iamtheoneyoufear's Journal


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3 entries this month


12:14 Jun 24 2006
Times Read: 559

Here I am yet again.......up to no good, but honestly up to no bad either. It is a time in my life for laziness and gluttony.....not really just sounded good.

Just the other day I gave in to peer pressure....I let my co-workers (really just fellow slaves to the corparate entity/diety). For a lark I persuaded myself to be convinced to portray a character from a movie.......a really bad idea; but hey I had not had any alcohol in a few days and so was not in my right mind. The entire idea was to get the whole team at work to decorate our workspace and to dress up with a common theme......yeah right!!!!!! Well the big day came and I am the only one that bothered to dress up.....again a very big breech of protocal. So here I am looking pretty good, I think anyway, and everyone else just looks normal. Really the outfit was not that bad......at least it shocked people out of their work induced comas for a few seconds. Really I don't know what the problem was as I should have known it would just be another case of set them up and knock them down. To top it off several other people---not on my team---tried to rip off my idea...though they sucked. They got the kudos and all I got was a very uncomfortable ten hours on the phone with people I would much rather see under the wheels of a mack truck doing 60. Well there you have it folks.....don't ever try to fit in......don't ever try to get ahead......for like a dog on a leash they will just jerk you back over and over again until you learn to heel just like a good little doggie.

Just a quick aside.....want to know what really goes on in my insane little world?........here is a hint......Pop-ups suck.....if another damned pop-up shows it's hideous face while I am trying to get this out.....I am going to get my shotgun and put a hole in my computer screen!!!!!!! Not really.....can't afford to replace it.

One last thought boys and girls.....

"Sit Ubu Sit"

Once again you have been privileged to experience an IAmTheOneYouFear Production.





09:33 Jun 22 2006
Times Read: 564

Okay, here I am two days in a row----what a record lately! Maybe I am getting into the swing of things again......or maybe not. Not that anyone really reads this anyway.

Today I am talking on the phone and find myself just wishing for magickal powers or even some of the supernatural kind. This lady on the other end of the line is so.........I don't even think that there is a word mean, nasty, dirty enough for this woman (I use that term loosely). I work customer service for a large corporation and it seems that just because someone has money they are expected to just give it away. A full 90% of my calls per day are "give me this and give me that" or "you will do this and you will do that". Get real people if I rolled over and played dead for every sorry sack out there that told me to the company that I work for would most likely cease to exist. It is a business people.....we give nothing away!!!! It is all spelled out in the customer agreement which no one ever bothers to read, but most think they know everything in it. You can't sue.....because by accepting the service you have agreed not to. Our prices can change at any time for any reason and you just have to deal with it. There is an early cancelation fee and we don't have to waive it in any circumstance. Do not get the wrong idea.....I am not an asshole on the phone....I would get fired if I were, but realize that when you call into a customer service agent for any service that they have probably been there all day long listening to people bitch and moan because they don't bother to see what they are getting themselves into.....just show us a little kindness and respect and I garantee that it will go a long way towards getting what you want and or need. I can personally say that if you call into me and start telling me what I am going and am not going to do then I am going to do everything in my power to do just the oppossite of what you want me to. I have given more to people that don't deserve it because they were not yelling and screaming at me. I have also done nothing for people that deserved a lot more because they were yelling and screaming at me. Think about it people the old adage about vinegar and honey is still true today.

Ok I have ranted and raved long enough tonight....later all.





10:03 Jun 21 2006
Times Read: 566

Way to early in the morning.....

I am trying to find something to rant and rave about. Something about which I can express anger, scorn, disdain, and the like. I am coming up empty. I can not even begin to believe that I am happy or content so it must be that I am exhausted. Maybe I should rant against the job that kills me a little tiny bit at a time.....until I am nothing more than a distant memory....a ghost that sits at a desk among several hundred other ghosts that sit at their desks....never making an impression....never making a difference. Have you ever wondered why people go "postal"? Might it be bacause no one notices them....no one cares.....that every one is so wrapped up in their own private hell. It could be....I guess; but then I guess I might be a prime candidate for going postal......please before you get all good samaritan on me and start refering me to doctors and head shrinkers and faith healers just realize that I would never go "postal" I am just too damn tired. Well since I am so damn tired I am going to go to bed......so that in less than 12 hours times I can again be that ghost sitting at the desk.

Until Later Embrace the darkness, thrive on the fear.......

This has been an IAmTheOneYouFear production.



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