I'm drenched my blood again
I can't get out of it
I'm stuck for life in my pityness
I need to break free
There's no hope for me
I'm wounded deep insdie this place
I feel like nobody care's
I need to be set free
I scream BLOODY MURDER !!!!
But my screams are to silence
I fell that sucide is the only way out
But I need to be free
I beg " Help Me Someone "
But all i hear is the breeze
I'm drenched in my sorrow again
I can't get out of it
I'm stuck for life in my hell place
I need to be free
There's no hope for me now
I'm dieing deep inside this place
I feel like nobody care's
I need to be set free
I scream " BLOODY MURDER "
But my screams are dead to people
I only feel pain is thing keeps me trapped
But I need to be set free
I beg " Help ME people COME SAVE ME "
Now i'm dead
I hear things around me
I'm lost in the darkness
I try to find my way out of this place
Trying to find my way home but no luck yet
I'm hopeless that im lost and can't get out
I'm searching my way out so im not lost anymore
I see a wonderful waterfall that's dripping blood
I smell fresh blood every where I can even taste it
My lips feel's the moist of fresh blood in the air
This is my paradise now I can't live w/out it
Then I wake up it's all a dream I was sad