I remember one Saturday I went skateboarding with my friend, Noah, and saw this little old lady and what looked like a one year old doberman lab mix. This small innocent dog had on a training collar on. The ones with spikes on the inside, yeah. This lady thought her dog had to pee every 5 seconds so she would yank on the leash, making the spikes dig into the dog's neck. I didn't watch, I couldn't. But I could smell the blood that ran from the open wounds. I went over, with out looking at this poor puppy, and told the lady to stop and let him stop when he wants. Now, me being around 12 years old, the lady just laughed and told me to mind my own business. I looked at Noah and saw him on the phone, he was looking at the streets we were on. There's a police station 4 blocks away from the neighborhood. When the cops came, they took the dog and told the lady she wasn't allowed anymore pets.
One year later, before Christmas, I went to the Humane Society and found the dog sitting in the corner of his cage. I sighed and asked if I could take him home. I bought the dog and gave him to my friend as a present. Jackel is now a happy, healthy dog. The rawness of his neck has healed and he only has a few scars.
Animals need our help. More that 200 animals die a month because of all the stupid people. They can't call out for help, so we need to be their voice, Help a Humane Society in your local area to help save these poor animals.
*This is just for shitz n giggles*
OKie dokie, so I have done this on another site and it was fun ^^. You can adopt me as whatever you want! Hehe. Boys: BEHAVE!! lol