Created for WallFlower's Alliance, The Mire. I didn't like it much when I created it, but now I love this Crest. It reminds me of Jack the Ripper, Victorian England.
There are days when I just really miss the "good old days" around here. Such as, 5s. I miss playing 5s against GD, and usually losing those games. I miss the old Lux, back when Yendor was running things, not that it's not as awesome now as it was back then. I miss the feeling I had when I was first inducted by him, wanting to be part of the "aces" that Ade always talked about. I miss the original Les Enfants, the first time I talked to D, trying to prove that I was worthy, what I had to do to be traded to them. I miss Celestial Wisdom. Getting my first taste of being an admin in a Coven. I miss Mystique and how she considered me a daughter. I miss the Coven of the Dragon. Yeah, I know, a lot of them fucked up majorly, some members seemed to be nothing but liars, but, I miss how much fun I had with them in the Forum, creating the graphics for them. I miss Monomancy. Not so much the end of it, but the beginning of the Coven. I miss being part of the new Les Enfants. That Coven is so full of highly intelligent and well spoken individuals. There is really no better CM than D and ACM than GalFriday. I never thought I'd say this one, considering how I feel about the forum, but I really miss being a Dominar. I know I gave up the position, but, sometimes I miss having a real reason to interact with everyone in the main forum.
Looking back on things, there's a lot I miss, a lot that I wish I could go back to.
14:50 Oct 10 2010
It's such an awesome crest! You're talented. :)