final installment of the $100 million RESIDENT EVIL hits, RESIDENT EVIL: EXTINCTION is again based on the wildly popular video game series and picks up where the last film left off. Alice (MILLA JOVOVICH), now in hiding in the Nevada desert, once again joins forces with Carlos Olivera (ODED FEHR) and L.J. (Mike Epps), along with new survivors Claire (Ali Larter), K-Mart (Spencer Locke ) and Nurse Betty (Ashanti) to try to eliminate the deadly virus that threatens to make every human being undead…and to seek justice. Since being captured by the Umbrella Corporation, Alice has been subjected to biogenic experimentation and becomes genetically altered, with super-human strengths, senses and dexterity. These skills, and more, will be needed if anyone is to remain alive.

The Widget:

For those that don't know it will be released in the UK on the 12th of October and the jammy yanks get it released on the 21st of September :(




Movies Announced

10:26 Sep 20 2007
Times Read: 1,075

Movies: Obsession #9

The Evil Dead (2008)

Five friends (Ash, Cheryl, Scotty, Shelly and Linda) All decide to spend a nice, quiet weekend at a cabin out in the woods. When they get there, they discover a book made out of flesh and inked in blood. They also find a tape recorder, with a strange man's voice on it. When they play the tape, it begins with the man translating what is written in the strange book. The translation awakens evil demons which have been resting in the woods, and now, they are ready to attack the people that have awakened them from their slumber

The Grudge 3 (2008)

Every curse has a beginning. Every beginning has an end.

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (2008)

All of the original cast have returned for the sequel.

Hellboy and gang are on a mission to stop the prince of the woodland ghouls, who is hell-bent on retrieving three pieces of a key that will allow him to unlock the might of the Golden Army, a fighting force of invincible metallic soldiers. With two of the pieces already in hand, he must obtain the last from his sister. To divert a war, Hellboy and his troupe must protect the princess, but things get complicated when Abe falls in love with her.

The De2cent (2009)

The sequel, no official plot yet.


No official plot yet.

Boogeyman 2 (2008) (Oh Christ! WHY!?!)

The script centers on a young woman with a long-term phobia of the bogeyman, who voluntarily checks herself into a mental health facility with the hope of conquering her overwhelming fears. However, much to her horror, she discovers that some things are terrifying on purpose, and confronting her demons was not the best course of action.

Bubba Nosferatu and the Curse of the She-Vampires (2009)

No official plot yet, but it's said the King will be in his 30s as he dabbles in the world of black magic and voodoo.

Castlevania (2009)

The film will focus on the origins of Dracula and the uprising of the Belmont Clan -- a vampire-slaying family who become humanity's last hope.


Follows a woman's survival from bloodthirsty vamps behind the scenes of a televeision news broadcast called "The Hour".

Hilary Swank is already attached to this project.

Lost Boys 2: The Tribe (2008)

The film takes place in the shady surf city of Luna Bay, California, where vampires quickly dispatch anyone who crosses their path. Into this dark world arrive Chris Emerson and his younger sister, Nicole. Having just lost their parents in a car accident, the siblings move in with their eccentric Aunt Jillian and become new prey for the locals’ way of life. When Nicole unwittingly falls for a local vampire, Chris must locate and destroy the gang’s lifeline before his sister’s transformation is complete; to do this Chris finds himself relying on the expertise of none other than Edgar Frog.

The Wolf Man (2008)

A man returns from the U.S. to his ancestral home in Victorian-era Great Britain, gets bitten by a werewolf and does what any other normal werewolf does.

Dog Soliders: Fresh Meat (2008)

Pvt. Laurence Cooper (survivor of first film) is picked up by a team of American soldiers who are on maneuvers. Cooper's story of werewolves in the woods is met with skepticism until the soldiers return to the now-destroyed farmhouse and discover evidence that something strange indeed went on. They discover a soldier from Capt. Ryan's special ops team (who were mentioned in the first film, but never seen), who explains that his company was also slaughtered by werewolves and have become the werewolves in this film.

