I guess it is time to write something here once again......
Not sure what to write today.....
I could apologize for not writing in a while, but no one reads this babbling nonsence anyway.....
I could just say fuck you and shut down my computer and throw it over a bridge; but I can't afford to replace it and I don't think that there is really anyone out there to care even if I did say fuck you.......
I could just sit here and type nonsense and drink and drink and drink- oh wait that is what I am doing.......
Really though it is not just a little bit funny how everyone, including myself, writes here trying to be witty and funny and intelligent--yet never reveal who we are? Perhaps we are nothing underneath all the bullshit......I'm not, but i fake it pretty well don't I?
Once again I have been absent way too long. What is the point of existence? We live, we breathe, we love(if we are lucky), we grow old, and we die.
Dreams? What and why are they? Even the good and interesting ones only torment and tease you. Providing glimpses of a life impossible to obtain or achieve. Are they nothing more than Hell on Earth? Or are they rather like a drug. Providing a way to experience things that we can't or won't experience in the waking world? Luring us giving us both everything that we want and everything that we fear and despice with the only catch being that we always have to wake up. Wake up we do....always wanting more and more and more until one day we wish that we could just stay in that world as fucked up as it is. It could be that I am just so mundane and boring that the unstable insanity of the dream world is just more pleasing to me than the real one.
Well...I guess I should go get measured for a straight jacket. Until Later