the family life so perfect and wonderful on the out side so torn and broken on the inside. while others recieve the image of a wonderful family united and strong together its actually so broken and torn. the family holds shows nothing of their true selfs. each member misserable and lonely. all screaming and suferring but never heard. no one ever pays attention no one ever sees. they scream at a wall because the walls the only one that listens. actions and words cut deep so deep from the ones you love most. but they can never but stopped ands its already too late to take them back the wounds already there. even they themselfs think the other member is happy when its not as it appears. everybody so torn so misserable, crying, screaming!! how does the family manage it all? to appear so calm and together when thats not it at all. things arent as they appear. the family so calm and serine actually so hurt filled.
it seems as if the heavans have opened up and now pour down blood instead of rain. but it dosent she'd from the heavens. no it falls and pours from the bodies and wounds of so many. my fallen warriors, my allies, and that of my enemies. only two are left standing. he who gaurds the other side and myself. who will be left standing in the end? i wonder who? but i will not matter to me as long as i fight to my last breath avenging my now dead friends and allies. as long as i land a couple blows to his already injured body. so focused upon the other that i dont notice the another stand up. one i'd thought already dead. i dont notice as he stabs his sword through my back until i see it appear from my chest. its removed but im already too late. for the other the one who'd first been left standing now runs towards me. i try to lift my weapon to defend myself but i am unable to. so the other simply stabs me in the chest barely missing my other wound. as i fall to my knees before him he cuts off my head letting it fall to the floor among so much blood and so many other dead bodies. the last words i hear of him saying he's now avenged his brothers death the last scenery i see of him standing before the full moon. a warriors death, how sad it can be at times. a difficult life a quick death.
i look through the window into the darkness. i see the shadow on the other side. who is it? i feel their urgency, i wonder who they wish to reach. who is the strange shadow. why have they so suddenly disappeared? alone i sit before the window looking into the darkness. i look down at my hands, so much blood where did it come from? so much of it stains my hands and gown. i press my hand to the window leaving a bloody print upon it. i feel the shadow screaming from the outside though i can not see him. i lean my forhead on the window hoping ill be able to see him if not hear his pleas. no luck the glass is to thick. i turn at the sound of my name i must leave now. the blood is drying and i must go hunt once more. i stand but before i leave i turn to the window once more and see the shadow. he seems to be screaming something, he wishes to be heard. if only i could go out and see what it is he wishes so that i may be able to help him. but i am called once more, i must leave. leaving one more bloody print upon the glass window i turn and leave. leaving the shadow behind, leaving in the direction where more darkness awaits me.
nights oh so beautiful oh so many hidden truths. demons run amok destroying killing those in their paths. torturing those deserving and innocent. rain pours down, lighting strikes down, thunder is heard, the wind rises blowing harder and harder. a tree falls before me. i pay it no attention, focussed on the coming battle. the battle for the life of my loved ones, of my memories, of my very own sanity, life, and memories. the night that holds so many secrets, that holds the darkness so tenderly, my home. my only home. dangerous and deadly but its all that i have my only haven. i walk dragging my sword behind me, sparks jump from it as it scratches the concrete floor. i smile seeing my oponents. seems i wont sleep this night either, too many in the way. i hunt yet im hunted. youd think id be haunted by so much blood and gore but truthfully said im not. i accept it, relish it. welcome it, bath in it. the sweet taste of blood. so much of it pours down as i tear at fleash. the darkness upon my soul increases but that too is now welcomed. ive learned now theres no way to stop it, no time to rest, no time to stop, always on the move. theirs always job to do, someone in need of help and rescuing. so the darkness spreads around me. once feared now welcomed with open arms. theres nothing else out there but the darkness. my home my only home, my only love, my only way of life, the barren of my pityful exsistence. how to change something so ingaved into you, even before birth? something thats repeated life after life, year after year, month after month, day after day,minute after minute, second after second. theres no other way of life for myself. so i walk alone in the night in the darkness, my only companions my sword and my blades. the battle awaits the blood wont shed on its on......