dracken's Journal

dracken's Journal


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4 entries this month

Succubus lover

12:07 May 27 2009
Times Read: 894


Succubus lover

You answer in dreams

i can feel you

giving sexual exchange

what i yearn

in my sleep you came

to lay under me

taking me to that

point of no return

Your black eclipsed eyes

looked straight up at me

then you vanished

as daylight returned

Your touch that of

silent darkness

my succubus lover


Dracken 2009



17:10 Dec 03 2013

my favorite I have seen on VR


Imperial cunt

17:57 May 17 2009
Times Read: 919

Imperial cunt

A new age approaches

in a shadow of doom

from wicked generations

the hunters return to seek their wrath upon the inheritors of misfortune

to put right their wrongs of the past

remembering the march of the imperial cunt


fallen warriors

people of nature slaughtered

their exsported generation

annihilation of the innocent

eyes of greed covet pure lands

inslaved to the false cross of justice

looted and sold away to faraway lands

defeated they swear their vengeance

the imperial cunts the imperial cunts

the thiefs shall be punished

maiming and killing begins

a curse for generations to come

those who raped the earth shall perish

for financial and habitational gain

hope for a monarchys downfall

what comes around is justified in the eyes of hated and revenge

to reclaim the lands of the warrior and hunter

from historical crimes

coal then diamonds

and goldmines

and warcrimes

human exportation

slavery then decay

vengeance will surely follow

they false testify to steal

in the name of purification

wage war for wages of war

they march again

under a new name still they punish the earth

raping the earth

denying new birth

worshiping wealth

inhabitants of despair look on

starving crying dying

nations in peril

dying to false gods

mother earth cries as the children die

stares at their icon in sadness

they set a an icon in view

to say this is the true

a new territory



setting those apart


souls destroyed

mind manipulation controll

by education

and religion


the inheritors of the wicked

you will reap your doom

hope and glory .... hope and glory

the avengers will come

re write your history

hunt you down

one by one

in the end who did benefit

only a chosen few

hiding their riches

passed down the generations

imperial cunts imperial cunts

descendents of the wicked will cower in fear

run to faraway lands

a new age is here

the trial of retribution has begun

innocents testify to the massacre

women children look on at the slaughter

their father lies in a pool of blood

from those who hate the imperial cunt

the spirit of decay

see what your monarchs have done to you

the rage never ending

hunters cry out for the head of the imperial cunt

the thief from faraway lands

stranded in madness and fear

they hack at the bastard icon

it comes crumbling down

they desecrate it and everthing it stands for

swear to this day forward never to kneel again

at the feet of an opressor

put to death the imperial cunt

her head falls to the ground

but hate and chaos will remain

because of the imperial cunt

there is now only hope

no glory can be found




Mother shipton - poetic prophecies

03:13 May 07 2009
Times Read: 944

Interesting poetic prophecies from the past

i found these writings totaly amazing


It is now generally acknowledged that Mother Shipton was largely a myth, and that many of her prophecies were composed by others after her death, and after the events they 'predicted'. Her prophecies were apparently recorded in a series of diaries but the first published book of her work did not appear until 1641 and the most noted work, by Richard Head, came out in 1684. Head later admitted to inventing almost all Shipton's biographical details.


The woman who came to tend to her 15 years old mother, Agatha, spoke of a smell of sulphur and a great crack of thunder as the child came into the world. The baby was born mishapen and huge. Some thought her father was the devil. Her mother gave her up at age two and supposedly went to live in a convent for the rest of her life.

Mother Shipton exhibited prophetic and psychic abilities from an early age. Many feared her and her powers mystical powers, which she always used to help people.

She wrote her prophecies about events to come in the form of poems.

She lived in the time of Henry VIII of England predicted his victory over France in 1513 --"Battle of the Spurs". She prophesized the Dissolution of the Monasteries. This led to the redistribution of the wealth and land held by the monasteries to the emerging middle class and the existing noble families.

At 24 she married Toby Shipton, a carpenter. They had no children. She eventually became known as Mother Shipton a woman helped many people.

Her home town was in Knaresborough England. Her power to see into the future made her well known not only in her home town but throughout England.

