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a few things i know about vampires

19:55 Aug 26 2008
Times Read: 733

Vampire Characteristics

What to look for...

Is your friend acting kinda funny? Always wanting to play the "Neck Nibbling" game? Have a look at this list, and make the call.

They are undead, which somehow means they are actually dead and alive at the same time...

They are pale... like Swedes...

For some reason, they tend to have pointy chins and ears...

They need blood to survive. Yummy.

Either sunlight hurts them or they are intensely afraid of melanoma.

They can change forms. Usually into bats or other vermin. If it was me, I would change into a T-Rex...

Like Cher, they have no reflection.

They live in coffins, ergo they do not have claustrophobia.

In folklore, the term usually refers to the blood-sucking undead of Eastern European legends, but it is often extended to cover similar legendary creatures in other regions and cultures. Vampire characteristics vary widely between different traditions. Some cultures have stories of non-human vampires, such as animals like bats, dogs, and spiders. Vampirism is the practice of drinking blood from a person/animal. Vampires are said to mainly bite the victim's neck, extracting the blood from the carotid artery. In folklore and popular culture, the term generally refers to a belief that one can gain supernatural powers by drinking human blood.

For most people, vampires are a bunch of shady night stalkers that feed on other people. Oh yeah, and they are generally dead... More than any other characters in horror stories, Vampires prove to be the most intriguing of all, both to their fellow characters and us, the readers and watchers.

Where do vampires come from?

The Natural History of the Vampire* gives these examples as possible people who might become vampires in death, as according to old legends:

Dead wizards




Illegitimate offspring of illegitimate children

Anyone killed by a vampire


Unavenged deaths

Untimely/ unhappy deaths




Robbers/ villains


An unburied body which has had sun or moonlight fall upon it (Specifically in China)

An unburied body that has been leapt over by a cat

Those without full rights before death (Slavonic)

Children born or conceived on a great Church holiday. (Slavonic)

Still born children and unbaptised children (Rise as vampires 7 years after their death, Slavonic)

Any animal (including cat) that has passed over an unburied body (Slavonic)

Anyone who has eaten the flesh of a sheep killed by a wolf (Slavonic)

Perjurers, liars

7th sons

Man born with a caul (a piece of the placenta that may become stuck to the child's head as it is born. Easily wiped off, but many cultures have interpreted it as sign, some good, some bad, of what that child will be like when grown.)

A pregnant woman who has been looked at (especially after her 6th month) by a vampire, her child as a great risk of becoming a vampire.

A shadow of a living man falling upon an unburied body.

A nun stepping over an unburied body.

Any of those things cover you? Admittedly, there are a lot of things there that define who might become a vampire when they are dead and/ or buried, but not all of them come from the same places. Though I tired to include specific countries or regions with their myths, when possible, so many of them have been shared and obscured that it is hard to tell where they come from. It is much easier to separate things out by regions, such as Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia, though by far the largest collection of vampire lore is centered in Europe. Most scholars seem to agree that this is because of the plagues and many famines that swept repeatedly across Europe. Where there were no answers, an illness could easily be blamed on a superstitious belief. Where people were starving and quiet acts of cannibalism were taking place, it was easier to create a myth of something that arose from beyond the grave to do horrible mutilations to other bodies, rather than own up to one's deeds. Or perhaps you could even go so far as to say that vampires were born out of the nightmares induced by the horrors people were facing. Or perhaps... it's none of the above, but truth that has been obscured by myth.

How to find that vampire

Once you have a few odd things going on in your local village-- unexplained deaths, often in rapid succession; people becoming pale and weak; people complaining of being attacked by someone or something unknown; having dreams about being attacked and waking up in a cold sweat or feeling weak; or misc. unusual signs-- and you have identified the person who has recently died under suspicion of being a vampire, you need to go seek them out in their grave. There are a few certain signs to be able to tell if that corpse you unbury is just Aunt Mildred or Aunt Mildred with a will to suck the very life out of you in your sleep!

These are a few of the signs of vampirism in a dead body:

Holes in the ground above the grave (Guess even vampires like a little fresh air)

Corpse with one or more of the following:

Wide open eyes

Ruddy complexion

No decomposition

Nails and hair grown out

Bite marks apparent on the neck

Shroud (burial cloth) partially or entirely devoured

Blood in the veins

Coffin containing blood

Apparently well fed body

Flexible limbs

In China, vampires can be identified by the greenish-white hair covering their bodies.

Chinese vampires also may fly, have claws, and glaring/ glowing eyes.

And if you can't quite tell which grave contains the vampire (or you fear more than one), then there are two options:

Have a virgin boy ride naked and bareback on a virgin stallion through the graveyard until the horse steps on a grave and goes no further. That marks a vampire's grave. Or...

Lead a white stallion through a graveyard and the grave he will not step on is the grave of a vampire.

(Not much difference between the two. I suppose it depends on how far you believe you have to take it for it to work, or the availability of virgin boys and virgin stallions in your area

What to do now?

Have you found that vampire yet? Yes? Great! Now, let's see what we can do to further mutilate Aunt Mildred to make sure she stays good and dead and in the grave this time.

Unknown murder victims (strangers) and persons who committed suicide were often buried out away from the town or village, along roadsides or near road intersections. This was thought to be far enough away from town to keep them-- as possible vampires-- from coming back around, or to confuse them as to which direction is which so they will become lost and not come into town.

As a precaution, some bodies thought to have a very high chance of becoming vampires were staked or pinned into the grave.

The head might be severed from the body and placed between the legs or under an arm. (Wonder where the Legend of Sleepy Hollow came from??)

The feet and legs might be bound to prevent the body from escaping the grave.

The corpse may be dismembered and the pieces buried separately from each other.

To get rid of a known vampiric corpse, you could burn the corpse to ashes.

Tear out the heart.

Throw boiling water or oil onto the grave.

It was local customs that dictated the proper stake for spearing your nearest dead kin. Some included: aspen, maple, blackthorn, or hawthorn.

Vampiric witch doctors and/ or sorcerers had to be burnt on a moonless night or nailed to the ground.

As an extra preventive measure, bodies could be protected from vampiricy by burying them with a cross made of willow under each armpit, chin and chest.

The body could be buried face downward and deep to prevent it from knowing right side-up in the grave and escaping.

Drive a stake through the heart or navel. (Some say it must be done with only one blow.)

Put small stones or grains of incense in all the extremities so that the vampire will have something to eat when it awakens.

Place garlic in the mouth.

Millet (grains of wheat) could be scattered over the body and throughout the coffin so that the vampire, upon awakening, has to count or eat every piece in there.

Wild thorny roses should be strung around the outside of the coffin to make it more difficult for the vampire to escape.

Lay out a body several days to make sure it doesn't start acting like a vampire. (Germany)

Bury food with the body in hopes that will keep it satisfied.

Break the corpse's neck as another preventive measure.

Place money in the vampire's mouth (I think this was probably derived from the old Greek custom of giving a body money so the soul passing into Hades would be able to pay the ferryman at the River Styx to cross into the proper afterlife) and cut the name from it's shirt. (Germany)

If you should happen to get bitten...

There are a few things you can do if you suspect you are under attack or have been attacked by a vampire:

Drink the ashes of a burnt vampire to cure vampire-caused illnesses and to prevent further attacks.

Remedy for attacks against children (Italy):

Gospel read over the child's head while his head rests on a priest's robe.

Cross of wax, blessed on Ascension Day (40th day after Easter), hung over the doorway of the house.

A linen bag containing a pinch of salt hung around the child's neck.

Child's hair is cut and a lock is thrown into the fire.

Hinges in the house are sprinkled with holy water.

Credo recited aloud 3 times.

Husband/ father watches for 7 nights for the witch/ vampire.

Or if you fear getting bitten...

Mix flour with the blood of a "slain" vampire and make it into a bread and eat it to prevent against vampire attacks.

Lay a dead cat or dog at the house's threshold-- the witch or vampire will have to stop and count every hair on the animal, but will have to flee before dawn, or get caught by the sun and die.

In Russia, masks were worn by mourners in funeral processions, devious routes were taken on the way back home, and the mourners did not look back as they traveled away from the grave, all in an effort to keep any body that might turn vampire from coming back to town and finding people it recognized.

Vampire Watchers of the World... Unite!

Where are you most likely to see Aunt Mildred and other vampires out dancing and having a good time? Check out these promising vampire siting times...

All Hallow's Eve (Halloween) is a given for the emergence of vampires, witches, warlocks and general evil doers. Other nights fall on the eves of religious holidays such as St. George's and St. Andrew's Days (Roughly April 23rd and November 30th, respectively).

And if those sights freak you out more than you thought they would, you can always take special precautions on those nights. Try lighting bonfires, tolling church bells, painting crosses of tar on your doors, covering your cattle stalls with roses, or garlanding your house with flowers, garlic and/ or thistles to keep away the vampires.

In the 300's A.D., Slavic people gradually began to drift southward from the Danube Valley (around modern-day Austria) and into the Balkans. There they formed tribes and farmed the land. These waves of migration continued until the early 600's. As the Slavs moved in, they displaced or assimilated the native Balkan inhabitants. The Illyrians were assimilated or forced into modern-day Albania. The Greeks, on the other hand, assimilated the Slavic tribes. Tharacians and Dacians retreated to isolated mountain areas and stayed in relatively small groups. Several centuries later they reappear as nomadic Vlachs and northern Romanians. The Slavs themselves eventually formed into four groups: Slovenes, Croatians, Serbs and Slavs, later known as Bulgarians. They were roughly situated in what is now modern-day Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria-- (see map). They formed a group known as Southern Slavs, united with Western and Eastern Slavs by a commonality of language and ancestry. These Southern Slavic states also form part of what is known as the Balkans or the Balkan Peninsula.

The first of the Slavic empires that was organized was that of the Bulgarians. The Bulgarians themselves were not Slavs, but warlike and nomadic people, known as Finno-Tatars and related to the Huns. After subduing the Slavs, they left were left to rule themselves. Bulgarians who remained in the area were assimilated into the Slavic culture, although they Slavs themselves kept the non-Slavic name "Bulgarian" to identify themselves and, later, their country. Nothing else remains of the Bulgarians among the people or the language. Later, a leader-- or Khan-- known as Khan Boris made substansial conquests in the name of the Bulgarian Empire, including one south into Constantinople. In exchange for official recognition by the Byzantine Empire, Khan Boris agreed to adopt Orthodox Christianity. With the help of Greek Orthodox missionaries, the Bulgarians, in large part, converted to Orthodox Christianity. The Greek missionaries also created an alphabet and translated the Scriptures into Slavonic, and this, rather than Greek or Latin, became the official language of the Bulgarian church. The Bulgarian Empire's high point was during the rule of Simeon-- Boris's son-- 893-927.

At the time the Bulgarians were becoming Orthodox, their neighbors, the Serbs, were also converting. However, there was a struggle in Croatia and Slovenia between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. Eventually, though, the Catholic Church prevailed in both regions. The Byzantine Empire, however, was soon to prevail over the Slavs, as it conquered the Bulgarian Empire when it crumbled after Simeon's death. But quickly after their triumph over the Bulgarian state, the Byzantine Empire began its own descent. With the power of Constantinople seriously weakened, the Bulgarians and the Serbians, were able to revive Slavic power.

Vampires, while certainly unusual to the 21st century observer, were not a cultural anomaly during their heyday. Vampires were, in fact, the last major addition to Eastern Europe's folk beliefs before the end of the middle ages. Vampires can count among their predecessors spirits, demons/the Devil, witches, and werewolves. And because the campire myth owes so much to this rich background, these pre-vampire "beasties" merit study of their own.

Incubus/ Succubus

In many cultures around the world, it is believed that are evil spirits who do harm to people. There are a wide variety of names for these spirits–too many to list here–and a wide variety of attacks. In Europe they are sometimes referred to as mora, mare, mara or any host of other names, but the must widely recognized and universal name is "incubus" for male spirits and "succubus" for female spirits (pl. incubi and succubi respectively). These spirits differ from vampires in that they have no corporeal form, and thus are not dead and would seem to be impervious to a victim's defenses. Evil spirits in general predate the vampire by millennia–they seem to have always been around in human culture–but it is unclear whether the vampire or the incubus specifically came first. John Milton1 gives a good description of the form of incubi/ succubi in Paradise Lost1:

With these came they, who, from the bordering flood

Of old Euphrates to the brook that parts

Egypt from Syrian ground, had general names

Of Baalim and Ashtaroth, those male,

These feminine; for spirits, when they please,

Can either sex assume, or both; so soft

And uncompounded is their essence pure,

Not tied or manacled with joint or limb,

Nor founded on the brittle strength of bones,

Like cumbrous flesh; but, in what shape they chose,

Dilated or condensed, bright or obscure,

Can execute their aery purposes,

And works of love or enmity fulfill.

(Ll. 419-31)

In Milton's description, there is no difference between an incubus or a succubus, because the spirits can assume either or both sexes at once (for convenience's sake, I shall refer Milton's androgynous spirits collectively as "incubi"). These incubi are able to achieve this because "...their essence [is] pure...," meaning that they are non-corporeal. In this bodiless form they are able not only to be either sex but they may have any form as well--be it small or large, obvious or hidden. In such a way they can do as they please "...[a]nd works of love or enmity fulfill." This conforms to folkloric tradition which holds that incubi plague mankind by either draining their victims of energy through nocturnal sex (love) or by sitting on their victim's chest and thus smothering the victim to death (enmity). In the setting of Paradise Lost, these incubi are ranked as fallen angels, thus making them a type of demon.

Though incubi and demons are mentioned in separate contexts in the Middle Ages, leading one to believe them to be separate entities, there is actually little to no difference in the characteristics between the two. Both spirit and demon derive their power from Satan, although incubi attack people directly and demons, while able to do likewise, tend to have someone do the leg work for them, such as witches. Demons are almost always depicted in art or described in literature as being in one form or another (humanoid or animal), while incubi do most of their business as something less tangible, such as mist or a ball of light. Demons are capable of doing anything, such as possessing people or souring a cow's milk, while European incubi (note the specific kind; this is not a universal trait of malicious spirits) are fairly consistent in their methods of attack, namely to people while they sleep. The last major difference is one of gender: demons are usually, if not always, male (while their minions, witches, are almost exclusively female), while the true sex-spirit is almost always female (there is more gender equality when it comes to the spirits who prefer to attack by suffocation).

While incubi are similar in form to any number of other demons and spirits around the world, there seems to be a fairly good hypothesis on how the incubi came to be in Europe. J. Gordon Melton 2offers the following explanation:

The incubus seemed to have originated in the ancient practice of incubation, where a person went to the temple of a deity and slept there overnight. During the course of the evening, the person would have contact with the deity. Often that contact involved sexual intercourse, either in a dream of with one of the very human representatives of the deity. Christianity, which equated the Pagan deities with devilish demons, viewed the practice of intercourse with the deity as a form of demonic activity.

Although this is a good theory and probably has some basis in fact, it cannot be the whole basis of the incubi myth. Namely, a Greco-Roman religion followed by Christianity didn't happen everywhere in the world, yet there are similar incubi creatures found everywhere. The most probable reason for the creation of the incubi myth is the need to explain sexually-oriented fantasies and wet dreams. Priests taught people that sex was to be used merely for procreation–not for pleasure. The ideal Christian (e.g. priests and nuns) was not supposed to engage in sex at all. For people who tried very hard during the day to be good Christians, uncontrollable dreams of a sexual nature at night were a horror. The incubi myth may simply spring up anywhere there are people who have to suppress their sexuality. It is much easier to live with yourself if you can blame your "bad" deeds/ thoughts on a demon. It's the classic "The Devil made me do it."

Cain and Lilith

Enter Lilith: This myth begins at the very creation of man. Lilith, according to Hebrew/ Jewish texts, was the first woman created for Adam.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it.

Genesis 1:27-28

Many have made her a model for feminism, because when Adam demanded that she always be on the bottom for... um... sleeping purposes, she grew angry. "Why must I always be on the bottom? I was made of the same stuff as you. I should be on the top equally." When Adam would not relent in his domination of her, she grew so angry that she uttered the holy name of God and vanished. God then had to make Eve for Adam, making her of his rib bone, rather than wholly dust, so that she would be attached to him and not leave as Lilith had done.

