I'm home and I have an internet connection all my own! 'Bout damn time. :)
Ugh, please let the ibuprofen kick in so I can get on with my day.
This is my space, my journal, my interpretation of my life. I should never feel censored here. I should never hold back. I should be honest here because it means I'm being honest with myself. That honesty is a form of therapy. The words posted here allow me to let them go from my brain and release those worries to the universe. They will take care of themselves. That, is why I write.
And I read to grow with the wisdom you share. Do not let anyone stop you from this release.
Our words are often a window to who we not only are but wish to be. Those that would silence you are the ones that simply are too dense to understand how these things work. Keep writing and those that care will keep reading no matter what is said.
It seems every time I check something off of my list of things to do something else comes up. I could really use some help and yet there's no one to turn to. It's all on me. Is life ever going to slow down?