Her legend was passed on through oral traditions sometimes embellished a bit. Since 1641 there have been more than 50 different editions of books about her and her propheices.

Many of her visions came true within her own lifetime and in subsequent centuries.

Mother Shipton predicted important historical events many years ahead of their time - the Great Fire of London in 1666, the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 - as well as the advent of modern technology. She even forecast her own death in 1561. Today her prophecies are still proving uncannily accurate.

She wrote her prophecies like poems.

She died in 1561.


And now a word, in uncouth rhyme

Of what shall be in future time

Then upside down the world shall be

And gold found at the root of tree

All England's sons that plough the land

Shall oft be seen with Book in hand

The poor shall now great wisdom know

Great houses stand in farflung vale

All covered o'er with snow and hail

A carriage without horse will go

Disaster fill the world with woe.

In London, Primrose Hill shall be

In centre hold a Bishop's See

Around the world men's thoughts will fly

Quick as the twinkling of an eye.

And water shall great wonders do

How strange. And yet it shall come true.

Through towering hills proud men shall ride

No horse or ass move by his side.

Beneath the water, men shall walk

Shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk.

And in the air men shall be seen

In white and black and even green

A great man then, shall come and go

For prophecy declares it so.

In water, iron, then shall float

As easy as a wooden boat

Gold shall be seen in stream and stone

In land that is yet unknown.

And England shall admit a Jew

You think this strange, but it is true

The Jew that once ws held in scorn

Shall of a Christian then be born.

A house of glass shall come to pass

In England. But Alas, alas

A war will follow with the work

Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk

These states will lock in fiercest strife

And seek to take each others life.

When North shall thus divide the south

And Eagle build in Lions mouth

Then tax and blood and cruel war

Shall come to every humble door.

Three times shall lovely sunny France

Be led to play a bloody dance

Before the people shall be free

Three tyrant rulers shall she see.

Three rulers in succession be

Each springs from different dynasty.

Then when the fiercest strife is done

England and France shall be as one.

The British olive shall next then twine

In marriage with a german vine.

Men walk beneath and over streams

Fulfilled shall be their wondrous dreams.

For in those wondrous far off days

The women shall adopt a craze

To dress like men, and trousers wear

And to cut off their locks of hair

They'll ride astride with brazen brow

As witches do on broomstick now.

And roaring monsters with man atop

Does seem to eat the verdant crop

And men shall fly as birds do now

And give away the horse and plough.

There'll be a sign for all to see

Be sure that it will certain be.

Then love shall die and marriage cease

And nations wane as babes decrease

And wives shall fondle cats and dogs

And men live much the same as hogs.

In nineteen hundred and twenty six

Build houses light of straw and sticks.

For then shall mighty wars be planned

And fire and sword shall sweep the land.

When pictures seem alive with movements free

When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea,

When men like birds shall scour the sky

Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.

For those who live the century through

In fear and trembling this shall do.

Flee to the mountains and the dens

To bog and forest and wild fens.

For storms will rage and oceans roar

When Gabriel stands on sea and shore

And as he blows his wondrous horn

Old worlds die and new be born.

A fiery dragon will cross the sky

Six times before this earth shall die

Mankind will tremble and frightened be

for the sixth heralds in this prophecy.

For seven days and seven nights

Man will watch this awesome sight.

The tides will rise beyond their ken

To bite away the shores and then

The mountains will begin to roar

And earthquakes split the plain to shore.

And flooding waters, rushing in

Will flood the lands with such a din

That mankind cowers in muddy fen

And snarls about his fellow men.

He bares his teeth and fights and kills

And secrets food in secret hills

And ugly in his fear, he lies

To kill marauders, thieves and spies.

Man flees in terror from the floods

And kills, and rapes and lies in blood

And spilling blood by mankinds hands

Will stain and bitter many lands

And when the dragon's tail is gone,

Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on

To apply himself - too late, too late

For mankind has earned deserved fate.

His masked smile - his false grandeur,

Will serve the Gods their anger stir.

And they will send the Dragon back

To light the sky - his tail will crack

Upon the earth and rend the earth

And man shall flee, King, Lord, and serf.

But slowly they are routed out

To seek diminishing water spout

And men will die of thirst before

The oceans rise to mount the shore.