Lilith went out to the Red Sea, where she made a bargain with the angels who had been sent to fetch her back to Adam. She was allowed to stay out on her own, as a witch, mother of all demons. She was allowed to kill infants up until their naming day (I believe 7 days for girls and 8 days for boys), unless they had a charm over their sleeping place with the names of the angels on them. Then, she promised, she would not kill them. (This story is usually explained as being an explanation for SIDS-- sudden infant death syndrome.) Lilith killed human children in retaliation for the thousands of her own demon children who were killed in the wars between good and evil.

Enter Cain: Cain was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve. He was banished, with a mark, from the land of his parents because he killed his brother in a jealous rage.

10 What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crith unto me from the ground.

11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;

12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.

15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven fold. And the LORD set a mark on Cain, lest any finding him shall kill him."

Genesis 4:10-15

According to vampire legend, Cain wandered until he found Lilith by the Red Sea. She took him in and showed him the power of blood. (My religion teacher put it that the tree of life is represented in blood. Thus why Jewish persons staunchly drain all blood away from their meat before cooking and eating it. And thus why drinking blood/ being a vampire is such a big deal in a religious context.)

From Cain and Lilith came a host of demons and vampires in the vague myths. Cain is mentioned in the Bible as having a number of legitimate children, with an unnamed woman/ wife. Some of his children are even highly regarded, as they are listed with their inventions, such as the harp and metal working. But, past Gen. 4:26 there is no more mention of Cain's children or his line. Cain himself is referred to only twice more, in the New Testament, as "the prototype of the wicked man."

From what there is presented in the Bible, there is little to go on with the myth of Cain and Lilith. Lilith herself appears only in Jewish apocrypha texts-- she is in neither the Torah or the Bible. But what is interesting is Cain-- and it might be inferred Lilith too-- appears in the epic poem Beowulf, and with much more mention than he ever receives in the Bible.

...Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend,

Grendel, who haunted the moors, the wild

Marshes, and made his home in a hell

Not hell but earth. He was spawned in that slime,

Conceived by a pair of those monsters born

Of Cain, murderous creatures banished

By God, punished forever for the crime

Of Abel's death. The Almighty drove

Those demons out, and their exile was bitter,

Shut away from men; they split

Into a thousand forms of evil-- spirits

And fiends, goblins, monsters, giants,

A brood forever opposing the Lord's

Will, and again and again defeated.

(Ll. 101-114)

...Cain had killed his only

Brother, slain his father's son

With an angry sword, God drove him off,

Outlawed him to the dry and barren desert,

And branded him with a murder's mark. And he bore

A race of fiends accursed like their father...

(Ll. 1261-1266)

How intriguing is that? Where does the author's venom for Cain come from? Yes, he's a sinner, but in the Bible it seems that he goes off and does the best he can, building the city of Enoch, and having a lineage of creative descendants. In the other references to him, he is used as an example of a sinner, but without malice. But the author(s) of Beowulf seems to heap undue vileness onto Cain. There is simply no place in the Bible that speaks of Cain in such a hate-filled regard.

What's even more interesting is that Grendel's forefathers are referred to as a pair. "The Almighty drove/ Those demons out" when there is clearly no mention of God driving anyone out of Eden but Cain. The only other time we see sin in (around) Eden is when we look at the legends of Lilith. It was she who said the holy name of God and vanished out from Eden. And Lilith, in the Jewish tradition, has always been seen as the mother of demons. So for there to have been demons, Lilith must have conceived them (Cain's wife was busy having good children). I think the original author of Beowulf must have known of this Lilith legend (it certainly isn't obscure) and implied this in his writing, because the audience otherwise knows that there was no one expelled but Cain, and that, in the Bible, he stays a legitimate person, not a bearer of monsters.

To further drive home the point that the author knew what he was talking about, Beowulf was first written down and preserved by monks-- who were the only literate people in their time. The tale originated somewhere in the 600's in England, and was thought to have been written down at a later time (it was a bard's tale before that, made to be sung). As monks have a notorious reputation for adding God and His works into things as they write, we would certainly expect to find more references to Christianity than would have probably been present in the newly-Christian world that the poem was composed in. So it can only be concluded that the author knew what he was talking about and wrote down something that had meaning to his audience at the time, but which has been lost to us since. At the time of the composing of the poem, and during the later years when it was written down, the Bible of choice was the Vulgate, of Jerome's Latin Bible. I have attempted to look through the Latin text of this Bible, and have searched for Cain references, but it appears to have no more to say about Cain than does the later (and most popular) version, the King James Version (which most all of us know). The origin of the Cain monstrous evil myth is well obscured and lost, which allows us to speculate even more as to where monsters-- in particular, vampires-- came from.

Judas Iscariot

A somewhat obscure myth, folklore holds that vampires originated with Judas Iscariot, betrayer of Christ. Because Judas had betrayed Christ to the Romans, he and his family were cursed. The Bible holds that Judas committed suicide because of his guilt; suicides in vampire folklore were very likely to come back as vampires, so this may have helped contribute to the belief that vampires originated with Judas. Also, vampires descended from Judas were usually identifiable by their red hair. This probably points to the origin of the myth among the Greeks, as they believed red hair to be a mark of vampirism. Among the dark Greek, red-hair would certainly seem strange, but among people farther north, closer to the Scandinavian countries which feature such hair, there would be little to no stigma attached to it.

Someone pointed out to me that the vampire's aversion to silver perhaps comes from this myth, as Judas betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver. When Judas tried to return the silver and could not, he cast it away as something hateful to himself. However, the use of silver as a deterrent for vampires is more widespread than the Judas myth. Though I have yet to find any good explaination of it, silver may be used because of its religious signifigance among pagan religions, which were carried over into vampire folklore.

3 Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,

4 Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.

5 And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himsef.

(Matthew 27:3-5)

Vlad Dracula was born in Wallachia, admist a tumultuous, dark period for Eastern Europe. The smaller countries warred interally between a ruling family line and the line of the aristocrats that very much determined what the kings would do, and who would be on the throne. Outside the countries they warred amongst each other, always forming tenative treaties and marraige alliances, only to be broken for better ones with former enemies. Above all the Church ruled, and each king was held accountable to the religion and to the Byzantine Emperor. Add to this the threat of invasion from the Ottoman Turks, and you have a really nasty time.

Vlad Dracula was born the second son of Vlad Dracul and an unknown woman. Because of a lack of documentation (either through it being lost, or just never being recorded), the date of Dracula's birth is unknown, but by looking at the earliest records written by Drakul, mentioning his second son, scholars have dated Vlad Dracula's birth to be between 1429 and 1437. Mircea, the eldest, and Vlad were probably full brothers, born of the same woman. The third son of Dracul, Radu, was born of a different woman. Two other brother, Vlad the Monk and Mircea, were born of yet another woman, or possibly two different women, most likely Dracul's mistresses. Only the eldest Mircea, Vlad Dracula and Radu were officially recognized by their father and considered as legitimate heirs to the throne their father worked so hard to obtain.

Vlad Dracul's policy for his country seemed to be preserving peace and independence. Though from a Christian sect that swore to uphold Christian allies over any pagans, Vlad Dracul tried very hard to keep the peace with his southern neighbors, the much stronger Turks. Vlad was very reluctant and hesitant to give aid to any of his Christian neighbors. In one instance, when he could no longer afford to overlook his Christian brethren, he was forced to break treaty with the Turks. Afterward he was obligated to send his children (either through his own idea of keeping peace, or the Turks'), Dracula, 12 or 13, and Radu, about 9, to the Turks as hostages. Dracul would not dare break any more treaties with the Turks for fear of them retaliating against the children.

Dracula spent nearly four years in Turkish captivity, although most of it was probably not spent in a jail cell. While there Dracula learned the Turkish language, finished his education and learned Turkish methods for welfare. Later on, when Vlad Dracul broke another treaty with the Turks, the boys' stay became harsher. Radu, weaker in nature, most likely ended up in the Sultan's harem, and later became a favorite of the Sultan. Vlad was kept solely as a prisoner, as he was more rebellious. It is here that most scholars think Dracula learned his brutal ways. He certainly got his inclination towards impaling from the Turks, as well as, most likely, a deep abiding hatred for his father who sent him there, and his brother Mircea, who was allowed to stay at their father's side, out of harm's way.

In 1447 Dracul's enemies among the Christians finally caught up with him. Hunyady of Hungary attacked Vlad Dracul's castle in Tirgoviste. Mircea was captured by enemy boyars (noblemen) who buried him alive. Vlad Dracul was chased down to marshes near the town and was slain. He was buried, apparently, in an unmarked grave, which has never been found.

Vladislav II was put in charage of Transylvania following the death of Vlad Drakul. Meanwhile, Dracula had been placed in the Turkish amy, and was rapidly gaining experience as a commander. During an upset of power in October 1448, Dracula, with the help of his Turkish forces, marched into Transylvania and took over his father's throne. This is his first reigning period. Little is known about this time, as it lasted less than two months, but it is very likely that Dracula took revenge on any of the boyars he could find who had been instrumental in his father and brother's death. By Decemeber Vladislav was able to regroup and he pushed back into Transylvania, forcing Dracula back to his Turk allies.

Defeated, Dracula eventually made his way to Moldavia, where he stayed and fought alongside his cousin, Stephen the Great. When Stephen's father, the king, was assinated, the two young men went to Wallachia, and threw themselves on the mercy of Hunyady, who had taken over the Wallachian province after Vladislav's defeat. After a second exile to Moldavia, then a return to Wallachia, Dracula was given some command of the Hungarian-Wallachian army. Not long after, the Eastern Roman Empire fell to the Turks, Hunyady died from the plague, and Dracula took his loyal boyars and Wallachians and killed Vladislav, removing all obstacles to his throne. On September 6, 1456 Dracula took an oath of loyalty to the Hungarian king, followed by a tribute to a Turkish envoy. Dracula's second reign had begun.

(This section is still under construction. I will have the rest of Vlad's life up here... eventually. I've got all of eternity, right?)

The "Dracula Disease"

This rare disease known as the "vampire" or "Dracula" disease, or by it's proper medical name, porphyria (pronounced por-fer-e-ah, or por-fi-re-ah) is thought to be one of, or the reason for the vampire scares throughout time, in cultures around the world. It is very hard to describe it out of a nurse's dictionary-- it's a lot on the technical side-- but I'm going to try my best to put it in layman's terms.

First of all, porphyria is a genetic disease. Because it is hereditary, it can't be caught by blood or other fluid exchange. There shoots down all those old legends of vampires biting someone and they become a vampire themselves. If having porphyria makes you a vampire, then you cannot give it to others. You cannot make other vampires. You cannot "embrace" anyone. I'm not sure to what percent it is that it gets passed from parent to child, i.e. I'm not sure if 100% of children of a porphyritic (making up a word here) parent gets it or if 50% of them do, or if it passes more readily into one sex or another or if grandchildren are more likely to get it than children (as is sometimes the case with hereditary diabetes). The only sure thing is you can't get it through blood or bodily fluid transfer. Sorry if that ruins your evening plans of a little... necking.

Porphyrins (hence the lack of them gives you the name of the disease), combined with iron form hemes in the blood. Heme is what makes blood red. If you don't have the right porphyrin content, you don't have the right heme contents, and then things start to go bad. Prophyria imbalance can cause the following:

gastrological problems (stomach cramping, nausea)

neurological and psychological disorders (you get crazy)

photosensitivity (intolerance to sun or bright lights)

pigmentation of the face (skin changes color, usually getting lighter, losing color)

anemia (blood deficiency) with enlargement of the spleen (an organ acting as a reservoir for blood)

and excessive amounts of porphyrins are excreted in the stool and urine, giving it a dark red, bloodish color.

If you look at all the symptoms of porphyria, you can begin to see how it could start looking like what we know as a vampire. Mentally unstable people, perhaps snarling, flashing their teeth. Perhaps biting others. Some people report that porphyria is helped by giving blood, IV. Back before such things, you might find people suffering of the disease drinking blood to help them feel better. They are photosensitive, their skin, in extreme cases, prone to blistering and burning in the sunlight, so they would have a preference to avoid it. Discoloration of the skin or loss of pigmentation, coupled with a low amount of blood, would give suffers a very pale appearance indeed. But before you say "Aha!" and pronounce this as the truth behind the vampire scares, be advised, this is a very rare disease. There are several classifications of it as well, not all of them having all of the symptoms. Those symptoms closest to being "vampire related" appear only in a handful of cases. As of 1991, there were only 60 reported cases of the form of porphyria, CEP, that has symptoms most commonly linked with vampirism.1


This is "a condition of diminished responsiveness usually characterized by a trance-like state and constantly maintained immobility. The patient with catalepsy may remain in one position for minutes, days and even longer."

Back before there were laws governing certificates of death and coroners who made sure you were dead, the science of declaring someone dead was not very precise, to say the least. It's not that catalepsy was so common as comas and near death phases were. After a traumatic accident, one may be breathing shallowly and the heart slowed. The person could go into a catatonic state, but not be dead. With monitors and such now, that's just part of being in critical condition; we know the person is alive. but in rural areas, miles and miles from medical help, often the person diagnosing death was a family member, friend, stranger, but too often not a doctor. Sometimes people knew how to check a pulse, which is your heart was still beating pretty well and they could take a good pulse, you were okay. But sometimes people couldn't take a pulse at all. The best you got was an ear pressed to the chest or close to the nose for sounds of a beating heart or breathing. Either of those too shallow for detection and you were pronounced dead. While wakes gave you roughly 24 hours to improve or die, you usually didn't have longer. Sometimes less, seeing how people did not have embalming and/or funeral homes with an air conditioner cold enough to frost the windows back in those days, funerals held in the heat of summer were often very, very quick. they wouldn't leave a body out long enough to see if it started to smell and was truly dead. Needless to say, many comatose people were buried alive in this fashion.

When you have people buried alive, you can easily see where vampire myths came from. "Partially eaten shroud" was often a sign of vampires. More often than not, it probably came, if not from bugs or natural deterioration, from people buried alive and hungry. Muffled sounds from graves and scratching in coffins on dark nights could have been those people wanting out, audible in the quietness of evening. Fresh bodies and blood and even screams as the heart of an unearthed vampire were staked can all be explained as comatose victims still alive in the grave, not undead. Because the fear of being buried alive was so great, some people went to great lengths to avoid it, stipulating in their wills to be laid out for three days to make sure they were really dead, not be buried until pronounced dead by a certified physician, to be exhumed three days after burial to make sure the body was dead, or some even had elaborate bell systems devised to ring on the surface if they moved their hand below.2

Well, enough proving vampires non-existent. Let's just say they do exist. Let's say you'd like to get bitten. But, oh, what to offer? Or if you're a writer, like me, where to have your vampire bite? Since we're already on the medical topic, let's go on and include this next section in it:

So many veins, where to begin?

Starting with the head down, I'll cover all the best places to "get a bite."

The external carotid artery-- This is the most common place of all to have a vampire bite. This is the artery in the side of your neck where you take your pulse, closest to the surface between the jaw, slightly under the earlobe and forward, and the collarbone.

The jugular vein-- This vein is a big no-no to bite. Extending on either side of the trachea (the throat), following down the neck from the chin to the collarbone, this vein is very dangerous to pierce. The jugular leads directly down into the heart and carries all the blood from the brain. The jugular vein is much larger than the carotid artery, and so carries much more blood. Very few people in the world have survived a severed jugular vein (we're talking single digits). So, unless your vampire has... um... fangs of steel and a very still victim, a jugular bite could be potentially deadly. The obverse side to that is it is very easy and quick to kill someone that way. Ripping out the throat, by either severing the jugular vein, puncturing the trachea (the windpipe), or both, causes a very quick death.

The median cubital vein-- This vein is the one in the elbow where, if you've ever had blood drawn, that is where they stick you. Hey, if a hospital can use it, so can a vampire.

