deathmistress's Journal

deathmistress's Journal


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5 entries this month


Soul Mate Love Spell

23:14 Jan 27 2012
Times Read: 434

Components Needed:

A clear mind and focused goal

Special paper, such as hemp, cotton, real parchment, whatever you deem special

A ritual writing instrument (the pen is mightier than the Athame) such as quill, fountain pen, favorite ball-point, etc. In whatever color ink desired.

Moon Incense

Charcoal or a small ritual fire

Timing: any time, preferably after dark during the waxing moon. The timing is more flexible with this working for many reasons; the nature of the work, and the full moon energy contained in the moon incense which is an incense of Increase or drawing.

Reinforce your personal circle/aura and prepare for workings in your usual manner. Using the ritual pen and special paper, write words of power that will call the most perfect partner to you at this time. Do not include specific names, and avoid thinking of a specific person. If you can't find quite the right words, use the following:

If there be a perfect match,

this work tonight will surely catch.

the perfect one who is meant to be,

shall find His/Her way home to me.

In perfect love and perfect trust,

I send this out, but not from lust,

This spell will guide us to unite,

free will remains with us tonight.

When you are finished, read over what you wrote and confirm that everything you want to say is included. When you are certain it is as you wish, spend some time meditating on your goal while you light your ritual fire or the charcoal. When you get "that feeling" (the one when you know everything is right, your will is focused, you know it is certain, you know the feeling...) prepare to begin the physical aspect of the ritual. When the fire has become coals, or the charcoal is glowing happily, read aloud your writing, repeating it 3 times. As you read, or as you come to the end of each repetition, sprinkle a small handful (about a tablespoon) of the Moon Incense on the fire. You will want to be practiced at this for the best effect as well as safety, so make up a full recipe of it and accustom yourself to its nature prior to the rite.

Fold the paper and keep it near you for three days. Keep it under your pillow, mattress, or pinned to your night clothes (if you aren't sky/star clad) while you sleep. After three days, light another ritual fire, repeat the Circle of Power/Protection, reading and incense procedure and this time, burn the paper when you are done. OR you can keep the paper in a special spell box if you use this method. Many witches have special containers to keep finished workings in. These are usually decorative and personalized with engravings or painting on them that echo their contents. For example, a heart shaped heartwood box with runes and magickal symbols of love on it for this spell. Usually only similar spells are kept together, or each spell is kept in its own box.




to find a lover

23:13 Jan 27 2012
Times Read: 435

Every Friday night coming to completion on a full moon Friday night, throw salt on an open fire with your right hand while speaking these words:

"It is not salt I turn to fire , but the heart of the man/woman I seek.

Let him have no peace of mind until he come to me".

This spell must be cast three times on each occasion. On the third occasion the wording should be altered slightly to:

"It is not the salt I turn to fire, but the heart of the man/woman I seek.

He/she shall have no peace of mind until he/she come to me".

This ends the spell. The person sought usually appears within a few weeks.




to caputer hie heart

23:12 Jan 27 2012
Times Read: 436

Need: White votive candle

On a Friday evening, light the white votive candle saying:

"May this flame of passion burn within your heart,

from me, you will not part

with harm to none

So mote it be - it is done!"

Allow the white candle to burn out while you meditate upon your love.




Spell to Summon a Spirit

23:09 Jan 27 2012
Times Read: 438

To create an incense portal for summoning the ancestor spirits from the otherworld, you will need an altar complete with pictures and items to honor them. In a strongly protected circle, place lavender, cinnamon, and wormwood on the coals.

Call out only to benevolent and loving ancestor spirits by saying:

"Blood of my blood, you spirits of love,

Come from below and from above;

Entities loving who wish me well,

Come to this circle when I sound the bell. "

Intone (ring) a bell three times and welcome the ancestors’ spirits. Afterwards, ring the bell seven times to send them back through the portal so you can close your circle.




Spell to Contact the Dead

23:06 Jan 27 2012
Times Read: 439

1. ink made of soot and pink wine

2. two black candles

3. place paper between the two black candles

Write at the top of the letter:

"Thou who are mourned, see now the nature of this mourning: As thou knowest now my sorrow, so on this paper I affirm it. I write thee my heart here, for thy sight and that we may be bound by such silent words even better than when our words were spoken. Receive this letter, a sign of my commitment not to forget thee nor to cease mourning for thee until my own life shall be ended"

4. Now write your feelings, emotions, devotion, memories, love, etc.

5. Fold the paper three times

6. Seal with herbs

7. Burn in a fire.



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