delemonico's Journal

delemonico's Journal


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6 entries this month


05:43 Oct 19 2008
Times Read: 673

for the one who keeps his life in a delicate balance with the strength and focus to keep going and always seeing the world from a window.




Crawling In The Dark

20:00 Oct 16 2008
Times Read: 677

Crawling In The Dark

I will dedicate

And sacrifice my everything for just a second's worth

Of how my story's ending

And I wish I could know if the directions that I take

And all the choices that I make won't end up all for nothing

Show me what it's for

Make me understand it

I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer

Is there something more than what i've been handed?

I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer

Help me carry on

Assure me it's ok to use my heart and not my eyes

To navigate the darkness

Will the ending be ever coming suddenly?

Will I ever get to see the ending to my story?

Show me what it's for

Make me understand it

I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer

Is there something more than what i've been handed?

I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer

So when and how will I know?

How much further do I have to go?

How much longer until I finally know?

Because I'm looking and I just can't see what's in front of me

In front of me

Show me what it's for

Make me understand it

I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer

Is there something more than what i've been handed?

I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer




My mind

19:52 Oct 16 2008
Times Read: 679

As for my hobby I collect books, I have had the dream of owning my own library since I was young. I have always loved to read and to write. I am currently working on my second book and we shall see how that goes I am currently on chapter 4. My mother put me in kindergarten when I was 4 becuase I read the entire encyclopedia Britannica and was trying to explain it to her book by book. In 6th grade my mother had a specialist come into the school to do a mental evaluation and an Iq test. my Iq at the time was 153 with a collage reading,comprehension and language skill. Further he mentioned Not skipping me grades because I was emotionally stunted and didnt have the emotional capacity to be able to establish bonding or any sort of middle ground with kids my age thus resulting in anti social behavior. Since I had a photographic memory and the inability to have linear time perception he figured maybe I would learn to adapt from it. Since I think in pictures not in words or in concepts, there is a gap between my thoughts and my ability to verbally communicate them leading to a lack of interpersonal skills. So books have been my best friend from an early age because the words become pictures and the ability to write them our or type them to describe the pictures and such in my mind formed a bridge to communication. Books, art, music and learning everything I could get my hands on from belief to theory, practice, language, religion, philosophy and on and on. The cup is never full and the hunger is never quenched. When I read people as I often do, I see images, places, animals, colours, sometimes patterned lines or circles and each has a representation, a symbol as some call it an energy mark or signature. Some days I bridge that gap fluidly and communicate in poetic elegant language like crimson cascading down black marble stair cases to spill to the next step and pool before continuing on in it's crescendo. Seemingly from an endless source and unto no end presented.Other days it is like the still black flames that dance back and forth building in their meaning, in their holding with no translucent light and a cold heat. Such had no outside tap, nor spring to flow forth and such it builds to a great forge and such I become the weaver and the blacksmith. Once the bridge has been let down or built up, the words flow once more from the images to carress along keys and pen strokes on paper to fill endless pages and endles hours. Time times of the black flame I sit and draw, and my passion spring forth not from a common spring with dancing colour and images on canvases . White is the colour of no emotion, it is the colour of forgotten things that are slowly remembering and that first stroke on each page is like a horizon. At times it is the space for the blackness to bleed through, the doorway put forth to offer the page of remembrance that shall partake in it. It is the colour of frustration when where to begin is not the question itself but the answer and that once steady hand now quivering like candle light in an only estate makes that first mark. For the question and the answer are one of the same. All in the details so sift focus on the bigger, better now. Some say we all have virtues that need rending, with laws and systems ripped from the branches of life. The question is simple, do you know what your post entails, Do you serve a purpose or purposely serve? For what could be told better then thru lyrics of music. Mayhaps I am the malkavian or the Ravnos for lack of better idealogical terms. Mayhaps I am the very imbuement of insanity and the weaver of illusions into reality. Mayhaps In such I formulate and construct my own reality from a world of ideals one had yet to but tap into the passions springing forth to understand. Yet to comprehend the essence of this verbiage shall those fall short in the vicissitude of fate? Wind down you mind in the abolistic lore of a summer spent and a winter earned, and for the rest of us, is there really sunday? To wade naked into that bloody pool and place our hand on the big black book, to watch the knives zigzag between our aching fingers. Is thsi forth the world we indeed have created or the world we have learned to adapt to. Is the laws of man or nature the laws we are in the keeping of or are they illusions of guidlines, caste forth in a caress of hope that mayhaps we are all unique, different. Mayhaps yet we are both the more we are different, the more we are the same, the more we change the more we have stayed the same in the ever constant shifting thing called time. So where does this leave us? At the begining or the end, at that blank sheet of white canvas to make that first mark and create a horizon. To merge that ever shifting reference point in an ever shifting world of tides and undoes, thermals and forgotten thoughts. And yet who knows these things as well as I, so into the depth of the minds with debates and arguments and intellectual conversation put forth. Mayhaps to clutch that last shred of the bridge, that last stone of bonding and companionship on the endless sea of cascading tides. In the end of this mayhaps you have the answers and mayhaps you have the question. But it's all in the books and in the art and in the music isnt it? Each note, line picture phrase, a hundred ways to depict the same thing for the understanding of another and in such where does that leave myself? On the teetering edge of uncertainty or in the cascading embrace of knowing? "I've been crawling in the dark searching for answers"If I am consumed by the questions like a cancer, then I am burried in the silence of the answer" By myself.




