It seems that this is the place that I come whenever I am dead. Not dead literally I guess, but dead inside. I try some witty banter and somehow get my life in order again. However now I don't want to. I don't care. I know I should care. I know I should be plenty motivated to do what I have to do, but I can't. I just can't do anything. I have school assignments to do, but all I do is sit in a dark room lit only by the computer monitor and stare off into the dark. I watch the ants eat my desert and I don't care. I watch my future die and I don't care. I write here and I don't care. I should care. I have things to care about, but I can't even get the motivation to get up and get a beer. I am not drunk. I know a drunken stupor and this is not it. I don't even know or care why I am here typing this. Well what little motivation I had when I started typing is gone. Maybe I will just lose the motivation to live and just quit. Bye for now.