hurtheretic13's Journal

hurtheretic13's Journal


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My First Night...

08:04 May 05 2011
Times Read: 473

I remember walking the shadows in the early darkness of a chilling winter night. My despair gripping my boots to ground, slowing my walk, and draining my mascara down my face. Heated only by my pain and strength but only in my knife clenched hands, I scrapped the surface of my reality for hope... of death. Be it served to me or of my own deliverance I sought it. Thinking on my fucked up life and those that abused, neglected, or just threw me away, I could imagine no better rest after having to lay many days and nights under the icy bridge with no soul willing to take me in, and I succumbed to the darkness within me as I proceeded the tombed alleyways. Everything blurry and my breath no longer a hint in the cold starless night, I scarcely remember giving in to the gravity of my anguish and falling to the brick path. My mind swirling and sinking into the filth beneath me , I closed my eyes seeking the unconsciousness to come. Just as everything began to fade, I was clenched up against a wall my feet hovering and unstable. Long claw like fingers enraptured my neck and I sighed in submission. Barely audible, in the state I was in, in an unknown tongue was an echoing, slithering, growling, yet almost cooing voice that brought a whisper of a smile upon my face. My eyes fluttered open though the shadows still hid this divine creature's identity from me. Lowered to my daft feet the creature released one hand from my throat to grip my head by my black hair and begin to devour my face. Seemingly he was just as taken aback by my arousal as was I. Feeling the sudden release of consciousness, I remember nothing from then till I awakened in a very strange place. Not particularly unpleasant, though without decorative purpose, this room held seemingly only myself and minimal covered and clustered furniture besides the bed I awoken upon. The room was seemingly irrelevant enough, so I took a moment to inventory my ailments, bruises, cuts and discomforts in an old spider webbed broken mirror on a pivoting stand. The reflection confirmed the manic kiss I received also the expected bruising around my neck and cuts upon my hands knees and forehead. Aside from all the obvious was a very gashed and gnawed area on the inside of my upper left thigh that brought a "WHAT THE FUCK?" across my swollen tender lips that cracked and bled in the utterance. The rush of the red iron liquid across my tongue brought a sudden pain of hunger that I had never experienced before that night along with untempered lust that hinged upon fury. I was warm, too warm, but out of the elements yet still alone. Why had the the creature from the night before gone and abandoned me ...alive? I remained in that room not wanting to leave upon chance it would return. I doubted I had the strength to go very far, alas I was famished beyond possible satisfaction and without my clothes or boots there I waited in the heavily draped solitaire room for three solid days that fermented an eternity within me! I was yet again the abandoned and left that evening in the shadows draped in the storage cloth, a lone shining figure in the night unaware of my location yet knowing somehow where to go despite the unfamiliarity.... A kind older lady pulled up to me in her modest vehicle and dropped me at the local ER. After much snooping around on the late night shift I acquired clothing and shoes from other patients rooms and found the date and location from a news paper in the lobby and slipped away into the night. Resoundingly pissed at the situation. I am good enough to be feasted upon though no more? I have to even find my own way back home? That fucker! So hungry, so horny, DAMN IT- RRRAAH! Needless to say after much walking and hitch hiking I made it back to town -in 19 hours (I walked 7 and a half of it.)! I made an immediate police report to gain free shelter at a safe house. Good enough people to help me find work at a metal plant on third shift taking me to and from. I now have a boarding room where I hatefully share a bathroom with 7 other unkempt patrons and walk to work stalking the night for that abandoning creature both for spite and lust, and feast upon the things that scurry. It has been six months now and I have yet to find him, though I feel him watching me... always. Sin_Cerely Serenity



06:06 May 06 2011

Very intriguing story. I can't wait to

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