estherofhell's Journal

estherofhell's Journal


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Jessica's tale

00:36 Nov 19 2007
Times Read: 584

time: 18th centurie

it was juliettes come out ball she stood near the drinks watching as people smiled, laughed, and enjoyed themselfs. Though she was having a good time she wanted to step out and breath in the fresh air.

Seeing as no one was watching her, and she was able to be free in this set since her dance partner had excussed himslef all of a sudden when hed received a message, she slipped out the doors and into the cool fresh night. Taking in the fresh air deep into her lungs.

With drink in hand she walked through the maze of her garden. Taking in all the scenery, looking up at the full moon and down at the roses that were in full bloom. She sighed in content for the moment happy to get a moment by herself.

She looked up at the sound of a twig snapping. Followed by a tall man steeping into her view he had wide shoulders dressed in a black coat, muscular arms, and strong looking thighs and legs.

He approached her and she smiled trying to see his face in the dark. Finally she could see his blue eyes and black short hair. He smiled down at her.

"oh pardon me i hadnt known their was someone else here" his voice was deep and sensual

she continued to smile at him "its fine i had just come out to escape the ball for a moment"

he bowed "i am lord Edwin marquese of rosencroff"

she gave him the appropiate curtsy "i am Jessica duchess of marinville"

(the place names will probably be changed later)

he looked down at her "why are you not at your own come out ball?"

she smiled and shrugged "i felt the need to take a stroll among the gardens, it is a lovely night after all."

he looked up to see the full moon "yes it is" they both stared at the moon seemilngly not knowing what to say.

They heard the last choards of the song playing and turned he offered her his arm and they walked back inside

he smiled down at her "i pressume luck is on my side tonight for this next dance is mine" once more they bowed and curtsied then took their places on the floor.





02:37 Nov 07 2007
Times Read: 589

Androff paced in his study chamber he didn’t know what Raven would decide. He wanted to know! He hadn’t been completely honest with her about his sudden decision. It’s true that he’d chosen her because they’d been close friends since they were kids. And he didn’t trust any one else as much as he trusted Raven. But the truth behind his sudden decision was because he loved her! He’d loved her for 5 centuries now and when they told him he now needed to choose a bride he’d viewed it as the perfect opportunity to rightfully claim Raven as his own without having to tell her the whole of his reasons.

So now he paced in his study room awaiting Raven’s answer. He’d have to force himself to ask another if she said no. But he didn’t want to spend eternity married to someone he didn’t love or who wasn’t his Raven. He turned at the knock at his door followed by Gregory informining him that Raven had come back and now was in her bed chamber.

He walked to her room chamber and hesitated before knocking. He didn’t want her to think he was pressuring her. He could hear her running around in her room he heard her silent sniff. He walked into her room and saw her packing her clothes. She turned from her luggage and looked at him. Then walked around him to grab more of her clothes from the closet. He grabbed her upper arms to stop her from reaching back to the closet for more clothes.

“Raven where are you going?” she shook her head “where are you leaving to that I wasn’t informed?”

Once more she shook her head then a sob escaped her “Raven what’s wrong?” she shook her head he hugged her “tell me what’s wrong and I’ll fix it what ever it might be I’ll fix it.” She was silent in his arms until another sob escaped ”why are you hiding something from me we’ve never kept secrets from each other why do you wish to start now?”

She grabbed the front of his shirt and with tear full eyes looked up at him “cant you see Androff all this time I’ve kept something from you and I cant be your bride” she let go of his shirt but continued to meet his eyes “I cant marry you because if I do my whole life will change I wont have my independence any more I wont be able to do the things I love. I won’t be able to go on any dangerous missions any more because I’ll be the queen of our clan.” she shook her head “and my reason my hidden reason the secret i've kept from you for 600 years” she looked down

He saw a tear roll down her check he kissed it away unable to help him self he hugged her again. He whispered against her ear “what secret?”

She buried he face in his neck and whispered “I love you I have for 600 years and I will continue to do so but I can’t say yes no matter how much I want to. And I don’t want to see you marry another for that will be too painful so I have to go I have to leave”

He chuckled she looked up at his face angrily and before she could say anything he kissed her. Afterwards he asked her “do you want to know the real reason of why I asked you to marry me?” she nodded “because I love you I’ve loved you for 500 years”




in the darkness

20:38 Nov 03 2007
Times Read: 595

this is something that just came into my head like most of my writting

raven wlaked down the dark hall way thinking of her options though there really werent any

what choice did she have?

she walked out in to the open night stepped into her black mustang convertable, put the top down and drove away as if she were being chased

which she wasnt but she was being watched thanks to the question androff had asked her

and if she said yes she wouldnt have any more privacy shed be followed and watched where ever she went

but what should she do she loved androff though it meant the lost of her privacy she wanted to say yes she loved him

but she didnt want to say goodbye to her freedom and privacy yet

but androfff needed an answer and soon for the vampires needed a queen for their king and he couldnt wait for ever

and wether she liked it or not hed have to ask someone else and she didnt think she could stand that

she parked at the edge of a cliff and got out the car she stared out at the horizon seeing the full moon, the waves crashing against the bottom of the cliff feeling the vibration from the crashing waves

what should she do?

should she stay with the one man she loved or should she run?



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