Pain Reliever
Mix together 1 ounce of chickweed (reduces inflammation and aids in healing), 1 ounce of wormwood (a great pain reliever), and 1 ounce of yarrow (an anti-bacterial agent that also helps to relieve pain). Add the mixed herbs to 2 pints of olive oil and simmer 3 hours. Strain and add 3 ounces of beeswax and 1 teaspoon of tincture of benzion. Test for consistency before pouring into wide mouth containers.
Aloe Vera Salve
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of pekoe tea and 1 tablespoon of Irish moss. Allow to sit until cool. Add 3 tablespoons of aloe gel. Mix well and store in labeled jar. This salve can be used to heal burns, including sunburns.
Chickweed Salve
Add about 1 pound of chickweed to 1 pint of olive oil. Heat for 3 hours in an oven set at 150 degrees. Strain and add 1 and a half ounces of melted beeswax to the mixture. Stir mixture while it is cooling, as it will thicken. Place in a wide mouth jar and label. Great for healing cuts, burns, and abrasions.
Liniment for Colds and Chest Tightness
Add 1 cup of finely chopped garlic to 1 cup of boiling lard. Reduce heat to simmer and cook for 2 hours. Remove from heat and strain the garlic from the oil. Place in a container with a tight-fitting lid.
Rheumatic Pain Ointment:
Place a half cup of rosemary leaves and 1/2 teaspoon oil of cloves in 1 cup of vegetable oil. Simmer gently for 20 minutes. Strain well and bottle. Make a poultice and use as often as necessary for rheumatic pain.
WARNINGIf you're pregnant, nursing, or if you suffer from any chronic disease, don't take any of these remedies without first consulting your doctor.
BLACK COHOSH-This Native American herb is relaxing. Eases pain, such as that from neuralgia. It's also excellent for female problems. Large doses can be harmful and can cause nausea and dizziness.
BONESET- Another herb from America. Calms the nerves. It can cause nausea in a small number of people.
CALIFORNIA POPPY ROOT- Eases anxiety and nervousness that can cause sleeplessness.
CAMOMILE (CHAMOMILE)- This herb promotes well-being. It's good for the digestion, is relaxing and generally soothing. A cup of chamomile tea before bedtime is an excellent way to encourage sleep If you have a history of allergies, however, especially to plants such as ragweed, you shouldn't use chamomile.
How To Make Hot and Cold Compresses
Essential oils are the oils derived from plants that are used in aromatherapy. Applying essential oil compresses is an effective way of relieving pain and reducing inflammation.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes
Here's How:
In preparing for a hot compress, fill a bowl with very hot water.
Add 4 to 5 drops of essential oil.
Dip a folded piece of sterile cotton cloth into the prepared water.
Squeeze out excess water.
Place the moistened cloth onto the affected area until it reaches body temperature.
Repeat steps 3 through 5 two to three times.
In preparing for a cold compress, replace hot water with ice cold water and follow with steps 2 through 6.
Hot compresses are helpful for backaches, rheumatism, arthritis, abscesses, earache, and toothache.
Cold compresses are helpful for headaches, neck tension, sprains, and strains.
Nail fungus;
You can apply 1 or 2 drops of Tea tree oil directly to finger and toe nails 3 times daily. Some people sensitive to direct application.
Hand or foot soak;
Soak 15 to 20 minutes in warm water that is either wrist or ankle level to which you add the following mixture; Warm ½ cup of cider vinegar, after warming cider add to this these essential oils; 6 drops of Tea Tree Oil, 1 drop of Sandalwood : or 8 drops Lavender, 6 drops Tea Tree, 2 drops Peppermint: or 6 drops Tea tree, 2 drops Patchouli, 2 drops Thyme.
Fungal nail lotion;
4 teaspoon cider vinegar,
1/8 cup (30 ml) of distilled water or boiled water
10 drops lavender
6 drops of tea tree
Pour vinegar into a dark glass bottle then add the essential oils and shake well. Then add the water and shake again. Shake well for each use to disperse the oils, swab affected areas with cotton 3 times daily.
Fungal powder;
2 tablespoon of corn flour or unscented talc
15 drops of lavender
5 drops of peppermint
Put corn flour or talc into a baggie then add the essential oils. Tie the bag securely and let sit for 24 hours allowing the oils to spread through base. Shake well before using first time.
Vaginal Yeast:
Add 4 to 6 drops of Tea Tree to bath water (hip level) that has already been drawn, swish to disperse oils. Sit for 5 to 10 minutes 2 times daily.
Vaginal Douche;
24 ounces of distilled or boiled water
2 Chamomile tea bags
6 drops Tea Tree
5 drops lavender
1 drop thyme
Make a tea base with the chamomile tea bags and water and add to this the oil, shake to disperse before using. Use 2 times daily. (Yarrow or Calendula can be substituted in the tea base)
Vaginal ointment;
6 drops Tea Tree Oil diluted in a base of 1 tablespoon ( 15 ml) of either Vitamin E, Aloe Gel or cocoa butter. Apply to the affected area twice daily. You can also dip a tampon in mixture and insert vaginally.
You can also add to any of the baths Epsom salts , it tends to draw the oils to the body, dissolve in boiling water before adding to bath. ½ teaspoon for hands soak, 1 teaspoon for foot soak, and for hip bath add ¼ cup.