gothicdragon's Journal

gothicdragon's Journal


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7 entries this month


14:25 Oct 29 2024
Times Read: 89

A mirror stores and reflects only what it is given be it darkness or light, beauty or bane. If one should look into a mirror and not like what one sees then perhaps next time one should look within thy self.



17:21 Oct 29 2024

Each day I like what I see just a little more. You're very right...it takes internal work to get there.

19:27 Oct 29 2024

A mirror is a false illusion what lies within you is the real person.. just be yourself and the goal shall be reached

20:51 Oct 29 2024

Agree with you both



22:00 Oct 26 2024
Times Read: 121

So I have been given both time and reason to contemplate lately and have come to both a realization and acceptance. I am a Phsycic Vampire.

After doing much research on "energy vampires" and "phsycic vampires" I have come to realize what I have known on some level for years. I just never wanted to accept it, for all my love of Vampire movies and lore, I never wanted to be a vampire.

I always wondered why people referred to me as "tiring." Even when we hung out and had a good time after a while they always complained about being tired, drained, or exhausted while I felt full and energized and ready to go. I was unknowingly feeding off of them.

When I'm in a crowd or around others and any sort of drama happens and others shrink and move away I have always felt drawn to it like I can't get close enough like I need to be closer I can almost feel the energy like a hum.

Unfortunately my reluctance to accept and ignore over the years has caused my ability to grow unchecked and one could say out of control. I have found that I have often hurt others on an emotional level simply to get a response to inflame their emotions. I never knew why I did it I just did and have always felt satisfied afterwards.

Anyways I don't know when a vampire judges they're awakening. Is it when you first realize what you are or is it the first time that you can remember being this way? All I know is that coupled with the recent awakening of my spirit animal (dragon) this feels like an inopportune time.



01:35 Oct 27 2024

welcome to your awakening!

06:36 Oct 27 2024

It's time to tend to the garden. we are here

14:54 Oct 27 2024

Thank you earthgrinder. You have already been most helpful


Sometimes Nothing is Something

22:26 Oct 16 2024
Times Read: 257

While thinking about my past few years I have come to realize that at times nothing can be something. I spent years where I had nothing. No family, support, car, home of my own, money, internet, phone,ECT ECT. Looking around I kept thinking I ain't got shit in my life.

Now looking back I realize I did have something. I got to be free of the stress of bills, I had the freedom to do almost whatever I wanted all day everyday, and most importantly I had one of the most loyal friends a guy could ask for. Thats made me realize that everyone has something even if they can't see it.

See the universe abhores emptyness and does everything it can to fill it. This is a scientific fact, even the vacume of space is not completely empty. So the next time you are thinking you have nothing look around you're just not looking hard enough or recognizing what you have. It doesn't have to be physical.

If you've looked and you still think you have nothing then feel free to message me. I'll be your friend I'll be your something. There are 1,440 minutes in a day I can spare a few for you.



00:21 Oct 17 2024

yet the concrete sidewalks and Hussle of our mondain lives we forget to realize that something as you call it, for our eyes have blinders like a horse as we walk thru life not seeing certain aspect in life until the time it's too late. well said Dragon

22:29 Oct 17 2024

Interesting concept that I can relate to in my distant past.


Rebirth Anew

05:54 Oct 16 2024
Times Read: 287

So a week ago I thought to myself "well that's just fucking awesome" when my boss went coo coo and fired all his workers and a weeks long slow meltdown. After a week of puttering around wondering what to do I had a realization. I can do whatever I want now. After years of having to do what others want I can do whatever the fuck I want to. So I've decided to go back to school for my Associates in Information Technology and Web Design. I'm going to be my own boss and if I ever decide to fire myself well then it's my own damn fault.

But I've decided to follow and dream that had almost withered and died on the vine. I filled out my application last Friday and as of today am a full time registered student with student ID picking my classes for the winter semester. In less than 5 days I've managed a Rebirth and repurpose of myself being born Anew. I have also decided to pick my new name currently deciding between RyuJin and Kimyōna ten no ryū



15:25 Oct 16 2024

Congrats, sounds like an exciting adventure.

22:31 Oct 17 2024

This is wonderful!


Lost and Found

07:30 Oct 15 2024
Times Read: 319

Once upon a time I knew who I was and what I wanted in life. I was arrogant, egotistical, and generally what I would refer to as a stuck up ass. All decisions were made with the end goal of what will it do for me. If the answer was nothing then I did nothing. If the answer was that I would gain from the situation then I took all I could and a little bit more. Generally I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire if it would inconvenience me. That was who I thought I was. I wanted to be alone but to have the companionship of a warm body to entertain me when I was bored but otherwise be left alone. I wanted to get something for nothing in every aspect of my life but refused to give something to those who had nothing. That was who I thought I was and what I wanted. I was lost in self delusions of my own making molded and put in place carefully through the years. Those were the impervious walls of my grand castle I had constructed to keep the world out. But the universe has a way of breaking down even the most well constructed fortifications.

Fast forward 15 years after losing everything and being laid bare with my faults and weaknesses exposed for anyone to see and I have now Found myself. I am not egotistical I value everyone's opinion. I am not arrogant for I am no longer above nor below anyone I am an equal. I now go out of my way to help others if its within my power to do so and sometimes even if it's outside my power. I no longer simply want a warm body for my convenience but wish for a companion and equal to walk whatever might remain of my life's path by my side. My only regret is that it took so long to see what was within me the whole time.



18:25 Oct 15 2024

Congratulations. I truly mean that for what the word itself means and not with any trace of sarcasm. Well done.

00:27 Oct 16 2024

You are an amazing person, don't ever forget that. Well done and congratulations on your self reflection and growth.

00:57 Oct 16 2024

Good work... growing is so worth it.


Alternative Worlds

03:05 Oct 14 2024
Times Read: 349

I was thinking to myself today and I thought many get the feeling of not belonging. Many feel as if they don't belong in their current location while others might feel out of time. Others feel as if they are in the wrong body. But most can tell you where they feel they belong. Someone might say "I should be living in such and such place" another person might say "I should have been born 200 years ago". Many feel as if they are in the wrong sexes body.

But then I thought what if none of those apply to you. What if you know like really know inside that you belong someplace, sometime, or somebody else but you can't find a place, time, or body in this world or time to which you should belong? Then I thought maybe this helps prove the existence of Alternate Worlds. After all if you are physically here then you belong somewhere the universe doesn't waste and if it created you then you have a place. But what if you were simply misplaced into the wrong Universe kind of like being put on the wrong shelf. I think I had too much Captain...my spelling is too good.



06:50 Oct 14 2024

I resonate with this a lot and I like your idea as why some cant pinpoint where they "came from".

I feel like I come from far away beyond this solar system, yet this system is also an old home.. I just feel like i am part of everything

20:40 Oct 14 2024

With the discovery of quantum entanglement does open up ideas like this to further exploration in a scientific sense. But yes, it's a common feeling to not belong, especially since the lockdown era.


Unknown Blessing

06:41 Oct 11 2024
Times Read: 405

So after having a difficult time finding a job I manage to find one earlier this summer. I didn't really like the work but it paid very well. Unfortunately 2 weeks ago my boss had a freak out and fired everyone who worked for him. I was disappointed at first missing the money but now I realized that I can return to my original path of furthering my education through college.

So what it first seemed to set back and something bad I realized is really an unknown and unforeseen blessing enabling me to return to the path which I belong.



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