Mother of Tears: The Third Mother (2008)

The film is said to be about an American art student, who unwittingly unleashes a plague of witches in Rome by opening an ancient urn.




30 Days of Night (2007)

09:56 Sep 20 2007
Times Read: 1,078

Movies: Obsession #9

Vampires: Obsession #3

I've been waiting for this movie release since early last year when i heard about it. I was...am a big fan of the comics, mostly because of the illustrator who is one of my all time favourites Ben Templesmith, not to say that the story isn't good Steve Niles is one of the greatest contemporary horror writers of our time.

Templesmith and Niles make an amazing team and have worked on several projects together...ANYWAY

On with the film, which is of course based on the comic book mini series. It stars Josh Hartnett (mmmh!) and Melissa George who i remember watching on Alias, so i know she can act at least...

Heres the plot outline ripped from Wiki:

"In sleepy, secluded Barrow, Alaska, the sun sets and doesn't rise for over thirty consecutive days and nights. From the darkness, across the frozen wasteland, an evil will come that will bring the residents of Barrow to their knees. The only hope for the town is the Sheriff (Josh Hartnett) and Deputy (Melissa George), a husband and wife who are torn between their own survival and saving the town they love."

And there are some choice names attached:

David Slade of Hard Candy fame directed. Sam Raimi (Spiderman Trilogy, The Grudge Trilogy, Evil Dead II & III) produced along side his long time co-producer Robert Tapert. Stuart Beattie (The Messengers, Derailed) wrote the screenplay. And of course Starring the very delectable Josh Hartnett, the very australian Melissa George, X-3's Ben Foster and Manu Bennett from The Marine.

Teaser Trailer:

Sounds and looks like a nice little vamp film, with a good line up on and off camera, if it stays true to the comics and has that Templesmith vision i will be a happy bunny!!1

The UK gets a release date of 2 November 2007, the US gets it on October 19, 2007.




Top Ten At The Moment

11:14 Sep 19 2007
Times Read: 1,106

Beauty: Obsession #4


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#10 Zhang Ziyi

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#9 Bridget Moynahan

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#8 Famke Janssen

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#7 Keira Knightley

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#6 Monica Bellucci

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#5 Kate Beckinsale

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#4 Hilary Swank

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#3 Natassia Malthe

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#2 Jolene Blalock

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#1 Mariska Hargitay


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#10 Usher

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#9 Connor Trinneer

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#8 Marcus Schenkenberg

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#7 Michael Pitt

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#6 Travis Fimmel

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#5 Johnny Depp

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#4 Ian Somerhalder

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#3 Christian Bale

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#2 Josh Hartnett

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

#1 Tom Welling



18:04 Jul 28 2008

nonono, you need to place Mr.Bale on the first place, while number 2 being replaced by Mr.Depp, placing Arnie on number 3 position, the left overs 4 to 10, go in to the recycle bin.

You just cant allow your self this current state of mistake. It is against ones survival system.


Halloween (2007)

10:09 Sep 19 2007
Times Read: 1,110

Movies: Obsession #9

28 September 2007 (UK)

Evil Has A Destiny

This ones a prequel, well more of a retelling, from the mind of Rob Zombie who not only directed but wrote the screenplay (originally written by John Carpenter) for Michaels New outing.

Here we go:

On Halloween 1963, Haddenfield, 10-year-old Michael Myers (Daeg Farch), estranged and mentally unstable, is imprisoned in Smith's Grove Sanitarium under the care of Dr. Sam Loomis (Malcolm McDowell) for the murders of his mother's (Sheri Moon) boyfriend, his older sister, and her boyfriend. Now, 16 years later, he escapes and now in search of his baby sister Laurie (Scout Taylor-Compton) and Dr. Loomis must warn the residents of Haddenfield and get to Laurie before Michael does.

