Ok im usually not like this but today after all the hard work i put into my portfolio and maneged to gt to NUMBER 1 on the whole of rave with a 99.78 rating after 125 views
Today a level 28(sire) comes along and decides i am not worth a decent rating and demolishes my rating leaving me to wonder why i even bother with not only my portfolio but this site if it was not for my fantastic coven and friends i would leave now but im giving it some thought, I looked and she doesnt even have a bit of art on her profile and NO portfolio.
This has finaly made my mind up that i will be closing my portfolio down due to it obviously not being good enough seeing as most just take pictures and im not against that it is a tallent to be able to take a good picture but its another thing to draw a good one. They all seem to do better than me.
I think i sound quiet a child taking this action but hey the toys are out the pram now and im angry,lol. anyway sorry for this anoying rant but i felt like i had to write something.
Tattooists can be very sensitive to thier work and i am no different. Infact tommorow i am goig to ask my first client to give me a rating after iv tattoo'd them and god help them if i get a 9,lol
04:58 Feb 10 2010
I agree with you, sometimes, I think the portfolios are useless.