The ulner artery-- This is the artery in the wrist. After the neck it seems to be the second favorite place for vampires to bite. Remember this though, the vein lies under some tendons (unlike the medial cubital which is right under the skin in the elbow), so that could pose a problem with biting.

The greater saphenous vein-- This vein runs along the inside of either thigh. The vein is large and deep; it would take a big bite to get down into it, but its location makes it a nice... foreplay move, if you have such an amorous vampire.

The femoral vein-- This vein is the one at the back of the knee. Like the median cubital in the elbow, this vein lies close to the skin and is an easy bite if you have a victim face down and willing to not kick or unable to kick.

Here are some of the names of various vampires, vampire-like creatures, demons, and spirits, and vampire hunters throughout the world, as well as "vampire" translated into other languages.

*Please Note* I have had several people, of different nationalities write in to tell me that some of these words were incorrect, so I should warn you to take them with a grain of salt. I got the words from various sources which should be correct, but that all depends on how well the author did his homework. Now it may be that these words are simply archaic and have been replaced in the modern language, or they may be open to interpretation or translated a different way, but I've had one too many people tell me that they were incorrect for me to think all of the readers were mistaken. Again, use caution. But, as a consolation, although I have had people tell me that the words were wrong, misused or misspelled, no one has yet to deny that there is some sort of vampire-like creature in their history/ culture. At the least, you can take away from this list a fairly good idea of how many vampire-like creatures there are in the world.


Asasabonsam- Humanoid monster that lived in the forest and was rarely seen. It had iron teeth, and captured unwary passers-by by letting its hook-shaped feet dangle down from the treetops where it sat. (Ashanti tribe, Ghana)*

Asiman- See Obayifo. (From Dahomeans)*

Obayifo- Identified more as a witch than a vampire, this magic-made (not hereditary) being left its body at night, in the form of a glowing ball, and attacked people, especially children, and sucked them of their blood. Might also suck the juice from fruits and vegetables. (Ashanti tribe)*

Asia, India, Pacific Islands and Australia

Aswang- A witch-woman who appeared as a beautiful maiden when she rubbed herself with a certain ointment. She would fly, at night, to the roof of a house and send down her long tongue to prick the throat of her sleeping victim, then she would drink the blood. When fully fed she appeared as a pregnant woman. (Philippines)*

Bhuta- A person who died in an untimely fashion, and arose to wander the land at night. This demi-vampire, in its wanderings, would reanimate dead bodies of others, who then in turn attacked the locals, eating them as ghouls did. (Western India)*

Brahmaparusha- A vampire-like mythical creature that drank blood from an upturned skull. (Northern India)*

Chedipe- (Literarlly "prostitute") This vampiric woman was depicted riding a tiger naked, and at night she would entrance a household into a deep sleep, enter, then suck the blood from the man through his big toe. (India)*

Chiang-shih (kiang shi)- A rather vicious vampire that was made when the inferior soul stayed to inhabit the body after death, due to improper burial rites or a bad death. It could pass for a human, but sometimes took on other forms, such as that of a wolf, or it may have appeared to glow a phosphorescent green, or have serrated teeth, talons or shaggy white hair. (China)*

Churel- A woman who died an unnatural death, she would come back to seek revenge on any family members who treated her badly by drying up the blood of male family members. She might also tempt young men in the village with food, and if they ate it, she would keep them until dawn, where they returned to their village old men. A churel was marked by the fact that her feet were turned backwards. (India)*

Kali- This goddess, also known as the "Mad Mother" stretches the definition of what is vampiric. She has fangs (or sharp teeth), is dressed in human heads and arms, carries a sickle sword that she uses to kill demons, and is worshiped by sacrificing animals to her at her temple, where she may drink the blood. She-- along with other Hindu gods and goddesses-- often devours the demons that she kills. Though we can't label this revered and popular goddess a vampire, we can begin to see where the gods of the ancient peoples slowly worked their way into the everyday culture, and then, later, as Christianity took over as the main religion, superstition. (India)

Kappa- A vampire that dwelt in water (usually ponds), it attacked livestock, such as cows and horses, and drug them into the water and devoured them. (Japan)*

Maneden- A creature that dwelt in a wild pandanus plant. If a human attacked the plant, the creature would retaliate by attaching itself to a man's elbow (or a woman's nipple) where it sucked his blood until he gave something in substitution, such as a nut. (Malaysia)*

Penanggalan- Gruesomely depicted vampire (Malaysia)*

Pisachas- Demi-god ghouls; literally "eaters of raw flesh." Also known as Yatu-dhana/ Hatu-dhana. (India)*

Polong- A creature, like a witch's familiar, that would do the bidding of the witch in exchange for small amounts of blood daily, taken from a cut in the finger. (Malasyia)*

Pontianak- Yet another female vampire who attacks infants and drinks their blood. Pontianaks also seduce young men, in the form of a maiden. (Java) Also known as a Langsuyar in Malaysia.*

Rakshasas- (Rakshasas, m. Rakshasis, f.) These are demi-gods in that they don't appear to interact directly with the populace, but their exploits, instead, are given in legends. Like vampires, though, they wandered at night, had fangs, drank blood and preferred to attack infants and pregnant women. (India)*

Yara-ma-yha-who- More beast than man, this vampire dwelt in fig trees and would jump down on people who passed by or slept under the tree. The creature would drain the blood from the person, though not usually enough to kill. Sometimes it ate the person whole, then regurgitated them out later. The more often a person was attacked, the more like the creature they became, until eventually they were made fully into a yara-ma-yha-who. (Aboriginies, Australia)*

Central and South America, Caribbean

Asema- An vampiric old man or woman who took the form of a ball of light and traveled at night to drink the blood of people asleep in their houses. (South America)*

Camazotz- A full-fledged god, this deity was central in agriculture, but was feared for his blood-drinking tendencies, fearsome appearance (which included large teeth and claws), and his tendency to dwell in caves where he would-- I presume-- attack people for their blood. (Mayan, Mexico)*

Cihuateteo- A demi-god, this vampiric woman, like so many in other parts of the world, was depicted killing and drinking the blood of infants. Interestingly enough, like many of the vampires in the West, they are said to meet at crossroads and only wander at night, as sunlight will kill them. (Aztecs, Mexico)*

Civateto- Vampire witch (Mexico)

Jaracaca- Vampire that feeds from breast milk (Brazil)

Lobishomen- Vampire that attacks women and turns them into nymphomaniacs. (Brazil) Also known as werewolves. (Portugal)*

Loogaroo- This word comes from the corrupted French word "loup-garou," which was originally reserved for werewolves (much as "lobishomen" has changed from representing werewolves to being associated with vampires).* Vampiric elderly ladies (Grenada, Haiti)

Sukuyan- Vampiric witch, akin to the Loogaroo and Asema (Trinidad)*

Tlahuelpuchi- Blood-sucking witch (Mexico)*

Europe and the United Kingdom

Bruja- Usually seen as a woman, this living person transformed into various animals and attacked infants. (Spain)* See also Bruxa.

Bruxa- (Bruxa, f. Bruxo, m.) Vampire/ witches, they assumed animal forms such as a duck, rat, goose, dove or ant and attacked, most usually, infants. Adhering to witch practices, they were found out between midnight and 2:00 a.m. (also known as the "witching hours"), on Tuesdays and Fridays, meeting at crossroads. Associated with lobishomen (werewolves) and also known as bruja. (Portugal)*

Callicantzaros- A specific type of vampire, coming from people who were born on religious holidays, especially between Christmas and Epiphany (New Years). This vampire, with long talons, would attack people and tear them up on the holy days between Christmas and Epiphany. (Greece)*

Drakul- A body moving with the help of a demon. (See page on Vlad Tepes for additional meanings on this word.) (Slavonic country?)

Dhampir- Vampire's son. Sometimes thought to be the only person who could see a vampire and kill it. Up until the 17th and 18th centuries, people would hire themselves out as vampire killers under the guise of being a Dhampir. (Serbia) Also known as a vampirdzhija (Bulgaria)*

Djadadjii- This was a specific kind of vampire hunter, who "bottled" vampires. The hunter would first bait a bottle with a favorite food of the rascally vampire. He would then use a picture of a saint, or Christ or Mary as an icon, and would drive the vampire from his hiding place, and straight into the bottle. The hunter then corked the bottle and disposed of the vampire by throwing it, bottle and all, into a fire. (Bulgaria)*

Incubus (Incubus, m. Succubus, f. Incubi/Succubi, pl.)Like a ghoul, this creature is closely linked to a vampire, but unlike both of them, it is a spirit, and not an animated corpse. This creature does not drain its victims of blood nor energy, but will exhaust them to death by coming in every night to have sex with the victim. The victims, worn out and helpless, often die of asphyxiation as the incubus/ succubus is characterized by a heavy, weighty feeling on the victim's chest. (Eastern European)*

Lamia/ lamiai- A vampiric woman, she is half woman, half serpent, and lives in caves, where she drinks the blood of children. She sometimes transforms into a beautiful maiden to seduce young men and also drink their blood. (Greece)*

Lidérc- More incubus than vampire, this creature had many different shapes as a man, woman, animal or light, and it drained the energy out of its victim sexually. (Hungary)*

Nachzehrer- A vampire (when found in the grave) that has these specific traits: holds the thumb of one hand with the other, its left eye is open and it emits a grunting sound as it chews on its shroud in the tomb. (Germany)

Neuntöter- Vampire that spreads plague.


Nora- A bald man, running on all fours, he would suck the breasts of women- presumably draining them as an incubus might do. (Hungary)*

Obur- A particularly gluttonous blood drinker, the local people had to offer great amounts of food to get rid of it. It was characterized by loud noises and the ability to move things without being seen (like a poltergeist). (Gagauz people, Bulgaria)*

Redcap- This spirit haunted abandoned sites, especially if they had been the scene of violence. Their only link to vampirism was that they carried a cap that had been dyed red in human blood, and they took every opportunity to re-dye it with more blood. (Scotland)*

Strigoiu- Vampire that lives in abandoned houses. (Slavonic country?)

Upír- This vampire was born of the thought-- much like the chiang-shih in China-- that a person had two souls, and a vampire was a corpse animated by one of the souls-- the lesser soul-- that remained in the body after death. This vampire had two hearts, and was known in the grave to have its eyes open, two curls in its hair and various other usual vampiric signs. Also known as nelapsi (Czech)*

Ustrel- A child born on a Saturday, but not baptized usually turned into this specific type of vampire. After the 9th day of burial, it would rise again and attack livestock during the night, then return to the grave during the day. If enough blood was consumed, it would grow strong enough stay out during the daytime, hiding amongst the herds and picking off the animals one at a time. (Bulgaria)*

Middle East

Dakhanavar- A vampire that lived in the wild and attacked travelers at night by sucking blood from their feet. Two men outwitted it by sleeping so that their heads rested on the other's feet. The vampire was frustrated by the thing with two heads and no feet, and ran away and was never seen again. (Armenia)*

Ghoul- (Ghul, m. Ghulah, f.) Closely associated with the vampire, a ghoul was a reanimated body, but which fed on other corpses and not on blood. Sometimes, though, they are known to eat flesh of the living as well. They are also linked to zombies, but unlike those creatures, ghouls are not controlled by a witch. Looking at things in terms of evolution of the deceased, zombies are lowest on the order, followed by ghouls, and then topped by vampires, who are much more refined in their tastes, and stronger in their supernatural abilities. (Arabic/ Arabia)*

Lilith- A complex figure, Lilith was born in the Jewish tradition from a Sumerian vampire-demon figure, also known as Lillu, Ardat Lili, and Irdu Lili. Lilith was known as the first wife of Adam, who left him to go dwell in the desert. She became a demoness and the mother of all demons (who were called, in the plural, "Lilith" as well), and attacked infants, sucking their blood and strangling them. Eventually she and her demons lost this vampiric quality and were merely associated with the untimely death of any young child or baby. It can be hypothesized that this Lilith legend, making it's way into Europe after the Jewish Diaspora of 70 A.D., is the basis for the other female, vampire-like demonesses who attacked children, such as the Bruja of Spain, or the Lamia of Greece. (Hebrew)*

A Vampire by any other name...

Albanian- Kukuthi, lugat*

Bosnian- Lampir, tenatz*

Bulgarian- Opyri/ opiri, vipir, vepir, vapir*

Croatian- Vukodlak, kosac, prikosac, tenjac*

Filipino- Danag, Mandurugo*

Gaelic/ Celtic- Craitnag folley (perhaps "blood bat"), sooder folley (literally "blood sucker")+ German- Bluatsauger (Literally "bloodsucker"), Nachttoter (Literally "night killer"), Neuntoter (Literally "killer of nine")*

Greek- Vrykolakas, empusai, nosophoros (Literally "plague-carrier")*

Gypsy- Mulo/ Mullo (pl. mulé) (Literally "one who is dead")*

Hebrew- Aluka (Literally a leech, it seems to be synonymous with vampirism or vampire)*

Hungarian- Pamgri

Indian (Sanskrit, I believe)- Asra-pa/ Asrk-pa (Literally "drinkers of blood"), vetalas, betails*

Irish- Dearg-due (Literally "red-blood sucker")

Japanese- Kyuketsuki*

Latin/ Roman- Strix*

Magyar- Vampir

Polish- Upiór, upier, m./ upierzyca, f., opji or wupji, vjesci or vjeszczi, njetop*

Romanian- Strigoi, m./ strigoaica, f.; Moroi, m./ Moroaica, f.*

Russian- Upir, Vieszcy, Uppyr*, or Upierczi

Serbian- Vampyres

Serbo-Croatian- Upirina*

Slavonic- Oupire (Literally "blood sucker"), Nosufur-atu*

Ukrainian- Upyr, Upiribi, Upior, m./ upiorzyca, f.*

Yittish- Dybbuk (Literally something like "drinker of blood." A friend told me this one.)

Vampires in our culture? Yeah, sure, there's a lot of vampire stuff out at Halloween. But most people see vampires nearly everyday, the other 364 days a year, and don't even know it. To begin to study vampires in pop culture, we must first identify all the places they pop up.

Vampires in capitalism? You bet! A far cry from the days of horror stories and signs to ward off the evil eye, vampires now sell us all kinds of things. My favorite commercial has to be the one for Ray Ban® sunglasses.

The scene: A group of average looking people are sitting on some stairs outside, in predawn light, facing the sea. As the sun begins to rise, they all put on their Ray Ban® sunglasses. One latecomer to the group fumbles around, not finding his. The sun rises over the ocean, the light falling on them. The hapless guy zaps into a smoking pile of dust. "Looks like someone forgot his Ray Bans.®" All the normal looking people laugh, flashing their vampire fangs.

I love that commercial. For one thing, the actors have the best done vampire fangs I have ever seen in movies or print. Not too big or overly acted. Bravo Mr. Director. Secondly, the fact that a good pair of sunglasses are all vampires need to ward off a death by the sun just strikes me as humorous.

What it sells: The commercial takes into assumption a few things. 1. The population knows what a vampire is. 2. The population can gather that they are vampires merely by their fangs; they don't have to blatantly tell the audience, "Hey, these people are vampires." 3. The population knows the myth that vampires cannot tolerate sunlight and/or it can kill them. The message that comes across? Ray Ban® sunglasses are so good at blocking out the sunlight that they could save a vampire if his life depended on it.

One of the greatest video games, ranking right up there with Zelda® and Mario® in number of sequels/ spin offs made, is Castlevania®. The epic of Simon Belmont®, the vampire hunter has millions of hooked fans all over the world. Hey, even I have the second game one, Simon's Quest®.

The storyline: As the sequels vary, so do the storylines for the game. But the underlying, most basic of them is vampire hunter hunts and kills vampire. Now, that's not exactly going to win points for vampire lovers, but still, there is something about the game. Simon and Dracula are very much alike. Simon is the lone hero, Dracula pretty much the lone bad guy. Dracula, the embodiment of evil, Simon the best and the bravest. Even though the player's ultimate goal is the death of Dracula, there certainly is no lack of respect for the fallen adversary. The ending credits even show Simon at the grave site of Dracula. It takes a big man to bury his foe in a marked grave.

