Here's more random for you. It's not drama this time.
This hat is amazing. It makes me and Shay's cat's happy. We have a new toy. More random later.
I love randomness. But this is my random drama entry.
Drama entry #1
My best friend is moving to a diffrent state. We are very close and I feel like I'm losing a limb. We've talked and I'm going to move in with her and her boyfriend but not until next summer. I'm going a whole year without my best friend. Then there's the problem of my boyfriend. We're a new couple but I'm still not ready to leave him. And the feeling is only going to get worse as we get closer. I don't wanna leave him but it appears that life would get better if I moved down there.
Random Drama #2
I don't hate my town. I hate the people in it. I don't have a car and so I walk everywhere. People driving look at me like I was born on another planet. So people like to honk and say nastey things. Yeah, real mature. Make fun of me for taking the healthy walk.
Random not drama.
My mother is getting a farret and I'm kinda excited. We haven't had a pet in forever. But I'm still trying to get a puppy. She gets a farret and I can't have a puppy? That's pure craziness. I will win. I will have my mutt.
More random drama to come at a later date.