13:42 Aug 27 2013
Times Read: 1,494
you survive a shootout at a shopping centre, a bridge collapse, plane crash, or a cyclone, bushfire or tsunami?
If it's coming to kill you, you can survive. It takes confidence, preparation and some other things called combat breathing and the "Rule of 3".
That's the message from former US Navy Seal, Cade Courtley, who created "10 Ways to Think and Act Like a SEAL - And Survive".
And while Courtley, who spent nine years on active duty leading high-risk operations, gives advice specific to each catastrophe, he says the key is mostly mental attitude.
"Survival is all based on priorities," he said. "What you need to do is [figure out] what is the first thing that can kill me in this situation, and assess from there."
Courtley, who did further tours as a contracted security adviser in Iraq and Afghanistan, lists practical tips on his website each day for ordinary people who find themselves in disaster situations.
Sinking ship
Any time you are on a ship know where the life jackets are, your closest life raft, and at least two exits preferably in opposite directions. Courtley says if you have to enter the water, "try to find a clear location below but never dive. Place your feet and knees together, cross your arms over your chest, and tuck your chin. If there is debris underwater this will reduce you risk of injury".
Airplane crash
When flying always wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts made of less flammable material. Avoid wearing sandals, open-toed shoes, or high heels. All of this will help you should you need to climb through burning wreckage. And LIFE BEFORE PROPERTY. Never delay an escape by trying to retrieve personal affects such as a laptop.
Bridge collapse
If your car goes off a bridge into the water, Courtley has a way to escape the nightmare of a submerged vehicle: "immediately remove seatbelt and attempt to roll down window and crawl out," he says on his website. "If window will not roll down, attempt to break one of the SIDE windows with an object or your foot. If you are unable to break a window, remain calm and wait until the water level is almost full within the vehicle. This will allow you to open the door (which I fully understand is easier said than done)."
Devastation after bombing in shopping centre.
Devastation after bombing in shopping centre. Source: News Limited
If you are in the vicinity of a bomb, and have the time - hit the ground, lay flat on your stomach, cover your head with you fingers interlaced behind your heads, cross your legs, and keep you mouth open to avoid lungs and eardrums from being blown out by the concussion.
Roll a fire extinguisher towards a shooter. Picture: Thinkstock
Roll a fire extinguisher towards a shooter. Picture: Thinkstock Source: Supplied
Active Shooter
Firstly, Courtley says, when you are in a large public place like a shopping mall, understand that you are surrounded by strangers. This is the time to put your phone away and keep your head on a swivel - use "situational awareness". "If there is a shooter, a fire extinguisher can be activated, rolled toward the shooter, and create an excellent smoke screen thus allowing for your potential escape from the vicinity," he said.
Hazmat team members clean up after a chemical attack.
Hazmat team members clean up after a chemical attack. Source: Supplied
Biochemical attack
The warning signs, according to Courtley, are surfaces covered with an oily substance, large number of birds, fish, small animals suddenly found dead, odd or foul smelling odour, presence of vapour or unusually low-lying clouds. If you are forced to move indoors and "shelter in" - get to an interior room on a high floor, and ensure all windows are closed and sealed tightly with the use of tape. Courtley says it is vital to "begin the decontamination process immediately by removing all clothes down and away from your face. Wash with soapy water being careful not to scrub abrasively. If water is not available, talcum powder or even flour can be used."
Here are Courtley's 10 ways to think and act like a Seal and survive, as told to ABC News:
1. Early Preparation
"Survival is all about preparation," he said. "You start in your mind, start getting mentally tougher. You start rehearsing mentally situations you might find yourself in, so that when you find yourself in that situation, you're able to deal with it."
2. Practice "battle proofing"
Both mentally and physically rehearsing for a dangerous situation is what the military calls "battle proofing". "Imagine closing your eyes and getting your seatbelt on and off, or closing your eyes and rolling your window up and down," he said. "If you do it enough times you can do it without even looking down. It just happens."
3. Confidence is Key
"If you feel like you know how to handle a situation, whether it be a boss at work who is a pain in the butt or now I'm upside down in a car and water's coming in, if you feel confident, this thing is going work a lot better," Courtley said.
4. Practice "Combat Breathing'
"You breathe in for four seconds, you breathe out for four seconds, and it's something as simple as that," he said. "Not only are you getting oxygen but you're giving this thing a chance to like, okay, bring it down. I use combat breathing when I'm driving and I get cut off."