What it means for vampire kind: While the Castlevania® games do not put vampires in a great light, it does show the continuing fascination with vampires and their appeal to all generations. It also brings in a lot of the old mythology concerning vampires, played out in the storylines and information gathered on the quest.

Vampires with our food? Ridiculous! How can a blood-sucking vampire sell food? Does the breakfast cereal, Count Chocula® ring a bell? Oh yes, that. Albeit it is a chocolate vampire, it is still pretty obvious. One thing I have never gotten over, however, is the fact that he has pointed ears. What do pointed ears have to do with vampires? Though it is most likely harking back to the first vampire film, Nosferatu, who's vampire actor had pointed ears, it still doesn't make any sense. Perhaps one more way the vampire image has changed over the years. Like a Santa Claus who has slimmed down and lost his jolly old pipe in advertisements, so the vampire has changed. If anything, the vampire losing his pointed ears (and in the Nosferatu case, his general ugliness) has only taken one more step into making him look more like mainstream humans. If Freud were here, he'd say it was the subconscious of the human species making what they consider the beast even closer to them. I.e. visually making the beast look like them because they believe and know the beast to be inside them. But Freud isn't here. I said that and I take all the credit. :-)

What the vampire means to advertising: Who knows how vampires are supposed to sell breakfast cereal? Just a clever (or nauseating) pun. The cereal's good enough it speaks for itself.

What it means for vampires: Chalk one up for the vampires. Nothing like a smiling, fanged face greeting you in the morning to make your whole race look good.

And by the by, if you like Count Chocula cereal, you should click on the link above and go to the General Mills website and tell them that. Count Chocula is not easy to find (though Wal-Mart has it) and the Count's contemperaries, like Boo Berry and Frakenberry are almost completely lost. One day the world might be devoid of Count Chocula cereal! Oh, the humanity!

No, you say. No, I have gone too far. Breakfast cereals for children is one thing, but you absolutely cannot point out a vampire in TV programming for children. Alas, with smug pride I point out Sesame Street's® "Count."® The Count,® with his lovely purple color (both a color of the night and asphyxiation) and cape and monocle (hey, he is royalty) and Bela Lugousi-like accent, is as vampire as they come. True, like the cereal, he has been put in as a pun on words (The Count® likes to count numbers, objects, etc.), but the basics of vampirism still exist. Aside from the other ones I have pointed out, he lives in a castle, is shown at night, has pet bats, and even fangs, though in his smiling, friendly face, they are more like a pointed overbite than lethal weapons.

TV shows throughout the broadcasting years have featured vampires, just as movies have. Their lasting appeal, in a variety of circumstances, leads for great ratings and loyal fan followings. Vampire shows aren't just for vampire-interested people.

Forever Knight® (Far left picture) I've only managed to see a bit of this show, shown on the Sci-Fi channel. It is to my understanding that they aren't making anymore. Which sucks, since the part of the show I saw was the finale, I think. Right when the vampire main character is about to bring his girlfriend over to "the dark side," if you will. Then the guy gets cold feet. His sire is nagging him about doing it, trying to make him feel guilty and not do it, and then it ends right there, when she's about to die and they can't decide what they're going to do. Let her die or embrace her. What jerks! She trusted him, she loved him, and then what? He tries to chicken out. Aggravating to no end. But, it does what it should; it's a clencher all right.

Buffy, The Vampire Slayer® (Center picture) I've not actually seen this show or the movie. I haven't made it past the title. I'm not sure if it's the Buffy part or the vampire slayer part. Shame on killers of vampires. Just because some are nasty and try to kill you, that's no excuse. All right, enough with that. Despite my not having watched it, I do know about the affects of the show. It has spawned companion books, and it is rumored there is to be a new line of Buffy action figures coming out. From my experiences, it seems that the largest number of Buffy fans are young, around 9-15. It just shows how the vampire floats through our culture; from children's shows and breakfast cereals, right on through pre-adolescence and then into adulthood.

The Munsters® (Far right picture) Long live reruns. As long as there are TVs, there will be reruns; like vampires, they are seemingly eternal. Though the Munsters® date back to when TV shows were black-and-white (If memory serves, they were a 50's phenomenon) they still had the vampire fever. If anything, monster flicks at the drive-ins were bigger than they are now, so the Munsters® were just a family show spin off of the more popular movies. Whereas monster flicks were for teenagers, along a line of more adult content, the Munsters® had all the strangeness of monsters with the wholesomeness of primetime television. It was safe to let your kids watch. And what could be funnier than monsters thinking they are normal and trying to fit into a society that doesn't understand them? Looking at it as a "monsterologist," however, it is rather strange and amusing for the fact that they tried to throw in all the possible monster combinations. Herman is an obvious Frankenstein. Lillian a bride of Frankenstein, with her white-streaked hair down. Grandpa and Eddie are vampires, Draculas reincarnate. Various other monsters and relatives pop up here and there in different shows, putting in all the more that was popular at the time. The Addams Family® came along later and mainstreamed the monster craze a little, making up its own strange things, like Thing® and Cousin It,® rather than spinning them off. But the groundwork had already been laid. Monster shows could make it on regular, nightly, TV.


I now give you leave to go on and find out more on your own. There is nothing more I can tell you on this topic. Oh, but there is one last thing: my favorite legend of all. "A vampire bathing brings rain." So, if you're in the middle of a drought in your village, drive everyone out in the middle of the night to bathe in the river. Hopefully one person out of them all will be a vampire and they will bring you rain. Well, it isn't necessarily true that it has to be at night. In Poland and Russia, vampires are out between noon and midnight, whereas the rest of Europe has them out at only between sunset and sunrise. Okay, I swear, I'm not holding anything else out on you. That's all I know on this subject.




a few things i know about witchcraft

19:52 Aug 26 2008
Times Read: 734


Witchcraft, learn all about the ancient history and secrets.

There are numerous styles of Witchcraft:

Alexandrian Witchcraft is named after its founder Alexander Sanders. Sanders is the self proclaimed "King of the Witches". This witchcraft is the second largest to come out of England. It has great emphasis on cord magic and ceremonial magic. The worshipping is done in skyclad. The Alexandrian Witchcraft is strongest in Canada, but has gone into steady decline in the States and no longer has any association with its founder.

Gardnerian Witchcraft was named after Gerald B Gardner is the dominant tradition in the world today. It has been subject to a lot of criticism and reinterpretation. It centers on the worship of the Goddess and her consort, the Horned God. They are represented in the coven by the High Priestess anf High Priest. Nature is honored as is the acceptance of all living things. The belief of reincarnation is emphasized. Also the wiccan Rede of harming no living thing is followed. Eight seasonal Pagan sabbats are also observed. Initiation into the coven is given by the High Priestess or High Priest. You must enter the craft in "perfect love and perfect trust". This means you must trust you fellow coveners. A man must be initiated into the coven by a woman, and a woman must be initiated into the coven by a man. The hierarchy in Gardnerian Witchcraft has three degrees of advancement. Tradition calls for advancement to be separated by a minimum of a year and one day. Only a third degree witch may become a high priestess or high priest. The high priestess is always the head of the coven. Rituals are performed within a magical circle. The original tradition of the Gardnerian witchcraft was to worship in the nude although most covens now worship robed. Another tradition is "scourging". This is the light flogging of coveners with cords as a means of symbolic suffering........

Faery tradition is an American witchcraft founded by Victor Anderson and Gwydion Pendderwen. Although in the beginning this craft was very small secretive it has now reached a wide audience. The faery tradition honors nature and reveres the dieties that personify the forces of nature, life, fertility, death and rebirth. There is no standard secret book of shadows in this craft. Some aspects of the craft still remain a secret but most aspects are now taught openly. The faery tradition provides for a passing of power upon initiation. Faery tradition Witchcraft also identifies different currents of energy within the universe. Two key teachings centre on the iron and pearl pentagrams. These are meditational tools to bring oneself into balance with the universe and to explore the self. The faery witchcraft tradition also permits eclectism. Rituals are offerings of beauty to the Gods.

Seax Witchcraft was founded in 1973 by Raymond Buckland and seems to have a slight saxon basis. Buckland had been dissatified with the corruption and ego trips he saw in some covens and developed seax wicca to answer those concerns. The coven is democratic in that its leader is chosen by election. There is no binding or ritual scouging. Covens decide for themselves whether to worship clothed or skyclad. The rituals are published in The Tree : Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft. The tradition is also open to anyone.

Wicca is a variety of witchcraft that is founded on religious and magical concepts. Most of the adherents of wicca identify themselves as witches. Wicca is just only one variety of pagan Witchcraft, with specific beliefs and practices. Many Wiccans choose to call themselves Pagans. However, the umbrella term Paganism encompasses many faiths that have nothing to do with Wicca or witchcraft.


During the 16th and 17th centuries more than 100,000 people in Germany were tortured and murdered as a result of being accused of being witches. The witch hunts were led by fanatical rulers, spurred on behind the scenes by the Catholic Church. Using torture and inflicting horrible deaths on men, women and children over 100,000 people died.

Some of the worst persecutions took place in Bamberg, a small state ruled by Gottfried Johann Georg 11 Fuchs von Dornheim. Dornheim established an operation of full time torturers and executioners. A witch prison was built in Bamberg and a network of informers was established. Accusations were not made public and the accused were denied legal rights.

Torture was the rule and was applied to all those accused. Victims were put in thumbscrews and vises, dumped in cold baths and in scalding lime baths, whipped, burned with sulphure, put in iron spiked stocks and subjected to other forms torture. Thr torture did not stop even after condemnation. As they were led to the stake prisoners had their hands cut off.

Many rich and powerfull people fell victim and had their property and assets confiscated in Bamberg. Anyone who questioned what was happening was also tortured and killed.

Through all of this Dornheim became a very wealthy man. In 1627 Dornheim built a special prison for witches that housed special torture chambers.

Finally due to the fact that business was suffering Emperor Ferdinand was forced to issue mandates opposing the persecution in 1630 and 1631. Dornheim died in 1632. During the Bamberg witch trials children as young as 6 months old were tortured and killed.


The Old Salem Witch Jail that housed accused people during the Salem witch trial hysteria of 1692-93 was a filthy rat infested dungeon located close to the north river. The Old Salem Witch Jail was used to house criminals who were generally waiting to be executed.

Construction of the dungeon was approved by the town of Salem in 1683. The constuction of the Old Salem Witch jail was completed in 1684, and was constructed of hand hewn oak timbers and siding, and was 70 by 280 feet. There were no bars for strangely puritan prisoners accepted their punishment. The few who did not and escaped the Old Salem Witch were generally caught and killed. Either way the end result was the same. The prisoners had to pay for their food, and were generally kept short of water so as to make them more likeley to confess.

Despite its terrible conditions the Old Salem Witch jail was a social gathering place. The Old Salem Witch jail staff sold alcohol to people who came in the night to play chess. For a bond of one pound a prisoner could gain day release to visit family but had to return at night.

The jailers stripped the women so as to examine and prick them in search of witches marks. Both the women and their family members were tortured for confessions. Many of the victims died in jail. The family then had to pay to have the body removed.

The saleries of the magistrate, sheriff, hangman and other staff had to be paid by the accused. The prisoners were also billed for the fetters, chains and cuffs. Fees were also charged for being searched for witches markes. People with money were somtimes able to bribe their way out.

Victims were taken from the Old Salem Witch jail by oxcart to the gallows hill. Their dead bodies left swaying from the branches of the locust trees could be seen from the centre of the town.

Eventually with the end of the witch hysteria the Old Salem Witch jail was closed and sold into private hands and used as a residence. In 1863 it was purshased by Abner Goodell the state historian. In response to the public the Goodells opened the Old Salem Witch jail to the public in 1935.


The Arras Witch Trials took place in Arras in France in 1459 - 1460. The victims of the Arras trials were tortured and then burned at the stake. The witchcraft trials were one of the earliest conducted in the area.

The Arras affair began at Langres in 1459, when a hermit was arrested. Under torture, he admitted attending a sabbat, and named a prostitute and an elderly poet of Arras as his companions. The hermit was burned at the stake. The inquisitors arrested and tortured his accused accomplices.

A widening pool of accusations, arrests, tortures and confessions spread like wildfire through Arras. People of all ages and classes were arrested. The inquisitor was spurred on by two fanatical dominican monks. The dominicans believed that one third of the population of Europe was witches, and if they had there way almost the entire population of Europe would have been murdered. Anyone against burning witches was in their opinion also a witch.

The victims were placed on a rack and tortured. The soles of their feet were put in to flames, and they were made to drink oil and vinegar. They confessed to whatever the inquisitors wanted. They also named other innocent people in Arras in accordance with the inquisitors leading questions and torture. The inquisitors lied to the victims, promising them their freedom in return for a confeesion. But the victims were sent to the stake where they were denounced in public and burned alive.

Eventually the witchhunt took a toll on business in the city. Arras was a manufacturing and trade centre and many people stopped doing business there. By the end of 1460 the Duke of Burgundy intervened and the arrests stopped. In 1461 the Parlement of Paris demandedthe release of those imprisoned. In 1491 the Parlament condemed the cruelty and tortures of the catholic inquisition.


The pentacle is probably the most important symbol in witchcraft. It is a five pointed star with a single point facing upright. A written or drawn pentacle is a pentagram.

In rituals and magic the pentacle is a round disk of earthenware, wax, silver, or clay. It is inscribed with magic symbols including a pentagram and is used to consecrate the magic circle. In some rituals the high priestess may asume the pentacle position.

Some witches may wear a pentacle as a sign of their religeon. Some covens use the pentacle as the sigal of the witches who are initiated in to the second degree. The pentagram is the witches symbol of power and protection and used to control elemental forces.

Pentagrams are usually drawn in the air with a sword. The method used to draw the pentagram depends on its purpose.

Such as pentagrams to invoke are different from pentagrams to banish. Pentagrams are also used in meditation exercises where each point of the star is associated with a specific quality, attribute, concept, emotion or name of a pagan deity.

The magicians pentacle is also referred to as the pentacle of solomon. It represents God or man and the four elements of nature, five senses, five wounds of Jesus, and the five points of man.

The magician attaches pentacles on his robes. Pentacles are also engraved on rings. As a talisman the the pentacle enables the magician to command the spirits.


In 1320 the inquisition added witchcraft to its list of heresies. Many styles of torture had been invented during the inquisition so as to inflict the most horrific pain on the poor victim without killing them. The worst of these were turned upon those accused of witchcraft.

With pope innocent v111 issuance of his papal bull against witches in 1484, the torture of people accused of being a witch reached fanatical proportions. The worst tortures of the inquisition occured in Germany and France.

Millions of innocent people were tortured and murdered during the inquisition. The inquisitors followed procedures set forth by the dominican monks of pope innocent v111. At first the poor accused were told to confess. They were then stripped naked, shaved, pricked with needles for insensitive spots and then examined for marks of the devil.

Before the torture started, the victim was told what was about to happen and in many cases this forced the accused to commit to whatever the inquisitors wanted.

It was noted that a person who refused to talk even under torture was being aided by the devil. While the poor victim was being tortured a clerk recorded what was said. In many cases the clerk recorded things that were not even said.

Each subsequent round of torture was much worse than the one before. The torturer was paid out of seized funds belonging to the victim. If the victim had no money then the relatives were made to pay.

While the poor victims screamed with pain the childish tortures carried on like sadistic maniacs. They sprayed there instruments with so called holy water, wore amulets, herbs and crossed themselves. The exact method of torture varied from place to place. The rack was well used in France during the inquisition.

Some victims were horsewhipped. A sharp iron fork was used to mangle breasts. Red hot pincers were used to tear off flesh. Red hot irons were inserted up vaginas and rectums. A device named the turcas was used to tear out fingernails.

After the nails were ripped out needles were shoved into the quicks. Boots called bootikens were used to lacerate flesh and crush bone. Thumbscrews were used to crush the fingers and toes. Acid was poured on victims and hands were immersed into pots of boiling oil and water.

Eyes were gouged out by irons. Alcohol was poured on the head of the poor victim and set alight. Water was poured down the victims throat with a notted cloth. The cloth was then jerked out tearing up the victims bowels.

