1 This dumbass gets the prizewin of being bogwashed in a pan of old diarrhea
Just conveniently forgets to not put the whole area in the plan as a value and misses over one half of it, well done you just lived up to your biz review comments by another customer as an outright liar.
2 This douchebag spent an hour on the phone and never switched my Phone package after telling me they had done it, I then called after getting a letter saying I was on the same plan as before and rang to make sure it had been done, I found out they had just left the information and not not activated it so I spent 2 hours on the phone changing the package to a cheaper option with the same options on it, it's funny how they conveniently forgot to change it because it was cheaper.
for 2nd place...Have a shit sandwich
3 Coming in at close no 3 we have another error for an energy supply company worker who told me to wait for a call back which I made on friday about them taking too much money for which I am no longer using the heating till october, I told them to make half the payments to which was agreed, and they would call and change it on the Tuesday at 4pm. The call never happened so I waited, and waited, till Thursday and the woman taking the call from me calling yet again apologized and changed my payment plan there and then and put in a complaint on my behalf to the company and told me I would have the new payment plan in writing within 14 working days.
Prizewin for 3rd place. Half Drowned in a urinal
It's funny all these problems arise around finances that in effect benefit myself and not themselves and they just don't want to play fair.... Oh well