The element Air
Oh! How its fair
As it blows through your
As the wind blows more and more
Oh how it cares
as in ancient lore
As it blew
In the colors of blues
and greens
The Air is never a fiend
But just a Friend
It never pretends
Oh! How fair
The Air
I cant trust people
I can never believe
Whether truth or lies
I cannot tell
Far to many people have broken
My Heart
To many people have lied
To many people have backstabbed
I am alone in this cruel world
They left me here
For a thousand years I wandered
Lonely, Depressed, deprieved
Deprieved of a world
Deprieved of the love I deserved
For a thousand years I wandered
in my mind
and then a light came on
You canme into my mind
and offered your hand
I trusted you
And you brought me my world
and the love I deserved
I finally woke up
I looked at you and smiled
My Coma had Broken