I been so used to being pushed around , vitim of various things I fought all the way since I was 10 yrs old now I'm 22 and until sept.13 and I fought many battles on the battlefield I faced alot hard shit but now I'm knock motherfuckers who stand in my way and I do me if you can't stay in my life expect to re- appear you made your choice to turn your back I don't have time Forget what you said or did why should I look back once upon a time land ? I don't that memory with my pain is faced and faded in the black hole and never be return !! I focus on what is happening now what is in front of me I worry about today not tomorrow or the past I have 1 day to live enjoy the sorroundings of beauty around me because I know 1 day I'm not going to wake up see the beauty I hold so dear to me I cherish her with my life mind soul body spirit it's a blessing not a curse