It has to be good, its a ROb Zomibe film!

So you can expect lots of twisted gruesomeness from the guy who gave us House of a 1000 Corpses and The Devils Rejects.




BloodRayne II: Deliverance (2007)

08:27 Sep 19 2007
Times Read: 1,113

Movies: Obsession #9

Vampires: Obsession #3

Natassia Malthe: Obsession #48

So...somebody somewhere allowed Uwe Boll to make another film....huh!

BloodRayne II: Deliverance.

Kristiana Loken doesn't reprise her role as Rayne because of (cop-out) her commitment on Painkiller Jane her new TV Series and her 10 episode stint on The L-Word.

Boo-hoo? No no my friends because...Rayne is played by the bloody gorgeous Natassia Malthe(Typhoid Mary,Elektra & Ayane, DOA):

Ooh! Yes please!!!

Okay so whats this one about then?

Set in the Wild West, our little Dhampir(half-human/half-vampire warrior) Rayne has arrived in the town of Deliverance, Montana where a group of vampire cowboys have emerged. Led by Billy the Kid, hell-bent on creating his own kingdom, he slaughters townspeople and rounds up children. He spares the life of Chicago Chronicle reported Newton Pyles. Rayne aligns herself with Pat Garret, a member of the long-thought-dead Brimstone society, a dishonest preacher, and a low life named Franson, to stop Billy the Kid and show the world how the West was really won

Teaser Trailer

Sounds crap? what do you expect from the director of Alone in the Dark and soon...Alone in the Dark 2

Jeebus save us!!

Still going to watch it though, purely for the Malthe!




Natassia Malthe

01:15 Sep 19 2007
Times Read: 1,120

Natassia Maltle: Obsession #48

One of my favourite ladies, i first noticed her in ELEKTRA playing Typhoid Mary. Soon after i read that she would be playing my favourite DOA character AYANE in the upcoming film...DOA!

I took that as a sign and the obsession began.

So far she has played a Vampire (Quintana, BLOODSUCKERS) a Dhampir (Rayne, BLOODRAYNE II: DELIVERANCE), a Zombie(Dr. Boyce, DEAD AND DEADER) and a Werewolf (Sonja, SKINWALKERS)!! Which isn't bad going.

Ripped from IMDB

Date of Birth

19 January 1974, Oslo, Norway

Birth Name

Linn Natassia Malthe


5' 5" (1.65 m)

Mini Biography

Her mother is a retired nurse and her father is a teacher. She grew up In Scotland, Norway, and Canada. She grew up dancing in schools such as the Royal Winnepeg Ballet, and the Norwegian Opera house and the Goh ballet academy. She also used to perform with the state Norwegian opera school, where she sang and danced with the opera students between dancing with the Norwegian opera house and finishing up her high school. Later she moved to London, England to study musical theater. From there she went to Canada and landed her first part on television.


Is a professional model.

Half-Norwegian, half-Filipino.

She's the younger of the two daughters of Harald Malthe, a lawyer; and Phin Malthe, a doctor. Her only sister is Kristin Malthe, who is also a Giordano girl.

Ranked #53 in Maxim's "100 Sexiest Women" (2003)

Named #74 on the Maxim magazine "Hot 100 of 2005" list.

Some Movies Shes Been In

BloodRayne II: Deliverance (2007) .... Rayne

"Fallen" .... Gadreel (2 episodes, 2007)

- Mysterious Ways and All That (2007) TV Episode .... Gadreel

- The Time of the Redeemer (2007) TV Episode .... Gadreel

Dead & Deader (2006) (TV) .... Dr. Boyce

DOA: Dead or Alive (2006) .... Ayane

Skinwalkers (2006) .... Sonja

Bloodsuckers (2005) (TV) .... Quintana

Belle dame sans merci, La (2005) .... The Lady

Elektra (2005) .... Typhoid



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