5. Have a Will to Live
If you find yourself in a dire situation, it helps to focus on something to motivate you to live. "Create a trigger. What is the most important thing in your life? It could be a family member. I want to see my son tonight. I'm going do whatever it takes, whether it's crawling out of a burning car, fighting a guy twice your size in a back alley, you flip that trigger."
Former US Navy Seal Cade Courtley learnt his survival tips on active duty. Picture:
Former US Navy Seal Cade Courtley learnt his survival tips on active duty. Picture: Source: Supplied
"Rule of 3"
"You think of three options that you will have to get out of that situation … option 1, option 2, option 3. Do a quick pro and con of those three, and then just pick one and go with it."
7. Do Something
The worst thing you can do is nothing at all, and don't wait for someone to come and rescue you. "You can't wait for somebody to help you out. You can't expect somebody will be there to assist."
8. Don't Be Paranoid
"I would never preach being hyper-vigilant, being paranoid, because that's no way to live," Courtley said. "That goes back to the confidence of knowing, 'OK, I'm ready, I've thought about it, I prepared for it, now I'm going to live my life because I know if this happens, I will know how to handle it.'"
9. Have a Survival "go bag" in the Car
Have a "go bag" in your vehicle. Items can include a water filtration system, a multi-tool, water resistant pouches for documents and electronics, three days worth of prescriptions, first aid items and a poncho.
10. What If You're in the Car During a Disaster?
"Do you abandon the vehicle or stay put?" Courtley said. "It depends on the situation. What is the first thing that's going to kill you?" In an avalanche, the best thing to do is stay in the car, but if the car is on fire, then you will want to get out as fast as possible.
04:46 Aug 23 2013
Times Read: 1,520
Don't hold on to life too tightly.
You never know what the day might hold. Each moment is passing. Savour the moment to the fullest, then let it go. Recognise the impermanence of all things and as such, embrace and release. Be graceful when you let go. Strive to see the wonder of the moment - no matter what the scenario. It is not yours to understand, but rather, to behold.
2. Don't be afraid.
Fear will suck the life right out of you if you let it. It will rule you. It will ruin you. Rise above it. Do whatever it takes to manage your fear. Most often, giving your fear words will reduce its power. You shine light on fear when you voice it. It can't maintain a grip on you that way. Find someone you can talk to and share your fears. Don't keep them hidden. They grow in the dark.
3. Let your loved ones be; love them anyway.
You aren't always going to understand every choice the people in your life make. You aren't meant to. There's so much freedom in understanding that your loved ones just want to feel connection and worthiness - just like you. Even if you don't understand, agree with or approve of their choices, they still just want to be loved. Let go of the need to control, be right, or understand. Just love. Be love. Embody love. Uphold love. Share love. Love.
4. You be you. Love you anyway.
Don't hold back. Don't be afraid to shine. Even if your instincts are leading you somewhere or to something you've never heard of, imagined or fathomed before. Go there anyway. Cater to your creative whims and desires. Nurture them. Nurture you. Find whatever it is that sparks your soul and own it. Ride it like there is no tomorrow. Life is too short to live any other way.
Alone. Picture: Thinkstock.
Alone. Picture: Thinkstock. Source: Supplied
5. Accept and soften.
Acceptance is the way. It's difficult. Do it anyway. Don't fight. Don't hit. Don't annihilate. Just soften. Can you do that? Can you let yourself not be perfect? Can you understand that you're right where you're supposed to be at this moment? Can you find the gift in it? Give yourself the gift of understanding this truth: You are a magnificent creature of the Universe. Brilliant. Shiny. Bright. Perfectly imperfect. Be kind to yourself and know that everything is exactly as it should be. Soften into that truth.
6. Be humble.
You are not better than others. They are not better than you. Know when to back down and when to bow out. Know when to stand up for your beliefs. Don't be afraid to apologise. Don't be afraid to fight. It's a balance. Feel your way through. What you feel matters. Trust yourself in your humility. Stay connected to your motives and intentions. That's where the wisdom lies.
7. Live passionately.
Live your dream. Go for it. Without apology and with gusto. Laugh loudly. Love strongly. Learn the ability to balance. Relaxation and effort. Passion and ease. Integrity and compassion. Strength and flexibility. Life is yours to savour. Make it so. Don't forget to have fun along the way. Yes, work is brilliant. So is joy. Joy is where your expansion happens. Joy.