Well yesterday I got into a car accident...truck has a boo boo and i hit my head. Minor concussion and my hearing and eye sight is going in and out. Il;l be ok just have alot of migraines.
Top 10 things I love (not in order either lol)
1-The way I feel completely free when I'm around animals
2-My animals
3-Roses (the dark purple ones)
4-Country music
5-My family
6-Summer sweat on a man's skin
7-The smell of axe body spray (it's intoxicating)
8-Sunsets and sunrises over a hill
9-All day events of movie watching cuddled into someone specail
10- The smell of my horse
There ya have it...I love so much more things in life but that would take me forever lol
Mmmmm...sunsets are always beautiful, especially when you have someone in your arms to enjoy it with...which can also include the cuddling from 9 :)
I don't know why but today i wanna stay in my pjs remain very quiet and maybe cry until I can't cry anymore... My body and mind feel so depressed today :(
don't be depressed it makes me feel that way :-(
I've been having that feeling for a while
You can always talk to me any time as well. You know that. And I can always give you my number if you need it :)
well went to work all flipping day but no one showed up to buy stuff!!!!!! The day dragged on like really bad.... ugh hate days like this
yeah days like that suck big time..
they definitly do
That happens to me around Christmas
19:48 Jan 21 2014
Awwwww *holds you close*
Hope you feel better soon :)