New drawing

00:53 Oct 16 2008
Times Read: 683

This is for my ashke.




Meaning of life

21:22 Oct 15 2008
Times Read: 686

For the dreamers weave the visions into reality as boats on the horison of the threshold

From what dreams are we woven and yet what dreams to we weaver and are we the weavers or the woven?

In what shoreless ocean of the tides do caste forth upon the thermals of these dreams. A net caste forth in the light of our existence to say I am here I am now.

Yet for these tides of thermals to rise and fall are we the guided or the the guide, for do we light the darkness or is the darkness the light in which we cannot yet see. And so in such are the tides the pure potentiality we weave to be woven into the dream state or are we figments of our own writing pen?

Is the horizon itself a limitation or a reference point that in itself is ever adapting and changing as the dreamers weave the visions of woven realities.Is it that which there is no limit and view point of ending in the ever broadening perception or is it that which is time itself made possible by the interweaving of the dreamers as a whole.

In such that we create and are created by our own perceptions of the reality we weave as dreamers asleep in the ever waking dream and for such the coconsciousness of all dreamers and the weaving of all woven patterns thus does in such create an existence of pure potentiality in the chaos theorum.So in a sense we exist and yet not exist we are a piece of everything and everything is a piece of ourselves and yet we are nothing entirely.

To be that of all energy in a field of energies patterns where Everything is just a sequenced pattern of energies that influenced and are influenced by each other in such a matter as to create possible outcomes of probability from thier encounters and to understand the nature of each piece individually one can track the patterns and predict thier ending before it occurs thus allowing them to weave different patterns for the outcome they are seeking?

"In the beginning there was the nothing it breathed with out breathe of it's own accord. In realizing it's existance it created a space that was not itself, filled that space with itself to study and understand itself" I think it is a two part process as I had spent three hours the other night working out equations for each step of the process to go from quantum theory to practice to mechanics and such in between to establish a pattern of energy evolution into the material. I incorporate the string theory in with evolution. The physical evolution from a one celled organism through it's environmental adaptations and evolutions of form to be best equipped with meeting the natural course of change in patterns I see as only one aspect.

An evolution thereafter of the mental, emotional, spiritual and such parameters are required to continue the process of evolution due to the mind over matter belief. "True faith in anything manifests results." If one has looked into the 9 in sites of the Celestine prophecy and the 10th insite of this same document provides a possibility for spiritual evolution. Mental evolution requires training as seen amongst many of the Buddhist, Sikhist Taoist and such beliefs to prepare and train the mind and body for such an evolution.If one goes back to the simple alchemy of and just before Neo-platanism or delves into internal, external and sexual alchemy or even the works of St Germain on this type of Evolution it gives a better idea of what I have refered to.

Then again figuring in chaos theory and cause and effect of several energy fields influencing one another and being influenced to plot the course of personal evolution thru ones lessons learned thru the experiences of ones life. Tack on the Enochian concepts of the many layers of realities and how they are set up in correlation to the 30 Eathrys and the tree of Sepheroth or life from the Qabala the concept of evolution is a scientific process of energy evolution through each step or phase of life. then take into consideration the Numerology perspective of bio-mapping due to energy spheres one is born into of the planetary and astrological influences in respect to each number, one is able to learn their life paths and in depth personality facts, strengths weaknesses, lessons they learn in each 9 year cycle and thus to plot the course of their own evolution as a person from the information provided to know what to learn and where to go from there. Shamanca astrology allows for one to see what other influences of the season, moon phase, wind types and such born under will effect their personality and bio-rhythm. Then for one to delve further into the Mayan astrology aspect to understand how each cyclic yearly and monthly influence of energy patterns then thus influences and adds into the lessons or events presented.Taking into consideration the Regular astrology aspect one can thereafter create a very in detail pattern of events provided for such an evolution as a person to take place and what courses they may be prone to take in the process. It's more of a self evolutionary tool. So in such I do believe we are in a constant process of evolution and adaptation as we go through our lives each individually, adding back to the co consciousness of the nothing for self understanding.




Abit of my life

19:01 Oct 12 2008
Times Read: 689

As for my hobby I collect books, I have had the dream of owning my own library since I was young. I have always loved to read and to write. I am currently working on my second book and we shall see how that goes I am currently on chapter 4. My mother put me in kindergarten when I was 4 becuase I read the entire encyclopedia Britannica and was trying to explain it to her book by book. In 6th grade my mother had a specialist come into the school to do a mental evaluation and an Iq test. my Iq at the time was 153 with a collage reading,comprehension and language skill. Further he mentioned Not skipping me grades because I was emotionally stunted and didnt have the emotional capacity to be able to establish bonding or any sort of middle ground with kids my age thus resulting in anti social behavior. Since I had a photographic memory and the inability to have linear time perception he figured maybe I would learn to adapt from it. Since I think in pictures not in words or in concepts, there is a gap between my thoughts and my ability to verbally communicate them leading to a lack of interpersonal skills. So books have been my best friend from an early age because the words become pictures and the ability to write them our or type them to describe the pictures and such in my mind formed a bridge to communication



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