Yesterday me and my bro hanged with WOLFPAC.In order to this . my brother had to sell over $300. bucks worth of dvd's to get $26 dollors for gas.I had to use my car so it was only fair.We had to be in Oakmont which is an hour and half away.We had to be at the Oakmonth bakery at 6am to place an oder for an cake for them,We had to get an picture printed out and gave it to the bakery.It was for Big .b b-day.so we placed the order around 6.30 when we got there.We had to wait till 10.30 when WOLFPAC came and picked us up in there van.We hanged with them as they tooked us to the hotel so we can get some sleep.They got us at 3pm from the hotel and they tooked us to the concert from there.We got to see KMK.
they hooked us up with some shirts and an pendent.
Happy b-day Big .B