ghosty's Journal

ghosty's Journal


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my story of becoming a vampire

13:32 Sep 06 2011
Times Read: 402

well 4 years ago my nose started to bleed while i was siting in my grans siting room on my own. i had the rothwieller in wit me she was only a pup and i seen her completly disippear from my sight and then appear somewere else in the room i got a fright and kicked her.after tat 2 or 3 days ltr my uncle pulled into my grans garden a pretty big one and it takes everybody else at least 15 seconds to reverse out but he pulled in anyway right up t the door and i walked out said 2 seconds came back into the house and walked back out 10 seconds ltr and he was gone now i told my family so they brought me to a hospital and i was diognosed as a skitso but i couldnt give a fuck so i just reminised about it up 2 febuary 2010 tats wen only back of my holidays a month or so went for the new year i rang my uncle to come and collect me and he said do somthing to pass an hour so i went into one of the pubs/resturant for dinner then after it walked to the phonebox outside another pub and he said he would be another half hour so i said ok but then felt a bit sick so walked into the pub bar seen it like i always have dark brown wooden doors same with the bar and black tiles leading up to wooden floor tat always had a pooltable and a girls toilet down the far back right and a boys just after the bar on the left so if u could picture it rectanguler but i walked into the girls toilet by accident then walked accros the wooden floor into the boys and got sick then walked back out and the bar had the pool table there were i walked across the floor light wooden bar and doors with light wooden counters on the wall with 9 or 10 stools going around the pool table and tats wen i gave myself the name ghosty.

soon after i was in the gym on the rowing machine for about 4 minuts then this red head fella walked over in front of me and bent down while he was half way down a phone appeared in front of me tat i didnt see for the 4 minuts ectremely intirly impossibly to miss tats when i said i wanted to do it myself so i left my house one day and forgot my phone reason i know is because i said it to my friend ltr tat day i just felt my pocket really tight adidas bottoms and i had my phone and the same thing happened only a few months ago another one was the time i was in a friends house and had a small bit of amber leaf left in my pocket but i put my hand in and it wasnt there so i asked my friend could i use his he said yes so i rolled one up and he asked for it back and i stood up and emptyed my pockets and hadnt got them so i sat down and just felt my pockets and took them out so i call tat ghosty or telekenetic just gonna say this wen things like these happen its not easy to remember and if they do it most likly means ur a vampire which brings me to my most recent now not to say tats it up to now cause theres lots more and electrical appliences and me do not mix my computer in my nannys goes of everytime at 32 i mean 32 minuts past if not min then seconds if not the computer then the telly if not tat a movie im watching or somthing anyway most recent i was i my mate richys smoking a few joints and drank a bit of blood out of my finger and my other friends who ive been hanging around wit 3 years all the time knocked down for me for the first time ive been wit them so then tat night i sat up till 6 in the morning listining to tunes on my bros playstation listen to one of avril lavines songs exactly 8 times then fell asleep at 6 the exact time a bomb was found a few miles from my house anyway i woke up at 12 and rang my ma and was on the phone to her for exactly between 36 38 or 40 seconds and the song was track 8 and went on for 4.00 minuts anyway went the bank and took out 50 euro and owed 25 out of tat tat day for a bit of hash and bought smokes tat day i drank a can of red bull a can of coke a cup of tea and a cup of coffee up to 6 o'clock had a hot dog 6 chickin nuggets and 12 chips or so from the chipper and had 7 chips and 5 bits of fish in richys 8 bites for hot dog or so witch comes to 36 38 or 40 for food drink and phone ma and 9 joints from 12 the night before 1 tabacco joint and 1 1 skinner witch comes to 31 skins and smoked 14 smokes 1 minute before the lotto numbers came out witch were 8 14 25 36 38 40 and 31 which was worth 4.3 million and my numbers were the 3rd ones to be called out with a green light around them and wen i woke up at 12 that day i looked at the green shirt my ma had only bought me 3 times in my wardrobe then only the other day i went up to my mas room and tried to explane wat blood does to me for the first time and she told me to get out of her room so i did and 5 minuts ltr my gran rang and my ma missed the call so i rang her back and i didnt talk t her in 2 or 3 weeks and she was in the blood bank giving blood so please rate this give me a text but i am a real vampire i might not drink blood and might be called a paranoid skitso and phycotic but i dont care just saying this for people who a reading



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