Wow! Entry #2 for the month of May. Perhaps I might pass on a bit of wisdom boys and girls that I have only recently realized to be very very true. Cellphones and Swimming Pools are not a good combination. The offside of that is that the wireless phone companies are evil vile beings. Normally I would not mind, but when they use that vileness to screw me over then I tend to take offense. These companies probably eat puppies for breakfast and sexually assault kittens for fun. Sorry...., well not really, but these companies are almost as bad as the oil and gasoline companies. They take a product or service which has become essential to life and instead of charging a reasonable price and making a profit they stick it to us by charging outrageous prices. It is a conspiracy you know? It is all designed to keep the rich people rich and the poor people poor. Think about it---the oil tycoons don't care how much a gallon of gas costs because most of it will make it right back into their pocket. They only want to make sure that they are the only people who can afford to live a good life.......they are despots and dictators. And like ceasar....they must die!!!! Again just a bit of sour grapes. I heard a news broadcast saying that the oil companies have every right to charge whatever they want for gas because we have every right not to buy their product....come on!!!!!! How dense are these people......I for one can't walk to work and the only store within walking distance to my home is a liquor store. Hey maybe I should be a good sheep and step right up to the slaughter house door and beg for entry? Gas especially is not a luxury these days it is a neccessity for life. I challenge these rich ass dictators to go without using gas for a motorcycles.....and let's see if they can carry on their rich spoiled lives? Well enough ranting for now.....I must go. This has already turned into something longer than I expected it to.
I have noticed that I have only made one entry for the entire month of April. Is this because I am growing bored? Is this because I have nothing to say? Is this because I am running screaming in terror from the light invading my darkness? Probably a bit of all of the above. I can imagine that my millions of non-existent fans are clapping their hands in delight at this new entry, but in reality I have never promised to be exicting, witty, and engaging. I am just one more dark soul trying and failing to stay afloat in the cesspool of humanity. I will continue to battle; for that is existence and there is no escaping existence----not even in death. Well I will try to get in here just a little more often for though I can not figure out why-----it does seem as if someone actually reads this. Until then join the International Society for the Preservation of Darkness!!!!!