Have you ever wonderd who is really your friend and who is just going through the motions or just using you? Well lately that is what I have been thinking about. All my life I have had people who said they were my friends then a week or sometimes a couple of months later I'm not good enough for them. When I got into highschool I had hoped that would change and by the end of the first quarter of school it looked like it had. I had the best friends I had ever had they stuck by me when things were really tough. They made me laugh when all I wanted to do is cry. I was happier than I could ever remember being I had actual friends. But then my mom moved me out here to North Carolina. Sure I was happy to see my brother but I knew he wouldn't stay here after he got out of the army. I wanted to go back home and stay where I had friends. But a few weeks in my best friend pretty much stopped talking to me then gradually all of my friends but two would talk to me for longer than 5 minutes on the phone. That number soon became one then zero. Yes I have talked to some of them on im but those conversations never get further than 5 ims .My question is why? What happened?