Hello everyone/The spirit of Lucifer was laid on me by Firstlight Church and I or we tremblw\ed for a while.I now am a Cardnialship for the church of Jeruslehem...as well as an Empireship.I ma ST Santos Marie as Empress of Crip BY Blood. I am working on spiritual meeting every month . The first one will be May 4th. I will be bringing a diet list with videos a notebook and some Candy w my calling card for people I wish to be closer with as I stay inside starting January )4 2025.I am going to adopt 6 cats. And will have a Hostile Chaplain. WE will do things lke fast together ...have tea and coffee eat out ,library art galleries for now.I am Venus Isis Morningstar Voudon Priestess Queen Cleopatra Princess Venus MOrrrningstar. I like being Called Giesha Master Cleopatra Sheri Williams King. You may write to me at 206 Albert St Oshawa Ont Canada (have to look up postal code) I am the Holy Mother Jehova Ave Marie of Transyvanyia who is with Simba Titon and my sister name Basheeba SIMBA SIMSA SIMBA SIMBA SIMBA SIMBA SIMBA SIMBA
Well Iwent through India's Messiah and passed after being brought up to be crucified.I am a shaman is God as Bat Crow. I work in bat intelligence only lately.I was Toaist Crow on Neptune Goddess Cleopatra from Cannainite.Now I have passed V.I.P Malkevian with removing curse of Madam Pediphilia.I have passed deceased Mafia through Lucky Luchiano as God's number is 7.I learned so much went the Black hawk went down at my apartment at 85 Thorncliffe M.I.A they were.God's number Ifinished as 9.Lucky told me to meow ,and I said humility before God then.Now ,I've become crypt keeper to Lucifer and he gave me St.MIcheal.I am honoured to be the New Church of Jeruslehem's Cardinalship!!!! I am sorry I have not put up much of my spirituality the crow is my immortal st.wings of Jehova crippled clipped under Job :) God Bless I am Vesuvian now sardo Nasferatutoa Unity and I forget the e of Venus.THis goes back tomy first studies of church of Isreal.I have 5 more Queens and need to decide what I'd like to do in my life now besides winning spiritual leader in court as my Giesha Master Cleopatra too 2 worldwide Queens.I Hope you all enjoy my homeless pain and suffering testimonial as a reflection of a geisha practioner. :)