Thank you for allowing my to grace your halls. To the Lord and Lady of Guardians of Darkness.. i shall raise my glass.
I am truly happy at being inducted into the coven of my choice..
I recently did a quiz to see what vampire clan i fit in with from the Camrilla.. and this was the result.
growing up in a traditional home, i never knew how liberating it would be to be able to speak your mind.
"be silent ..."
"be graceful.."
"be beautiful.."
"no eye contact... no talking.. you are on display..."
those are the words that my mother and as well as all the women in my family have spoken to me and told me to be an apprentice to servitude... so many times when i was young... (only 5 at my first memory).. it was put forth that i pick up the arts of husband catching.. and silence was the key.
These ideals were beaten into me for i refused to bow down and submit.. these ideals were my daily meal and taught religiously... but i could not bow..the sound of my mothers voice echoes even when i try to irritatingly clear
"A man wants a woman who is quiet, docile.. and the perfect servant. A wife in my culture is all things... sex toy, cook, housekeeper, the bearer of children, nanny, secretary" which led me to think.. "hell she is even a proud member of his sick harem... "(i do not lie, those in my culture still believe in multiple wives for one man...)
..but what she is not... is appreciated.. thought of.. loved.. or even cherished.
Very rarely do you find a man and woman who is devoted wholeheartedly for the well being of their better half.. and i have kicked and punched just to break the silence.
My own father had tried to americanize all of my brothers and sisters and myself .. and truly i am grateful.. I cant imagine the life i would have.. especially since all i would be is a hole for a man to take his shit out on.
So F**K you to all the bastards who think that they can control me.... F**k you to all the losers who think they deserve me.... im waiting for the right man... a man who will enjoy my prescence, the eye contact... the fact that i refuse to be silent...i am not a door mat.. i am not a toy...i am not a portrait for perfection and i will never be...
I am a woman... so hear me roar!