Let's see I woke up just just 2 hour ago and my calendar say I been out for a day that must been a long drunken night lol I never smoke and drank that much in my life
My blood run with hate pulsing in my heart my eye's see the weakness of them boys they call men the screaming in my ears fill my mind of blood lust I give them the first the hit feel the anger set in but control always over power my rage I love it I hit him hard again and again in till I feel body lose movement I love it
I wake up at night only night I stay awake probably to 6 pm I fight for a living black smiting is my hobby I'm not a vampire but I love blood I love pain blades blunted weapons and enjoy cooking I'm a foody. I love to dance my favorite brand of whites is Jim bean and rock gut vodka and my favorite brown is brcardy 151
Yes yes slice me beat slam me down beat me harder I fall I get back up over and over your just prolonging your utter ass beating you never forget you can't break me I go to always win as you eye's tear up blood dripping off my fists and you screams turn in to a rhythm and my hands smashing your skull the beat and my laughter turn in to a recurring night terror that make you sleep with the lights on and piss you self thinking I'm hidden in that dark corner and every day you go for a walk you can see me in the corner of your eyes and when you look I'm not there then when you forget me I beat you half to death again haha haha haha I want to make your neck smile so I can watch the life drain form your eyes choking on you own blood