innocentprncss's Journal

innocentprncss's Journal


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8 entries this month

looking to explore dominance and submission

06:43 Jun 25 2007
Times Read: 655

now before I have pervs running to answer my call...I am pretty sure that I have my master as we have chosen each other....but this is new to me yet I am drawn to it...I am drawn more to the submission though even though I tend to be more dominant in my day to day life. the master who I have chosen and that has chosen me is also interested in me being is mistress....since I have a dual nature I find this arrangement to be attractive to me....the sooner I can get him closer to me so we can begin our exploring the better lol...much love to you Synn....kisses and huggs




with surgery comes complications....

19:31 Jun 22 2007
Times Read: 672

I had my surgery on June 15th and it went well. That day and the couple days after it I felt fine and had minimal pain so I went back to work on Tues. I guess that I went back to work too soon because I had to go back to the dr with more pain and bleeding. She said I went back too soon most likely and I was told not to work today and rest all weekend and maybe go back monday. Its really hard for me to just rest and do nothing but I am trying.




first attempt to be an acolyte

07:39 Jun 17 2007
Times Read: 700

I decided to take my first swing at the acolyte test and missed it by 2...damn my luck....oh well...I will try again when I am allowed and read up more til then




I got the confirmation I needed...here is the entry about me by a sweet guy.... WastedLife

19:51 Jun 12 2007
Times Read: 717

Happy thoughts

12:14:22 - Jun 11 2007

Times Read: 9

So a friend of mine said that I should write something happy. I thought it over and have looked at my life. Let's see, I work a lot, I live alone, and I don't really get out much. Hard to think of what to write about huh? So after some thinking, I decided to write something about her. Here goes.

Her eyes pierce through me like the sun through the clouds. Warming my body with a heat I can taste. I know I shouldn't have these thoughts, but I can almost feel her next to me when I sleep. As if she is the very essence of my dreams. My thoughts spin around minute after minute. Never knowing how I could be so lucky, like a fool in Vegas taking home the jackpot. I race to collect the stars, in hopes that I'll have a chance to give them to her. A simple hello, a sorrowful goodbye. Yet I still hold on to this dream. Could she ever see that she's touched my soul?




Could he be any sweeter??!!

20:07 Jun 11 2007
Times Read: 729

I have a friend I sat and talked to for quite a while last night....he is a real sweetheart and we really enjoyed each others company....so I was going through my fave journals list where his journal is located among many others and was reading new entries. I came to his and saw there was new entries so I figured I would take a peek at what was new in there. I looked at his personality quiz and there was something else new in another section....so I went there next. What I found there melted my heart.....I still have to confirm it was written about me but I am pretty sure that it was because at the beginning of the entry it talks about journaling some happy thoughts...and it WAS me that mentioned him journaling about something happy last night....after I have confirmed that it WAS indeed about me....I will ask if he minds if I enclose it in mine too for my friends to see and as just a memory for myself...but let me just say this...I am aglow at what he wrote




Just a writing day I guess

19:10 Jun 10 2007
Times Read: 745

Today is so quiet and calm around here...it just felt like a writing day. I am sitting home alone right now til my kids get home in 2-3 hours. Went with Mike to a fair yesterday and we spent way too much on those bulldozer machines lol but I got a cool eagle statue out of our effort and we won my kids some stuffed animals in skee ball lol...we ate some fattening fair food and came home to find that our neighbors shower upstairs was leaking through the floor and into our ceiling downstairs....we were VERY excited about that....OR NOT lol I am thinking that I will be doing some more container gardening today since I have seedlings that need to be moved...nothing like getting my hands full of soil to make you feel closer to the Earth. Hopefully they all take and start blooming...its fun to wait and watch. well....I guess thats all for now...at least in this section lol




I am now a Savage!! YAY!

05:22 Jun 06 2007
Times Read: 776

I know this is sorta silly and of very little importance but I am excited because I have found that reaching new levels once you get high enough is really tough so yay to making it to Savage!





21:00 Jun 03 2007
Times Read: 791

Alright...I think I need to have this discussion about my name that I have chosen to use here....I get asked about it alot AND I also get my share of pervs asking if they can "take my innocence" or asking me "how innocent are you?" So without further ado....my name "innocentprncss" is the same name that I have been using since I was 15 years old. When I was 15 I chose this name because it was meant to be a spoof on what the world at large thought of me. I was viewed to be the scholarly, intelligent, non trouble maker. No one thought that anything was my fault because "she would never do anything like that". So needless to say I got away with alot and no one was any the wiser....so when you see my name....realize it is all tongue in cheek and not meant to be taken literally....aside from the small portion of me that likes my dominance and doesnt mind being treated like royalty if I am so lucky *wink*



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