i worked was a livving nightmare talk about working on a concert night, i didn't get off until 1. Got up around 9 to get ready for my other job and well i was only suppose to work until 3 but the kept me until 5. i didn't mind but it was killing me. after work i actually ate. ok here comes the fun part i when to bowling with my fiance and we wanted to glow bowl so we waited until 10, we put our NAMES ON A FUCKING LIST came back and had to wait for ANOTHER 20 MIN.....came back again and he told thomas that HE CALLED US A LONG ASS TIME AGO. so not only do we not have a lane to bowl in we have to wait in LINE AGAIN. pissed me off so much. i was about to say something to them. finally after talking about what we was goin to do one of the guys have us a lane, but then thomas didn't want to play cause he was gettin tired so i played 3 games by my self. it's alright though it was just a fast games....oh and we got pulled over not to mention....i wasn't driving and i am the only person that does have a license thomas is drive and he only has a heart beat rises and i start to almost cry cause i know that we're just going to get a ticket. IT WAS JUST THAT WE DIDN'T HAVE THE LIGHTS ON!!!!!