There was no limit to the types and cruelty of the tortures. The inquisition meant anything was allowed. The inquisitors were sadistic and mentally disturbered.

Even after the poor victims confessed to things they never did more torture was to follow. On the way to the stake or gallows victims were flogged, burned, branded and had their hands and tongues hacked off. By the 17th century as the catholic church began to loose power the inquisition began to collapse. Millions had died as a result of the inquisition, including men, women, children and babys.


The witching hour is the hour of midnight on a full moon. It is at this time that the witches spell casting powers are at their fullest. The witching hour is a time of change and transformation.

The history of the witching hour may be traced to the ancient times of the worship of Goddesses associated with the moon and fertility. As the moon waxes in its phases so do the powers of those, until they culminate at the full moon.

In European folklore, the witching hour is the time when supernatural creatures such as witches, demons and ghosts are thought to be at their most powerful, and black magic at its most effective. This hour is typically midnight, and the term may now be used to refer to midnight, or any late hour, even without having the associated superstitious beliefs. The term "witching hour" can also refer to the period from midnight to 3am.

Early neopagan beliefs were that a witch was in fact a female or male shaman. In India in the Vedic Age, a witch was called a "yogin". In modern Hindi, a witch is called Daayan or chudail. It is interesting to note that witchcraft is often mentioned in the Bible, both the old test Testament and the new Testament make regular mentions to witchcraft. In Africa, the term witch doctor has been misconstrued to mean "a healer who uses Witchcraft", when the original meaning was one of "who diagnoses and cures sickness caused by a witch".

In Witchcraft the Triple Goddess represents the 3 aspects of the Mother Goddess in one, maiden, mother and crone. The Triple Goddess symbol most probably originated from the Classical Greek lunar symbolism representing the three aspects of the moon, waxing, full and waning moon. )O(

The word Hedge Witch, comes from the Saxon word for witch "haegtessa" (hedge-rider). These days a Hedge witch is a solitary witch who is focused on helping others or healing the land.

Early neopagan beliefs were that a witch was in fact a female or male shaman. In India in the Vedic Age, a witch was called a "yogin". In modern Hindi, a witch is called Daayan or chudail. It is interesting to note that witchcraft is often mentioned in the Bible, both the old test Testament and the new Testament make regular mentions to witchcraft. In Africa, the term witch doctor has been misconstrued to mean "a healer who uses Witchcraft", when the original meaning was one of "who diagnoses and cures sickness caused by a witch".

In Witchcraft the Triple Goddess represents the 3 aspects of the Mother Goddess in one, maiden, mother and crone. The Triple Goddess symbol most probably originated from the Classical Greek lunar symbolism representing the three aspects of the moon, waxing, full and waning moon. )O(

The word Hedge Witch, comes from the Saxon word for witch "haegtessa" (hedge-rider). These days a Hedge witch is a solitary witch who is focused on helping others or healing the land.


Superstitions are a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge. The word is often used pejoratively to refer to supposedly irrational beliefs of others, and its precise meaning is therefore subjective. It is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings. To medieval scholars the word was applied to and beliefs outside of or in opposition to Christianity; today it is applied to conceptions without foundation in, or in contravention of, scientific and logical knowledge. The earliest English uses of the word in the modern era refer critically to Catholic practices such as censing, rosaries, and other practices that Protestants believed went beyond - or were set up above - beliefs that seemed unfounded or primitive in the light of modern knowledge. Many extant superstitions are said to have originated during the plagues that swept through Europe. According to legend, during the time of a plague, Saint Gregory I the Great ordered that people say "God bless you" when somebody sneezed, to prevent the spread of the disease.

Superstitions and folklore:

In the academic discipline of folkloristics the term "superstitions" is used to denote any general, culturally variable beliefs in a supernatural "reality". Depending on a given culture's belief set, its superstitions may relate to things that are not fully understood or understood at all, such as cemeteries, animals, demons, a devil, deceased ancestors, the weather, ripping one's sock, gambling, sports, food, holidays, occupations, excessive scrupulosity, death, luck, and spirits. Urban legends are also sometimes classed as superstition, especially if the moral of the legend is to justify fears about socially alien people or conditions. In Western folklore, superstitions associated with bad luck include Friday the 13th and walking under a ladder. In India, there is a superstition that a pregnant woman should avoid going outside during an eclipse in order to prevent her baby being born with a facial birthmark. In Korea, there is a superstition that leaving a fan on in a closed room will suffocate the occupants.

Superstitions and religion:

In keeping with the Latin etymology of the word, religious believers have often seen other religions as superstition. Likewise, atheists and agnostics may regard religious belief as superstition. Religious practices are most likely to be labeled "superstitious" by outsiders when they include belief in extraordinary events (miracles), an afterlife, supernatural interventions, apparitions or the efficacy of prayer, charms, incantations, the meaningfulness of omens, and prognostications. Greek and Roman pagans, who modeled their relations with the gods on political and social terms scorned the man who constantly trembled with fear at the thought of the gods, as a slave feared a cruel and capricious master. The Roman Catholic Church considers superstition to be sinful in the sense that it denotes a lack of trust in the divine providence of God and, as such, is a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states superstition "in some sense represents a perverse excess of religion" (para. #2110). The Catechism clearly dispels commonly held preconceptions or misunderstandings about Catholic doctrine relating to superstitious practices:

Superstition is a deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e.g., when one attributes an importance in some way magical to certain practices otherwise lawful or necessary. To attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand is to fall into superstition. Cf. Matthew 23:16-22 (para. #2111) Some superstitions, that originated as religious practices, continued to be observed by people whom no longer adhere to the religion that gave birth to the practice. Often the practices lose their original meaning. In other cases, the practices are adapted to the current religion of the practicer. Such as replacing pagan symbols to ward off evil, to using the cross, during the Christianizing of Europe.

Hunting superstitions:

In the forests of ancient China, when a Nivkhs hunter was pursuing game his children were forbidden to make drawings on wood or in sand; they feared that if the children did so, the paths in the forest would become as complicated as the lines in the drawings and that the hunter might lose his way and never return. The belief that there is a magical bond between a wound and the weapon which caused it may be traced unaltered for thousands of years:

Roman officer and encyclopedist Pliny (in his Natural History, Book XXVIII, Chapter 7) tells us that "if you have wounded a man and are sorry for it, you have only to spit on the hand that gave the wound, and the pain of the sufferer will be instantly alleviated."

Theatre Superstitions:

In the theatre, it is bad luck to wish someone "Good luck." Instead, you are to say "Break a leg." Uttering the word "Macbeth" in a theatre is said to bring bad luck, unless performing the show. It is commonly referred to as "The Scottish Play." The play is supposedly cursed. Whistling in a theatre is bad luck. The most plausible explanation is that in early theatre, the flyspace was operated using an advanced system of whistles, and nonchalant whistling may cue a tech person to do their cue too early and screw up the performance. The green room should never be painted green. Seeing a peacock in or near a theatre is bad luck. Most bad luck in theatre can be expelled by having the person responsible turn around themselves to the right three times, then spitting or farting.

A single magpie is considered a sign of bad luck.A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar recites an old proverb concerning the incidence of bad weather when magpies forage alone and a possible scientific explanation for this.

Many believe that if all of the candles on a birthday cake are blown out with one breath, while making a silent wish, the wish will come true.

Tetraphobia is widespread in China, Japan, Korea, and Hawaii; the use of number 4 is minimized or avoided wherever possible because the Chinese word for 4, sì, sounds nearly the same as the word for death, si. Mobile telephone numbers with 4 in them sell for less and some buildings even skip level four, labeling it the 5th floor instead.

One of the Japanese words for 4, shi, is also homonymous with the kanji in the word for death, shi or shin. (However, there is another word for four in Japan that does not sound like death: yon.)

The number 13, believed to be unlucky, has been skipped over at a horse stableTriskaidekaphobia--In Western culture, the number 13 is perceived as unlucky; 12a is sometimes used as a substitute and some buildings skip floor 13 completely.

Many believe that the United States two-dollar bill brings bad luck. Gamblers sometimes call it a "deuce", a term for two which also means "devil." To "undo," one of the bill's corners must be torn off, forming a triangle, an ancient symbol of life.

If you receive a bill with no corners left, it must be torn all up.

Spilling salt is said to cause a fight or argument during the day. There are several options to "undo" this which seem to relate to various ways of acknowledging the fact that salt was spilled with others present at the scene. One way to revert this is tossing some salt over one's left shoulder with ones right hand.

At times, a horseshoe may be found above doorways. When positioned like a regular 'U' it supposedly collects luck. However, when it is positioned like an upside-down 'U' the luck supposedly drains.

Breaking a mirror is said to bring bad luck for 7 years. To "undo" this, take the shards of glass and bury them underneath the moonlight. In ancient times, the mirror was said to be a window to the viewer's soul.

If that mirror were to break, it would take time (or 7 years) for that 'cracked' soul to heal as 'time heals all wounds'. If one walks underneath an open ladder it is said to bring bad luck. Sometimes it is said that this can be undone by immediately walking backwards back underneath the ladder. It is considered bad luck to open an umbrella indoors. Some traditions hold that it is only bad luck if the umbrella is placed over the head of someone while indoors. Placing a hat on the bed is, apparently, bad luck. (South Carolina)

Placing keys on a table is considered unlucky. (Sweden)

It is bad luck to put new shoes on a bed (or a table) (comes from the tradition of dressing a corpse in new clothes and shoes and laying them out so everyone can give their respects) - (UK / Scotland)

Collect seven or nine different flowers on midsummer eve and place them under your pillow and it is said that you will dream of your future spouse. (Sweden)

The phrase "See a pin and pick it up then all day you'll have good luck" is a superstition created from the first line of a poem in the book "The Real Mother Goose". Modern variants sometimes substitute the word "penny" for pin.

When you speak of bad luck, it is said that one should always knock on wood. Also knocking when speaking of good luck apparently helps with having good luck. This is an old Celtic tradition related to belief of wood spirits.

Before traveling a person should, apparently, sit on their luggage. (Russian)

Two people breaking a wishbone is said to lead to good luck for the person with the larger piece.

Once a wedding ring has been placed on the finger, it is considered bad luck to remove it.

There are numerous sailors' superstitions, such as: it is considered bad luck for a ship to set sail on a Friday, to bring anything blue aboard, to stick a knife into the deck, to leave a hatch cover upside-down, to say "pig", or to eat walnuts aboard.

Superstitions and psychology:

In 1948, behavioural psychologist B.F. Skinner published an article in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, in which he describes his pigeons exhibiting what appeared to be superstitious behaviour. One pigeon was making turns in its cage, another would swing its head in a pendulum motion, while others also displayed a variety of other behaviours. Because these behaviours were all done ritualistically in an attempt to receive food from a dispenser, even though the dispenser had already been programmed to release food at set time intervals regardless of the pigeons' actions, Skinner believed that the pigeons were trying to influence their feeding schedule by performing these actions. He then extended this as a proposition regarding the nature of superstitious behaviour in humans. Skinner's theory regarding superstition being the nature of the pigeons' behaviour has been challenged by other psychologists such as Staddon and Simmelhag, who theorised an alternative explanation for the pigeons' behaviour. Despite challenges to Skinner's interpretation of the root of his pigeons' superstitious behaviour, his conception of the reinforcement schedule has been used to explain superstitious behaviour in humans. Originally, in Skinner's animal research, "some pigeons responded up to 10,000 times without reinforcement when they had originally been conditioned on an intermittent reinforcement basis." Compared to the other reinforcement schedules (e.g. fixed ratio, fixed interval), these behaviours were also the most resistant to extinction. This is called the partial reinforcement effect, and this has been used to explain superstitious behaviour in humans. To be more precise, this effect means that, whenever an individual performs an action expecting a reinforcement, and none seems forthcoming, it actually creates a sense of persistence within the individual. This strongly parallels superstitious behaviour in humans because the individual feels that, by continuing this action, reinforcement will happen; or that reinforcement has come at certain times in the past as a result of this action, although not all the time, but this may be one of those times.

Other Superstitions:

Do not place shoes upon a table, for this will bring bad luck for the day, cause trouble with your mate and you might even lose your job as a result.

If you drop scissors, it means your lover is being unfaithful to you.

Salty soup is a sign that the cook is in love.

It's bad luck to leave shoes upside down.

A swan's feather, sewed into the husband's pillow, will ensure fidelity.

If a woman sees a robin flying overhead on Valentine's Day, it means she will marry a sailor. If she sees a sparrow, she will marry a poor man and be very happy. If she sees a goldfinch, she will marry a millionaire.

It's bad luck to open an umbrella inside the house, especially if you put it over your head.

All windows should be opened at the moment of death so that the soul can leave.

Knock three times on wood after mentioning good fortune so evil spirits won't ruin it.

A brides veil protects her from evil spirits who are jealous of happy people.

Two people pull apart the dried breastbone of a chicken or turkey until it cracks and breaks, each one making a wish while doing so. The person who gets the long half of the wishbone will have his or her wish come true.

If you tell someone your wish, it won't come true.

If you make a wish while throwing a coin into a well or fountain, the wish will come true.

The new bride must enter her home by the main door, and must not trip or fall - hence the custom of carrying the bride over the threshold.

If the groom drops the wedding band during the ceremony, the marriage is doomed.

Mondays child is fair of face.

Tuesdays child is full of grace.

Wednesdays child is full of love.

Thursdays child has far to go.

Fridays child works hard for a living.

Saturdays child is loving and giving.

Sundays child is good and friendly.

Married in white, you will have chosen right.

Married in grey, you will go far away.

Married in black, you will wish yourself back.

Married in red, you wish yourself dead.

Married in green, ashamed to be seen.

Married in blue, you will always be true.

Married in pearl, you will live in a whirl.

Married in yellow, ashamed of your fellow.

Married in brown, you will live out of town.

Married in pink, your fortune will sink.

In choosing a month to get married there is always superstitions to guide you.

JANUARY : Marry when the year is new, he will be loving, kind and true.

FEBRUARY : When February birds do mate, you wed nor dread your fate.

MARCH : If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you will know.

APRIL : Marry in April if you can, joy for maiden and for man.

MAY : Marry in the month of May, you will surely rue the day.

JUNE : Marry when June roses grow and over land and sea you will go.

JULY : Those who in July do wed must labor for their daily bread.

AUGUST : Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see.

SEPTEMBER : Marry in Septembers shrine so that your life is rich and fine.

OCTOBER : If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry.

NOVEMBER : If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember.

DECEMBER : When December snows fall fast, marry, and your love will last.

It is bad luck for the bride to be to be seen in her wedding dress before the wedding.

As the bride leaves the home she should step over the thresh hold with her right foot.

IT is good luck to see a chimney sweep on the way to church.

It is bad luck to drop the wedding ring during the ceremony.

Throwing rice at the wedding indicates fertility.

Death Omens In Superstitions:

A hole in the centre of a loaf of bread.

Dropping a comb.

Letters crossing in the post.

Brooms In Superstitions:

Do not lean a broom against a bed. The evil spirits in the broom will cast a spell on the bed.

If you sweep trash out the door after dark, it will bring a stranger to visit.

If someone is sweeping the floor and sweeps over your feet, you'll never get married.

Never take a broom along when you move. Throw it out and buy a new one.

To prevent an unwelcome guest from returning, sweep out the room they stayed in immediately after they leave.

Cats In Superstitions:

If a black cat walks towards you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it takes the good luck with it.

Keep cats away from babies because they "suck the breath" of the child.

A cat onboard a ship is considered to bring luck.

Counting Crows In Superstitions:

One's bad,

Two's luck,

Three's health,

Four's wealth,

Five's sickness,

Six is death.

Dandelion In Superstitions:

Pick a dandelion that has gone to seed. Take a deep breath and blow the seeds into the wind. Count the seeds that remain on the stem. That is the number of children you will have.

Spitting In Superstitions:

For protection spit on ground three times.

At start of journey spit on shoe.

Spit on hands before a fight.

Spit when you make a promise.

Spit in the ocean before you sail for good luck.

Number Thirteen In Superstitions:

Thirteen use to be a very lucky number.

