There is this curse called moon stone. If a were wolf breaks the curse then the were wolfs can transform into wolfs when ever they want, But if a vampire breaks the curse, then they can walk in the sun with out a protection ring on. I need the stone to be complete. It might be digged up in a grave or in the woods i don't know but I need that stone and i will get it. Oh i just learned something, If you want to kill a vampire that been around for ages and ages you need the ash from the oak tree then i dagger you stibe into the ash then plung into there heart.
Hi its me again. I been thinking about how vampires are real. When i grow up Im going to hunt for one and ask them to turn me, I need to be a full vampire Im only half and it sucks. My dream is becoming a vampire, thats my special dream and it will come true. Their is this spell it's every where on the internet. It's a vampire spell, it's called Blood red pale skin moonlight draw me in, quench my thirsty coarsing veins let my body feel no pain. It only works on a full moon. I keep on forgetting to do the sunlight protection. I have a ring but need to put a spell on it so i don't burn in the sun. I could burn in the sun, my skin will be on fire. I don't want to turn into a werewolf it's to painful. You have to be chained up and it hurts it feel like razor sharp blade are in your back. Well thats my story and the story is true. I will make my dream come true, Im not giving up on my dream thats a promise to my vampire dream. Im only half thats all i can say half vampire. One more thing my jaws are hurting i feel like my fangs are coming in. My jaws are like filling up with blood, pounding
I know the risk when i turn into a vampire. I will would crave for blood . The transformation will be done by tommrow, If it does work, Then i will go to that website forever. I'm going to write spells. vampire spells. weather spells, wish spells. When change into a vampire I have to get out as soon has possible and go kill. If i don't get blood in my system i could die and i can't get close to the ones i love. Vampires are afraid of wooden stakes, fire , garlic. I need to stay way from those things and keep blood in my system. Let me tell you something , if i turn into a full vampire i need every blood in my system if i don't i will keep on trying and trying to turn into a vampire. I have smelling abilties and some good earing but no super speed. The side effects are coghing and fever thats what i have. I think im transforming into a vampire it burns my neck burns and my back hurts, I feel like someone stibing me in the back.