And lands will crack and rend anew

You think it strange. It will come true.

And in some far off distant land

Some men - oh such a tiny band

Will have to leave their solid mount

And span the earth, those few to count,

Who survives this (unreadable) and then

Begin the human race again.

But not on land already there

But on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare

Not every soul on Earth will die

As the Dragons tail goes sweeping by.

Not every land on earth will sink

But these will wallow in stench and stink

Of rotting bodies of beast and man

Of vegetation crisped on land.

But the land that rises from the sea

Will be dry and clean and soft and free

Of mankinds dirt and therefore be

The source of man's new dynasty.

And those that live will ever fear

The dragons tail for many year

But time erases memory

You think it strange. But it will be.

And before the race is built anew

A silver serpent comes to view

And spew out men of like unknown

To mingle with the earth now grown

Cold from its heat and these men can

Enlighten the minds of future man.

To intermingle and show them how

To live and love and thus endow

The children with the second sight.

A natural thing so that they might

Grow graceful, humble and when they do

The Golden Age will start anew.

The dragon's tail is but a sign

For mankind's fall and man's decline.

And before this prophecy is done

I shall be burned at the stake, at one

My body singed and my soul set free

You think I utter blasphemy

You're wrong. These things have come to me

This prophecy will come to be.


These verses were on the outer wrapping of the scrolls

I know I go - I know I'm free

I know that this will come to be.

Secreted this - for this will be

Found by later dynasty

A dairy maid, a bonny lass

Shall kick this stone as she does pass

And five generations she shall breed

Before one male child does learn to read.

This is then held year by year

Till an iron monster trembling fear

eats parchment, words and quill and ink

And mankind is given time to think.

And only when this comes to be

Will mankind read this prophecy

But one mans sweets anothers bane

So I shall not have burned in vain.


This section was kept apart from the other and it appears

to have been written together yet was in a separate jar...

The signs will be there for all to read

When man shall do most heinous deed

Man will ruin kinder lives

By taking them as to their wives.

And murder foul and brutal deed

When man will only think of greed.

And man shall walk as if asleep

He does not look - he many not peep

And iron men the tail shall do

And iron cart and carriage too.

The kings shall false promise make

And talk just for talkings sake

And nations plan horrific war

The like as never seen before

And taxes rise and lively down

And nations wear perpetual frown.

Yet greater sign there be to see

As man nears latter century

Three sleeping mountains gather breath

And spew out mud, and ice and death.

And earthquakes swallow town and town,

In lands as yet to me unknown.

And christian one fights christian two

And nations sigh, yet nothing do

And yellow men great power gain

From mighty bear with whom they've lain.

These mighty tyrants will fail to do

They fail to split the world in two.

But from their acts a danger bred

An ague - leaving many dead.

And physics find no remedy

For this is worse than leprosy.

Oh many signs for all to see

The truth of this true prophecy.


It is now generally acknowledged that Mother Shipton was largely a myth, and that many of her prophecies were composed by others after her death, and after the events they 'predicted'. Her prophecies were apparently recorded in a series of diaries but the first published book of her work did not appear until 1641 and the most noted work, by Richard Head, came out in 1684. Head later admitted to inventing almost all Shipton's biographical details.





Rant a ranta

22:38 May 06 2009
Times Read: 952


Tell me Whats the news ?

come on pay your dues

scum keep it in your corner

a fucking new world order

gonna fill me up with crap

burgers pop n rap

sell us up the nile

sail on puke and bile

by the time i saw the sun

i was much too drunk what fun

sell us another trap

investing in some crap

feeding some fat banker

what a fucking wanker

he takes part in a hunt

what a stupid cunt

was gonna buy a house

a matchbox for a mouse

did not get sold into a trap

i guess i can take a nap



22:54 May 06 2009

VV good Peter........... love the beautiful poetic use of the word cunt........ it just seems to slide off of the readers tongue with such ease hehe Seriously......I love the whole f**ck the work idealations which this poem represents.

13:57 May 26 2009

wow, sobering...hehe

00:41 May 30 2010

gotta admit something about this one i like

18:11 Jun 07 2010

This is good but I feel it's not finished

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