In fact it was only deemed unlucky by the Catholic church. From there the trend continued.

Most hotels have no number 13 room.

Most high rise towers have no 13th floor.

Friday the 13th.


Move house.

Get married.

Begin new business.

Wear emerald.

Make promise.


Start an argument.

Move house.


Wear new gloves.

Get married.

Purchase expensive item.


Start a new job.

Start a new school.

Eat chicken.

Spin wool.

Theatrical superstitions are superstitions particular to actors or the theatre.

Shakespeare's play Macbeth is said to be cursed, so actors avoid saying its name (the euphemism "The Scottish Play" is used instead). Actors also avoid even quoting the lines from Macbeth inside a theatre, particularly the Witches incantations. This is only held to while you are inside a theatre. Outside of a theatre the play can be spoken of openly. If an actor speaks the name Macbeth in a theatre, he is required to leave the theatre building, spin around three times, spit, curse, and then knock to be allowed back in. There are several possible origins for this superstition. One is the assumption that the song of the Weird Sisters is an actual spell that will bring about evil spirits. Another is that there is more swordplay in it than most other Shakespeare plays, and the more swordplay must be rehearsed and performed, the more chances there are for someone to get injured. Yet another option is that the play is often run by theatres that are in debt and looking to increase patronage. There is also a legend that the play itself was cursed because the first time it was ever performed, the actor playing Macbeth died shortly before or after the production (accounts vary).

Wishing Bad Luck and Cursing:

Generally, it is considered bad luck to wish someone good luck in a theater. Prior to performances, it is traditional for the cast to gather together to avert the bad luck by wishing each other bad luck or cursing. In English speaking countries, the expression "break a leg" replaces the phrase "good luck," which is considered unlucky. The expression is sometimes used outside the theatre, as superstitions and customs travel through other professions and then into common use. If someone says "good luck", they must go out of the theatre, turn around 3 times, spit, curse, then knock on the door and ask to be readmitted to the theatre. (Note that this is the same ritual one is supposed to use when accidentally mentioning or quoting from The Scottish Play in a theater.) The exact origin of this expression is unknown, but some of the most popular theories are the Shakespearean Theory or Traditional Theory, and the Bowing Theory. This expression has so entered the mainstream that it is used by non-actors toward actors and in non-theatrical situations.

Ghosts In Superstitions:

One ghost-related superstition is that the theater should always be closed one night a week to give the ghosts a chance to perform their own plays. This is traditionally on Monday night, conveniently giving actors a day off after weekend performances. Theaters that have stood for more than a few decades tend to have lots of associated ghost stories, more than other public buildings of similar age.

Thespis In Superstitions:

One specific ghost, Thespis, holds a place of privilege in theater lore. On what has been estimated to be November 23, 534 BCE, Thespis of ancient Athens (6th BCE) was the first person to speak lines as an individual actor on stage (hence the term "thespian" to refer to an individual actor). Any unexplainable mischief that befalls a production is likely to be blamed on Thespis, especially if it happens on November 23.

Ghost light In Superstitions:

One should always leave a light burning in an empty theatre. Traditionally, the light is placed downstage center. That is, closest to the audience, center stage. Several reasons are given for this, all having to do with ghosts:

The light wards off ghosts In Superstitions:

A theater's ghosts always want to have enough light to see. Failure to provide this may anger them, leading to pranks or other mishaps. It prevents non-spectral personnel from having to cross the stage in the dark, falling into the orchestra pit, dying in the fall and becoming ghosts themselves. Though it's a superstition, it does have practical value: The backstage area of a theater tends to be cluttered, so someone who enters a completely darkened space is liable to be injured while hunting for a light switch.

Whistling Superstitions:

Related to a similar rule for sailing ships, it is considered bad luck for an actor to whistle on or off stage. As original stage crews were hired from ships in port (Theatrical rigging has its origins in sailing rigging), sailors, and by extension theatrical riggers, used coded whistles to communicate scene changes. Actors who whistled could confuse them into changing the set or scenery, though in today's theatres, the stage crew normally uses an intercom or cuelight system.

Script under pillow Superstitions:

A common superstition held by actors is that sleeping with a script under their pillow will help them to learn it faster.

Miscellaneous Superstitions:

No real money should be used on stage. This may derive from gamblers' superstitions about money, or it could just be a sensible precaution against theft. In a similar vein, it is considered unlucky to wear real jewelry on stage, as opposed to costume jewelry.

It is bad luck to complete a performance of a play without an audience in attendance, so one should never say the last line of a play during rehearsals. To get around this, some production companies allow a limited number of people (usually friends, family, and reviewers) to attend the dress rehearsals.

A bad dress rehearsal foretells a good opening night. This is possibly sour grapes. However, it has a tendency to be true in that cast and crew are scared straight by a bad dress rehearsal and therefore fix their mistakes by opening night.

A company should not practice doing their bows before they feel they deserve them.

Gifts such as flowers should be given to actors after a show, as opposed to before.

Peacock Feathers should never be brought on stage, either as a costume element, prop, or part of a setpiece. Many veteran actors and directors tell stories of sets collapsing and other such events during performances with peacock feathers.

Some actors believe that having a Bible onstage is unlucky. Often, other books or prop books will be used with Bible covers.

The color blue is considered unlucky, unless countered by wearing silver. As blue dye was once very costly; a failing acting company would dye some of their garments blue in the hopes of pleasing the audience. As for the silver to counter it, one would know that the acting company was truly wealthy, so to enable actors to wear real silver.

The color green is also considered to be unlucky. This is said to date from the time when most performances were given out-of-doors. Wearing green would make it hard to distinguish the actor from grass/trees/bushes in the natural setting beyond the performing area.

It is traditional for actors to draw a mascara tree, preferrably on the belly button, before performances.

Baseball is a sport with a long history of superstitions:

From the very famous Curse of the Bambino to some players' refusal to wash their clothes or bodies after a win, superstition is present in all parts of baseball. Many baseball players, batters, pitchers, and fielders alike excuse excessive, repetitive routines prior to pitches and at bats to superstition. The desire to keep a number they have been successful with is strong in baseball. In fact anything that happens prior to something good or bad in baseball, can give birth to a new superstition. Some players rely on a level of meta-superstition: by believing in superstitions they can focus their mind to perform better. Many players and fans also believe that superstitions propagate their own fulfillment by influencing players and fans.

The rally cap

Not stepping on the foul line when taking the field.

Not talking about a no-hitter or perfect game in progress

"Statting" a player by mentioning his excellent statistics in this situation is seen to jinx that player.

A lucky bat or glove.

Not talking about the outcome of a 7 game series before it is over.

Not shaving after the first postseason win

Chewing only three wads of gum per game

Tapping one's bat onto the home plate before an at-bat

Drawing in the batter's box before each at-bat

If a batter is hit by a pitch, they should not rub or touch the spot of impact.


The following is only fiction.

Several children accuse Elly Kedward of luring them into her home to draw blood from them. Elly Kedward is found guilty of witchcraft and is banished from the village during winter.

By midwinter all of Kedward's accusers along with half of the town's children have vanished. Fearing a curse has been placed on them the townspeople flee Blair and vow never to utter Elly Kedward's name.

The Blair Witch Cult is published. This rare book considered fiction tells of an entire town cursed by an outcast witch.

Burkittsville is founded on the Blair site.

Eleven witnesses testify seeing a womans hand reach up and pull ten year old Eileen Treacle into Tappy East Creek. Her body is never recovered and for thirteen days after the drowning the creek is clogged with bundles of sticks.

Eight year old Robin Weaver is reported missing and search parties are dispatched. Although Weaver returns one of the search party does not. Their bodies are found weeks later at Coffin Rock tied together at the arms and legs disemboweled.

A total of seven children are abducted from the area surrounding Burkittsville, Maryland.

A hermit named Rustin Parr walks into a local market and tells the people there that he is "finally finished." After Police hike for four hours to his secluded house in the woods they find the bodies of seven missing children in the cellar. Each child has been ritualistically murdered and disemboweled. Parr admits to everything telling the authorities that he did it for "an old woman ghost" who occupied the woods near his house. He is convicted and hanged.

Montgomery College students Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, and Michael Williams arrive in Burkittsville to interview locals about the legend of the Blair Witch for a class project.

In the morning Heather interviews two fishermen who tell the filmmakers that Coffin Rock is less than twenty minutes from town and easily accessible by an old logging trail. The filmmakers hike into Black Hills Forest shortly thereafter and are never seen again.

The first APB is issued. Josh's car is found later in the day parked on Black Rock Road.

The Maryland State Police launch their search of the Black Hills area. The operation lasts ten days and includes up to one hundred men aided by dogs helicopters.

The search is called off after 33,000 man hours fail to find a trace of the filmmakers or any of their gear. Heather's mother begins an exhaustive personal search for her daughter and her two companions.

Eventually the case is declared inactive and unsolved.

Students from the University of Maryland's Anthropology Department discover a duffel bag containing film cans, DAT tapes, video-cassettes, a Hi-8 video camera, Heather's journal and a CP-16 film camera buried under the foundation of a 100 year-old cabin. Burkittsville Sheriff Ron Cravens announced that the 11 rolls of black and white film and 10 HI8 video tapes are indeed the property of Heather Donahue and her crew.

After an initial study of the bag's contents select pieces of film footage are shown to the families. According to Angie Donahue, there are several unusual events but nothing conclusive. The families question the analysis and demanded another look.

The families are shown a second group of clips that local law enforcement officials consider to be faked. Outraged Mrs. Donahue goes public with her criticism and Sheriff Cravens restricts all access to the evidence. A restriction two lawsuits fail to lift.

The Sheriff's department announces that the evidence is inconclusive and the case is once again declared inactive and unsolved. The footage is to be released to the families when the legal limit of its classification runs out, on October 16, 1997.

The found footage of their children's last days is turned over to the families of Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, and Michael Williams.


The Salem Witch Trials hysteria occured in Salem, Massachusetts between 1692 to 1693. A total of 141 people were arrested, 19 were hanged and one was crushed to death during the Salem Witch Trials.

The beginning of the Salem Witch Trials can probably be traced to Rev. Samual Parris who before becoming a minister worked as a merchant in Barbados. Upon his return to Massachusetts he brought back two slaves.

One of the slaves "Tituba" cared for his nine year old daughter "Elizabeth" called Betty and his 11 year old niece "Abigal". Tituba passed on stories to the girls about voodoo.

The girls were fascinated with voodoo and soon started playing with it. They were soon joined by other girls in the village and started telling each others fortune.

One of their methods was to float an egg white in a glass of water and predict their future husbands. For reasons that no one is sure the girls started having fits, making strange noises and contorting their bodies.

It is hard to say whether the girls believed they were possessed or whether the whole thing started as an act which got out of control. It is my opinion it was an act which got beyond the girls control and was fuelled by fanatical adults.

Rev. Parris brought in Dr. William Griggs who could diagnos no medical condition for the girls so he diagnosed bewitchment. The 17th century Puritans believed in witchcraft as a cause of sickness and death.

Because they believed that witches gained their power from the Devil it was decided to find the witches responsible and kill them. The girls were then placed under enormous pressure to name names.

Rather then admit to what probably started out as a game the girls were caught up in a wave of religeous fanatiscm. The first accused in the Salem Witch Trials were the slave Tituba, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne.

Warrants for their arrest were issued and the Salem Witch Trials had started. All three appeared in the house of Nathaniel Ingersoll before Salem Town Magistates John Hawthorne and Jonathan Corwin.

As each women stood to testify in the Salem Witch Trials, the girls fell into fits claiming the womans specter was biting them, pinching them and roaming the room appearing as a animal or bird. After being beaten earlier and under pressure the slave Tituba admitted to being a witch.

She stated that a black dog had threatened her and ordered her to hurt the girls. She also said that she had ridden through the air on a pole to witches meetings with the other two accused.

Tituba then claimed that there were more witches, about six in number, led by a tall, white haired man. All three women were taken to a prison in Boston.

Goode and Osborne were put in heavy iron chains, with Osborne dying there.

An all out hunt began for more witches for the salem witch trials. The girls were placed under more pressure to name more witches for the salem witch trials.

Ann Putman Jr. with the help of a vengeful mother named Martha Corey. Martha Corey was a member of the Salem Village congregation.

Martha maintained her innocence in court but the girls fits of torment and anguish in court convinced the magiststes she was a witch. Even her husband testified against her.

The next woman to be named in the Salem Witch Trials was Rebecca Nurse. She was a church member and an outstanding member of the community.

By now the magistrates and everyone else believed whatever the girls said. Ann Putman Sr. was Rebeccas accuser, apparently now she had joined the ranks of the afflicted.

Following Rebecca Nurse was four year old Dorcas Good. Good, although only a child, was sent to prison and placed in chains.

The next victims of the Salem Witch Trials were the local tavern owners John and Elizabeth Proctor. They had both been vocal opponents of the Salem Witch Trials.

It seemed the girls were eager to do away with anybody who disputed them. Sarah Cloyse, the sister of Rebbecca Nurse was also named by the girls when she tried to oppose what was happening.

All three faced trials. Also arrested were Mary Warren, Giles Corey, Bridget Bishop and Abigail Hobbs.

Abigail Hobbs was already mentally unbalanced and as such was only to happy to testify that she was a witch. Instead of dismissing her as an insane person the magistrates believed every word.

Then on April 21 nine more people were arrested on the lies of Abigail Hobbs. These included Nehemiah Abbot, William and Deliverence Hobbs, Sarah and Edward Bishop, Mary Ester, Mary Black, Sarah Wilds and Mary English.

Up until now the accused had only come from the Salem area. But five of these accused were from Topsfield.

Eventually the hysteria of the Salem Witch Trials spread to 22 other communities.

For the first time however the girls recanted their accusations on one of their victims, Nehemiah Abbot. The rest were not so lucky and went to prison.

By April 30, six more people were arrested. These included Sarah Morey, Lydia Dustin, Susannah Martin, Dorcas Hoar, Philip English and Rev. George Burroughs who was eventually acquitted.

Philip English and his wife fled to Boston. They eventually returned when the Salem Witch Trials hysteria passed but in the meantime lost most of their property.

Rev. Burroughs was the minister at Salem before and had created some enemies. These included Ann Putmann Sr.

Rev. Burroughs was accused of being the coven leader. More arrests in the Salem Witch Trials followed including John Willard, Geaorge Jacobs and Margerat Jacobs.

Because Massachusetts had no formal charter all the accused had to be held in prison until a new charter was obtained. In 1692 the new governer Sir William Phips arrived with the new charter.

Governer Phips had no interest in the Salem Witch Trials hysteria and so established a Court of Oyer and Terminer to hear the Salem Witch Trials. Sitting on the Salem Witch Trials new court were Lt. Governer William Stoughton, Bartholomew Gedney, John Hathorne, Nathaniel Saltonstall, Peter Sergeant, Wait Still Winthrop, John Richards and Samual Sewall.

By the end of May almost 100 people were imprisoned on charges of being witches.

On June 2 the Salem Witch Trials court had its first sitting . The first to be tried was Bridget Bishop who was found guilty.

Chief Justice Stoughton signed her death warrant and she was hanged on June 10. The body was placed in a shallow grave on Salems Gallows Hill.

Justice Saltonstall resigned from the court and questioned the whole affair. As a result he was also accused of witchcraft.

Next to appear were Sarah Good, Rebecca Nurse and Susannah Martin. All three were eventually condemned.

The next to be convicted in the Salem Witch Trials were Sarah Wilds and Elizabeth How. During the course of the trial a Rev. Samual Willard was accused of being a witch.

But because he was friends with three of the Justices he was protected by the court. This is also an indication the Justices of the court may have known that the people who were sent to their death were also innocent.

Because of the Salem Witch Trials, the girls had become sort of celebrities in the colony. The girls now travelled to other towns in search of witches.

They went to Andover where more prominent people were named including a very smart man who turned the tables and issued a warrant for their arrest for slander. The girls quickly fled town indicating even further they were liars.

