I'm glad I have found some pretty awesome friends on here. You all know who you are... well... you should :)
I love each and every one of you in various ways. You have all helped me to realize that I am worth more than the hell I am drug through.
Thank you so much for being there for me!
Today is not a good day to mess with me or cross my path. But I have to say ... leave it to VR and that will happen. I'm really sick and tired of how some people on here continue to cry and try to make people feel sorry for them over nothing! Stupid things!
Ya know, I'm sorry relationships end and new ones form. I'm sorry people hurt. I'm sorry people feel like they were the only ones betrayed. That doesn't mean you have to be ignorant about it though. You don't have to make up lies or send out 100's of emails trying to make someone feel bad or make a million accounts on here just to make others have pity for you. It's not the end of the world. You will wake up tomorrow and things will be okay. I promise that for all of you.
It's really getting old to log on here and hear about how someone is fine then read their kismet and it say something completely different. If you have declared that it is over and that the person no longer matters to you...
I normally wouldn't go all out in a journal entry like this, but I feel that it is necessary. Right now, in my real life, VR is the furthest thing from my mind. I have spent this whole week consoling my husband and people of my little town over the death of a beloved man, city worker, husband, father, papa, and above all life long friend. It has taken me a lot of courage just to get on here and write this with everything that is going on. I can guarantee you that the way you feel right now doesn't even BEGIN to compare to the way his four grandchildren feel. They aren't very old... they are all under the age of 12! Two of them are very small.
It's just really sad to me to know that while I'm at a funeral today consoling my husband and good friends that I have to be worried about VR drama and people acting childish.
No one ever said you had to come back on here. And just because you did doesn't mean you have to attack others and make them feel worthless. There is a reason things are the way they are now ... and you played a big part in that. It's never just one person's fault! If you don't like what I have said ... you know how to open your mouth and message me.
Otherwise, SHUT THE HELL UP! We are all sick of it!
LMAO! Yeah, let them do their job. Don't stop them. That wouldn't be nice! :)
That's funny