Next to be convicted from the Salem Witch Trials were John and Elizabeth Proctor, George Burroughs, John Willard, George Jacobs and Martha Carrier. Because Elizabeth Proctor was pregnant she was given a stay of execution which ended up saving her life.

They were executed on August 19 and burried on Gallows Hill. Fifeteen more people were convicted in September of which eight were executed and the other seven either escaped or were pregnant.

On September 1 Giles Corey was crushed to death by rocks when he refused to recognize the Salem Witch Trials court authority to try him.

Finally the colonys ministers took a stand against the Salem Witch Trials. The girl accusers who had gone mad with power had accused the Governers wife, Lady Phips of witchcraft.

In response on October 29, Governer Phips dissolved the Court of Oyer and Terminer. The Governer then asked the General Court to establish a Superior court to finish the business.

Juries ended up acquiting most of those accused. Only three were convicted but they were reprieved by the Governer.

The Salem Witch Trials hysteria was finally over. Those who had participated in the hysteria including the accusers, clergy and magistrates all suffered from illness or problems in the following years.

In 1703 the Massachusetts colonial legislature began granting retroactive amnesties to the convicted and executed during the Salem Witch Trials.


White Magic is a conceptual system that asserts human ability to control the natural world (including events, objects, people, and physical phenomena) through mystical, paranormal or supernatural means. The term White Magic can also refer to the practices employed by a person asserting this influence, and to beliefs that explain various events and phenomena in such terms. In many cultures, White Magic is under pressure from, and in competition with, scientific and religious conceptual systems.

Believed to be the founder of historic sourcery, King Henry III's second cousin, Mariel Stolarski, wrote journals on the effects of White Magic in her everyday life.

White Magic in the Greco-Roman world:

The prototypical "magicians" were a class of priests, the Magi of Zoroastrianism, and their reputation together with that of Ancient Egypt shaped the hermeticism of Hellenistic religion. The Greek mystery religions had strongly magical components, and in Egypt, a large number of magical papyri, in Greek, Coptic, and Demotic, have been recovered. These sources contain early instances of much of the magical lore that later became part of Western cultural expectations about the practice of White Magic, especially ceremonial magic.:

They contain early instances of::

the use of "magic words" said to have the power to command spirits;:

the use of wands and other ritual tools;:

the use of a magic circle to defend the magician against the spirits he is invoking or evoking.

White Magic in the Middle Ages:

Several medieval scholars were credited as magicians in popular legend, notably Gerbert d'Aurillac and Albertus Magnus: both men were active in scientific research of their day as well as in ecclesiastical matters, which was enough to attach to them a nimbus of the occult. Magic practice was actively discouraged by the church, but remained widespread in folk religion throughout the medieval period. Magical thinking became syncretized with Christian dogma, expressing itself in practices like the judicial duel and relic veneration. The relics had become amulets, and various churches strove to purchase scarce or valuable examples, hoping to become places of pilgrimage. Tales of the miracle-working relics of the saints were compiled later into quite popular collections like the Golden Legend of Jacobus de Voragine or the Dialogus miraculorum of Caesar of Heisterbach. From the 13th century, the Jewish Kabbalah exerts influence on Christian occultism, giving rise to the first grimoires and the scholarly occultism that would develop into Renaissance magic. The demonology and angelology contained in the earliest grimoires assume a life surrounded by Christian implements and sacred rituals.

Renaissance white magic:

Renaissance humanism saw a resurgence in hermeticism and Neo-Platonic varieties of ceremonial magic. geomancy:






Both bourgeoisie and nobility in the 15th and 16th century showed great fascination with these arts, which exerted an exotic charm by their ascription to Arabic, Jewish, Gypsy and Egyptian sources. There was great uncertainty in distinguishing practices of vain superstition, blasphemous occultism, and perfectly sound scholarly knowledge or pious ritual.


Study of the occult arts remained intellectually respectable well into the 17th century, and only gradually divides into the modern categories of natural science vs. occultism or superstition. The 17th century sees the gradual rise of the "age of reason", while belief in witchcraft and sorcery, and consequently the irrational surge of Early Modern witch trials, receded, a process only completed at the end of the Baroque period or in ca. the 1730s. Christian Thomasius still met opposition as he argued in his 1701 Dissertatio de crimine magiae that it was meaningless to make dealing with the devil a criminal offence, since it was impossible to really commit the crime in the first place. In Britain, the Witchcraft Act of 1735 established that people could not be punished for consorting with spirits, while would-be magicians pretending to be able to invoke spirits could still be fined as con artists.

Romanticism White Magic:

From 1756 to 1781, Jacob Philadelphia performed feats of white magic, sometimes under the guise of scientific exhibitions, throughout Europe and Russia. Baron Carl Reichenbach's experiments with his Odic force appeared to be an attempt to bridge the gap between white magic and science. More recent periods of renewed interest in white magic occurred around the end of the nineteenth century, where Symbolism and other offshoots of Romanticism cultivated a renewed interest in exotic spiritualities. The late 19th century spawned a large number of magical organizations, including the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, and specifically magical variants on Freemasonry. The Golden Dawn represented perhaps the peak of this wave of white magic, attracting cultural celebrities like William Butler Yeats.

20th century White Magic:

A further revival of interest in white magic was heralded by the repeal, in England, of the last Witchcraft Act in 1951. This was the cue for Gerald Gardner to publish his first non-fiction book Witchcraft Today, in which he claimed to reveal the existence of a witch-cult that dated back to pre-Christian Europe. Gardner combined white magic and religion in a way that was later to cause people to question the Enlightenment's boundaries between the two subjects. The various branches of Neopaganism and other Earth religions that have been publicized since Gardner's publication tend to follow a pattern in combining the practice of white magic and religion. Some people in the West believe in or practice various forms of magic. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, and their followers are most often credited with the resurgence of magical tradition in the English speaking world of the 20th century. Other, similar movements took place at roughly the same time, centered in France and Germany. Most Western traditions acknowledging the natural elements, the seasons, and the practitioner's relationship with the Earth, Gaia, or the Goddess have derived at least in part from these magical groups, and are considered Neopagan. Long-standing indigenous traditions of magic are regarded as Pagan. Aleister Crowley preferred the spelling magick, defining it as "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will." By this, he included "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic. In Magick in Theory and Practice, Chapter XIV, Crowley says: What is a Magical Operation? It may be defined as any event in nature which is brought to pass by Will. We must not exclude potato-growing or banking from our definition. Let us take a very simple example of a Magical Act: that of a man blowing his nose. Western magical traditions include ceremonial magic, as well as Wicca and some other Neopagan religions. Definitions and uses of white magic tend to vary even within magical traditions.

Theories of adherents to White Magic:

Adherents to white magic believe that it may work by one or more of the following basic principles:

Natural forces that cannot be detected by science at present, and in fact may not be detectable at all. These magical forces are said to exist in addition to and alongside the four fundamental forces of nature: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force and the weak force. Intervention of spirits similar to these hypothetical natural forces, but with their own consciousness and intelligence. Believers in spirits will often describe a whole cosmos of beings of many different kinds, sometimes organized into a hierarchy. A mystical power, such as mana or numen, that exists in all things. Sometimes this power is contained in a magical object, such as a ring, a stone, charm, or dehk, which the magician can manipulate. Manipulation of the Elements by using the will of the magician and/or with symbols or objects representative of the element(s). Western practitioners typically use the Classical elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. Manipulation of Energy. Also believed to be the manipulation of energy from the human body. Most commonly referred to by the usage of the hands while the mouth uses a command of power. Manipulation of symbols. Adherents of magical thinking believe that symbols can be used for more than representation: they can magically take on a physical quality of the phenomenon or object that they represent. By manipulating symbols (as well as sigils), one is said to be able to manipulate the reality that this symbol represents. The principles of sympathetic magic of Sir James George Frazer, explicated in his The Golden Bough (third edition, 1911-1915). These principles include the "law of similarity" and the "law of contact" or "contagion." These are systematized versions of the manipulation of symbols. Frazer defined them this way: If we analyse the principles of thought on which magic is based, they will probably be found to resolve themselves into two: first, that like produces like, or that an effect resembles its cause; and, second, that things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed. Aleister Crowley wrote that ". . . the exaltation of the mind by means of magickal practices leads (as one may say, in spite of itself) to the same results as occur in straightforward Yoga." Crowley's magick thus becomes a form of mental, mystical, or spiritual discipline, designed to train the mind to achieve greater concentration. Crowley also made claims for the paranormal effects of magick, suggesting a connection with the first principle in this list. However, he defined any attempt to use this power for a purpose other than aiding mental or mystical attainment as "black magick". The magical power of the subconscious mind. To believers who think they need to convince their subconscious mind to make the changes they want, all spirits and energies are projections and symbols that make sense to the subconscious. A variant of this belief is that the subconscious is capable of contacting spirits, who in turn can work magic. A mysterious interconnection in the cosmos that connects and binds all things, above and beyond the natural forces, or in some cases thought to be an as-yet undiscovered or unquantifiable natural force. "The Oneness in All"; based on the fundamental concepts of monism and Non-duality, this philosophy holds that Magic is little more than the application of one's own inherent unity with the Universe. The central idea is that on realizing that the Self is limitless, one may live as such, seeking to preserve the Balance of Nature and live as a servant/extension thereof. Many more theories exist. Practitioners will often mix these concepts, and sometimes even invent some themselves. In the contemporary current of chaos magic in particular, it is not unusual to believe that any concept of magic works. Key principles of utilizing White Magic are often said to be Concentration and Visualization. Many of those who cast spells attain a mental state called the "Trance State" to enable the spell. The Trance State is often described as an emptying of the mind, akin to meditation.

White Magic, ritual and religion:

Viewed from a non-theistic perspective, many religious rituals and beliefs seem similar to, or identical to, magical thinking. Related to both magic and prayer is religious supplication. This involves a prayer, or even a sacrifice to a supernatural being or god. This god or being is then asked to intervene on behalf of the person offering the prayer. The difference, in theory, is that prayer requires the assent of a deity with an independent will, who can deny the request. Magic, by contrast is thought to be effective: by virtue of the operation itself;:

or by the strength of the magician's will;:

or because the magician believes he can command the spiritual beings addressed by his spells.:

In practice, when prayer doesn't work, it means that the god has chosen not to hear nor grant it; when magic fails, it is because of some defect in the casting of the spell itself. It is no wonder that magic tends to be more formulaic and less extempore than prayer. Ritual is the magician's failsafe, the key to any hope for success, and the explanation for failure. A possible exception is the practice of word of faith, where it is often held that it is the exercise of faith in itself that brings about a desired result.

Varieties of white magical practice:

The best-known type of magical practice is the spell, a ritualistic formula intended to bring about a specific effect. Spells are often spoken or written or physically constructed using a particular set of ingredients. The failure of a spell to work may be attributed to many causes, such as failure to follow the exact formula, general circumstances being unconducive, lack of magical ability or downright fraud. Another well-known magical practice is divination, which seeks to reveal information about the past, present or future. Varieties of divination include: Astrology, Augury, Cartomancy, Chiromancy, Dowsing, Fortune telling, Geomancy, I Ching, Omens, Scrying and Tarot. Necromancy is another practice involving the summoning of and conversation with spirits of the dead (necros). This is sometimes done simply to commune with deceased loved ones; it can also be done to gain information from the spirits, as a type of divination; or to command the aid of those spirits in accomplishing some goal, as part of casting a spell. Varieties of magic can also be categorized by the techniques involved in their operation. One common means of categorisation distinguishes between contagious magic and sympathetic magic, one or both of which may be employed in any magical work. Contagious magic involves the use of physical ingredients which were once in contact with the person or thing the practitioner intends to influence. Sympathetic magic involves the use of images or physical objects which in some way resemble the person or thing one hopes to influence; voodoo dolls are an example.

White Magical traditions:

Another method of classifying White magic is by "traditions," which in this context typically refer to complexes of magical belief and practice associated with various cultural groups and lineages of transmission. Some of these traditions are highly specific and culturally circumscribed. Others are more eclectic and syncretistic. These traditions can compass both divination and spells. When dealing with magic in terms of "traditions," it is a common misconception for outsiders to treat any religion in which clergy members make amulets and talismans for their congregants as a "tradition of magic," even though what is being named is actually an organized religion with clergy, laity, and an order of liturgical service. This is most notably the case when Voodoo, Palo, Santeria, Taoism, Wicca, and other contemporary religions and folk religions are mischaracterized as forms of "White magic". Examples of magical, folk-magical, and religio-magical traditions include:




Ceremonial magic:

Chaos magic:


Hermetic Qabalah:






















Zos Kia Cultus

White Magic in animism and folk religion:

Appearing from Maori tribes in New Zealand to rainforest tribes in South America, bush tribes in Africa and ancient Pagan tribal groups in Europe and the British Isles, some form of shamanic contact with the spirit world seems to be nearly universal in the early development of human communities. Much of the Babylonian and Egyptian pictorial writing characters appear derived from the same sources. Although indigenous magical traditions persist to this day, very early on some communities transitioned from nomadic to agricultural civilizations, and with this shift, the development of spiritual life mirrored that of civic life. Just as tribal elders were consolidated and transformed into kings and bureaucrats, so too were shamans and adepts devolved into priests and a priestly caste. This shift is by no means in nomenclature alone. While the shaman's task was to negotiate between the tribe and the spirit world, on behalf of the tribe, as directed by the collective will of the tribe, the priest's role was to transfer instructions from the deities to the city-state, on behalf of the deities, as directed by the will of those deities. This shift represents the first major usurpation of power by distancing magic from those participating in that magic. It is at this stage of development that highly codified and elaborate rituals, setting the stage for formal religions, began to emerge, such as the funeral rites of the Egyptians and the sacrifice rituals of the Babylonians, Persians, Aztecs and Mayans.


The word magic ultimately derives from Magus (Old Persian magu), one of the Zoroastrian astrologer priests of the Medes.



Amethyst is the birthstone for February.

It is associated with the signs of Pisces, Aquarius, Virgo and Aquarius.

CRYSTAL MYTHOLOGY : Bacchus the god of wine declared in anger that the first person he passess will be eaten by tigers. This turned out to be the beautiful maiden Amethyst. Goddess Diana quickly turned Amethyst into a white stone to save her from the tigers. Regretting his anger Bacchus poured red wine over the stone as an offering to Diana. In doing so turning the stone purple.

USES : Enhances psychic abilities. Good for meditation. Aids in channeling abilities.

To meditate with this Amethyst place it on your forehead between your eyes.


Calcite is formed in water and is very soft.

Calcite in it`s most common shape is the three dimensional parallelogram called a rhomboid. A rhomboid has six parallel planes all connected to each other.

Clear calcite is most commonly found in rhomboid form. Green calcite comes in a variety of shapes. Honey calcite comes in chunks. Pink calcite is most commonly found in chunks which are then tumbled.

On the spiritual level calcite teaches us the importance of allowing new energies to flow through us. That it's all right for us to break the barriers of old beliefs.


Citrine is the birthstone for November and its corresponding signs are Gemini, Aries, Virgo, and Leo.

Technically Citrine is "burnt amethyst" but it is usually categorized as Citrine.

Citrine dissipates negative energy and as such never requires cleansing.

USES : Citrine activates the third chakra, enhances the body`s healing energy and is good for mental focus and self esteem.



most often transparent and colorless

if selenite crystals show translucency, opacity, and/or color, it is caused by the presence of other minerals (including druse) druse meaning crust of tiny, minute, or micro crystals that form or fuse either within or upon the surface of a rock cavity, geode, or another crystal.

USES : Selenite may be used as a tool in accessing your past and future lives by gently rubbing the stone. It is also of benefit to the spinal column and skeletal system.

You should not leave selenite in water if it is left in water for an extended period it will disolve.


Corresponds to all zodiac signs.

The most common form of quartz appears is as a six sided crystal whose termination is also six sided.

The largest single quartz crystal ever found is approximately 20 feet long and weighes more than 48 tons.

Clear quartz is the mirror of the soul because it reflects and radiates that within us that is divine.

USES : Clear quartz is a pure and powerful energy source. It receives, activates, transmits, and amplifies energy. It activates all levels of consciousness.


Rose quartx which is soft pink in color usually occurrs in massive form, rarely in crystal form. The color is usually considered as due to trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese, in the massive material.

USES : Promotes love energy in relationships. Very calming it helps clear stored anger.

Replaces negativity with harmony. Aids in balancing the upper four chakras. Is becoming more popular.



USES : Smoky Quartz helps to process and release that which is no longer needed. It balances the energies of mind and body. Excellent for meditation. Smoky Quartz is also a protective and grounding stone.

Smoky quartz or Smokey quartz, also known as Cairngorm or Cairngormstone is a brown variety of quartz caused through the natural (or artificial) irradiation of aluminium-containing rock crystal. A very dark brown to black opaque variety is known as morion.


Tourmaline crystals are prismatic crystals, hexagonal that commonly have a rounded triangular cross section.


Black Tourmaline : Protects against negativity. Corresponds to the root chakra. Astrological sign of Capricorn.

Blue Tourmaline : Psychic awareness. Corresponds to the throat and third eye chakras. Astrological sign of Taurus.

Green Tourmaline : Represents life energy of plants. Excellent for people who work with herbs for healing. Opens the heart chakra. Astrological sign of Capricorn.

Rubellite Tourmaline : Love, devotion. Corresponds to root and heart chakras. Astrological signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Pink Tourmaline : Love, spirituality, joy, peace, understanding. Corresponds to heart chakra and crown chakra. Astrological sign of Libra.

Watermelon Tourmaline: Activates the heart chakra, corresponds to the astrological signs of Virgo and Gemini.


The Human Aura is made up of seven main Human aura's which extend up to four feet from the Human body. These aura's all occupy the same space at the same time, each Human aura extending out further than the previos aura. All Human aura's are interconnected and reliant on the others for normal function.

The astral Human aura extends about eight to twelve inches from the physical body and appears as brightly coloured rainbow clouds. The astral Human aura is the bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world.

The celestial Human aura extends about twenty four inches from the Human physical body and appears as a brightr shimmering light of pastel colours. This is the level of feelings within the world of our spirit. Here we communicate with all the beings of the spiritual world.

The emotional Human aura extends about two to four inches from the physical body and appears as rainbow coloured clouds. This Human aura is associated with feelings. Positive feelings generally create bright colours, where as negative feelings generally create dark colours. Problems in this aura will eventually lead to problems in the first and third aura's.

The etheric Human aura extends about two inches out from the physical body and is usually a shade of blue in colour. The shade of the blue relates to the physical condition and health of the Human physical body. Athletes have strong etheric aura's of a deeper blue in shade. In the etheric Human aura you feel all the sensations, both pain and pleasure. Whenever their is pain the flow of energy in that area of the etheric is eratic.

Draw a circle on your left hand using your right fingertip. Dont let your finger touch your hand, keep it at a distance of about a half inch. Move slowly. You will feel the power of your aura.

Everybody has the ability to see the Human aura. For beginners a low light is the best way to start. Turn out the lights and lay on the bed. Leave the window curtains open and let the natural light flow in. As you are laying on the bed hold your hands out at full distance in front of you. Dont stare hard but rather just gaze at your hands. Moving your hands slowly, bring your fingertips together until they are almiost touching. You will notice a cloudy blue haze appear around your finger. This is the etheric Human aura.

The ketheric template aura extends about thirty six to forty eight inches from the Human physical body and appears as an extremley bright golden light that is rapidly pulsating. This aura takes on the form of a golden egg that surrounds and protects everything within it.

The mental Human aura extends about four to eight inches from the physical body and is usually a bright shade of yellow in colour. Within this Human aura are our thoughts and mental processes. The more active our thinking processes the brighter our mental Human aura becomes. Within this Human aura can be found thought forms.

The mental Human aura extends about four to eight inches from the physical body and is usually a bright shade of yellow in colour. Within this Human aura are our thoughts and mental processes. The more active our thinking processes the brighter our mental aura becomes. Within this Human aura can be found thought forms.

The etheric template Human aura extends about twelve to twenty four inches from the Human physical body and appears as a blue print form.

There is an empty groove in the etheric Human aura aura into which the etheric Human aura fits. The etheric template aura holds the etheric Human aura in place. It is the template for the etheric dimension.

AQUA : healer

BLACK : I often see this in the auras of abused children, divorcees, drug addicts and torture victims.

PALE BLUE : the colour of sensitivity.

SKY BLUE : strong natural instincts

COBALT BLUE : intuition coming from the higher dimensions of the aura

PRUSSIAN BLUE : represents harmony

ROYAL BLUE : I have found this in people who have found their chosen path in life

DELFT BLUE : strong ethics

ULTRAMARINE : seen in the aura of sailors, surfers and people who are around the sea.

NAVY BLUE : people with this colour tend to move slow, but safe and sure

INDIGO : strong psychic ability

AMBER : personal strength and courage

CARAMEL : I find this colour in people who are going through positive career changes

COPPER : I only see this colour around people in the mining industry

RAW SIENNA : indicates poor thinking process

FAWN : period of problems is coming to an end

DOE-SKIN : found in people who are very orderly

MUSHROOM : a slowing of destiny

CHOCALATE BROWN : the colour of enviromentalist and farmers

RUSSET-BROWN : a hard working person

TERRACOTTA : people who challenge convention

DARK BROWN : indicates a person with common sense

GOLD : a higher level of consciousness

PALE GREEN : spiritual advancement

LEMON GREEN : I have found this in people who are liars and cheats

APPLE GREEN : healers

IRIDESCENT GREEN : I find this colour in very friendly people

EMERALD GREEN : a problem is being put to rest

JADE : a charitable nature

VIRIDIAN : emotional and mental stress

OLIVE GREEN : scrooge

DARK GREEN : mental stress

TURQUISE : I often find this in people who fought their way out of poverty to become a success in life

GREY : people who feel trapped in life

CHARCOAL GREY : depression

APRICOT : caring communication

ORANGE : strong motivation

PUMPKIN : self control

PALE PINK : true love

PINK MADDER : loyalty and commitment

SALMON PINK : people who work in a carreer they love

IRIDESCENT PINK : sexual desire

DUSTY PINK : foolish people

LAVENDER : I have often seen this in people who have had a near death experience

LILAC : spiritual balance

MAGANTA : often found in entrepreneurs

MAUVE : humble people

IMPERIAL PURPLE : heightened dream activity

GRAPE : laziness

VIOLET : once again humble people

CARMINE : people who are seeking change

VERMILLION : indicates creativity

RUSTIC RED : short tempered

SCARLET RED : found in people with a big ego

CRIMSON : natural creative skills

MAROON : self empowerment

CLARET : self determination

SILVER : this is the link between the spiritual realm

CREAM : heading in the right direction

PEARL : I often see this around authentic mediums

PALE YELLOW : shyness

PRIMROSE : optimism

LEMON YELLOW : strength of direction

BUTTERCUP YELLOW : focused on a course of action

GOLDEN YELLOW : inspirtion

MUSTARD : I have seen this in people who are manipulative

STRAW YELLOW : day dreamers


The Ouija Board has been around since the time of the Roman Emporeror Valens in the fourth century. It is also thought to have been used by the Greeks since before the time of Christ.

The modern Ouija Board is the combination of two tools used for scrying. The first is a wheel made up of the letters of the alphabet. The second is a glass, usually a wine glass which is inverted and placed in the middle.

The letters are usually written on small pieces of paper which are placed in a circle around the table.

It was in 1891 that a patent was granted to Elijah J Bond on the first modern Ouija Board. The following year the rights to the Ouija Board were purchased by William Fuld.

The name Ouija means yes-yes. In 1966 the Parker Brothers purchased the rights to the Ouija Board and shifted its manufacturing facilities to Salem, Massachusetts. "Ouija" is a registered trademark. There are several theories about the origin of the term "Ouija". According to one of these, the word is derived from the French "oui" (for "yes") and the German/Dutch "ja" (also for "yes"). An alternative story suggests that the name was revealed to inventor Charles Kennard during a Ouija séance and was claimed to be an Ancient Egyptian word meaning "good luck.".

The Ouija Board ended up outselling the game of Monopoly in its first full year at Salem. Over two million copies of the Ouija Board were shipped.

OUIJA BOARD, the layout of the ouija board

The layout of the OUIJA BOARD seems to vary from country to country. The original and best layout appears to be to place the yes at the top of the circle and the no at the bottom.

The letters are placed in a circle starting with the letter A next to the word yes and continuing around until the final letter Z ends up on the other side of the word yes. The nine numbers from one to nine should be placed at the bottom next to the no.

The Ouija Board usually requires a minimum of two people to operate it. It is very rare that one person has the power to operate the board.

The two people should sit opposite each other and place the tip of only one finger on the glass. The fingertip should only gently touch the glass.

Someone starts by asking a simple question, such as " is there a spirit present?". If there is no response the question should continued to be asked.

The glass eventually moves and answers the question. The first time you use a OUIJA BOARD is quite startling.

Sometimes someone will deliberatly push the glass but this is easy to spot. The glass tends to move in jerks rather than free flowing.

There are stories that Ouija Boards are dangerous to use. These stories are stupid and should be ignored.

It is helpful to write down the questions you wish to ask before you start. It is also helpful to have a third person writing down the answers as you go for future reference.

Once you become experienced at the Ouija Board you will find the pace of responses coming from the glass will increase. In fact sometimes the glass will speed across the table at such great speeds it is almost impossible to keep up.

It should be noted that sometimes the communication will be in foreign languages or sometimes it is English backwards. My advise to most people is to make their own Ouija Board.

This is simple to do and most effective. Just have a smooth table to work from and cut up small pieces of paper to write on. Any glass will do, though a wine glass is most effective.

The responses you get from the Ouija Board will really depend on your attitude and commitment to the Ouija Board.

The big question many people ask me about the Ouija Board is if they are truely makling contact with spirits and the answer is probably. It should be noted that when people are blindfolded, the Ouija board operators are unable to produce any sort of intelligible messages. Psychologists believe the motion of the planchette on the Ouija board is explained by the ideomotor effect.


Alice Cooper claims that an Ouija Board suggested that he was the reincarnation of a 17th century witch with the name Alice Cooper, and thus the band's name "Alice Cooper".

Aleister Crowley advocated the use of Ouija boards, and they played a major role in many of his magickal workings.

Poet James Merrill used a Ouija board for years, and even encouraged entrance of spirits into his body. He wrote the poem The Changing Light at Sandover with the help of a Ouija board. Before he died, he recommended people not to use the Ouija board.

In the early 1900s, St. Louis housewife Pearl Curran used her Ouija board communications with the ubiquitous spirit Patience Worth to publish a number of poems and prose. Pearl claimed that all of the writings came to her through séances, which she allowed the public to attend. In 1917 writer Emily G. Hutchings believed she had communicated with and written a book dictated by Mark Twain from her Ouija board. Twain's living descendants went to court to halt publication of the book that was later determined to be so poorly written that it could not have been written by Twain dead or alive.





13:16 Aug 06 2008
Times Read: 758




























20:16 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 763











































































19:58 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 765































































19:25 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 767

All thses cuts on my arms are bed

I am really really upset and really f**kin sad

Why does this always happen to me

People never wake up and f**kin see

This is now goin to be put to an end

And no text messages will i send

No one gives a f**kin or even cares

So this person never f**kin shares

This is my life and it is bloody s**t

And all i can think is you f**kin tit

I sit around thinking about the past

And say to myself it has been a right blast

Now i am thinking about my future and what is to come

I no longer think i will burn

I am now lookin forward to what might happen

This time i am determind not to be saddened.





18:48 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 772

I will wait til the end

When the pendelum will swing back to the darker side of my heart bleeding

I will save this empty space next to me like its a grave

Where i lay a place for us to sleep enternally together

I have been searching for traces of what we where

The ghost of you

Is all that i have left

Its all that i have left of you to hold

Im waking at night to find theres no one there but me

And nothing left of what we where at all

So here i am

Pacing around this house again

With pictures of us living on these walls

I see my breath in the cold of the air that i breathe

And wondering

Im wondering if its you that i feel

If its you that i feel here haunting me forever

I have been searching for traces of what we where

The ghost of you

Is all that i have left

Its all that i have left of you to hold

Im waking at night to find theres no one there but me

And nothing left of what we where at all

And im not looking for

Anything but us

Anything of what we where

And im not asking for any memories

I only want to know your here

The ghost of you is all that i have left

Its all that i have left of you to hold

Im waking at night to find theres no one there but me

And nothing left of what we where

The ghost of you

Is all that i have left

Its all that i have left of you to hold

Im waking at night to find theres no one there but me

And nothing left of what we where at all




hummm i dunno

18:35 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 774

When death do we part

I'll give you my heart

When my angels fall

Its you how i'll call

I'll perish in hell

To see you are well

Until i die

I'll never make you cry

If your never there

I still know you care

When you are down

I'll be your clown

My heart does glide

When your by my side

The butterflies in my belly

Turn my to jelly

By the look in your eyes

Them blue as the skies

I love you so much

Not just by your touch

Your smell your hair

Your my baby, take care





18:20 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 775

So here we are

We are alone

Theres weight on your mind

And i wonna know

The truth if this is how you feel

Say it to me

If this was ever real

I want the truth

From you

Give me the truth

Even if it hurts me

I want the truth

From you

Give me the truth

Even if it hurts me

I want the truth

So this is you

Your talkin to me

You found a million ways

To let me down

So im not hurt

When your not around

I was blind

But now i see

This is how you feel

Just say it to me

If this was ever Real

I want the truth

From you

Give me the truth

Even if it hurts me

I want the truth

From you

Give me the truth

Even if it hurts me

i know that this will break me

I know that this might make me cry

Gotta say whats on your mind

On your mind

I know that this will hurt me

And break my heart and soul inside

But i dont wonna live this lie

I want the truth

From you

Give me the truth

Even if it hurts me

I want the truth

From you

Give me the truth

Even if it hurts me

I dont care no more no

Just give me the truth

Give me the truth

Coz i dont care no more

Give me the truth

Coz i dont care no more no

Just give me the truth

Give me the truth

Give me the truth

Give me the truth

Give me the truth

Coz i dont care no more no





18:06 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 776

I had a roof overhead

Had shoes on my feet

Yeah, i was fed

But no one was there when i was in need, yeah

So who am i now?

Who do you want me to be?

I can forgive you but i wont re-live you

I aint the same scared kid i used to be

I'm gunna live, im gunna survive

I dont want the world to pass me by

Im gunna dream, i aint gunna die

Thinking my life was just a lie

I wonna be loved

I wonna be loved

I found a picture

Our so called family tree, yeah

I broke all the branches lookin' for answers

Dont you know that aint how its supposed to be?

I'm gunna live, im gunna survive

I dont want the world to pass me by

Im gunna dream, i aint gunna die

Thinking my life was just a lie

I wonna be loved

I wonna be.......

I aint gunna cry; i dont wonna scream

But i got so much left unsaid inside of me

I'm gunna live, im gunna survive

I dont want the world to pass me by

Im gunna dream, i aint gunna die

Thinking my life was just a lie

I wonna be loved

I wonna be loved

I just wonna be LOVED




this is something i wrote for my ex

17:46 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 784

Your my dirty little secret

Your a dirty little lie

So say you prayers and save your soul tonight

I thought you where a good man

I thought you talked you to god

You hypocratic, masaryanic, self abused truned satanic lover

Im bound to your side

Im trapped in silence

Just a posession

You can give me anything but love

Anything but love

Do you feel good tonight

Hurting me with nothing

Some sort of sick satisfaction

Im left here

Without any faith

Without any light

Condem me to live

Condem me to life

Coz im dead inside

I know i made this bed

And i have to lay in it

and i have to live with my regrets

Even sleep with what i've said

You seperated my soul from all the things we shared

Im falling to peices without you

Please say a prayer for me

When you go to bed

Im in need of your faith now

Im afraid

No one is listening

Can you hear me when i call

I need your help

Im giving up on myself

I don't want to die alone

Im so scared of drowning out

I dropped my heart

Even broke a nail

I will be your number 1 with a bullet

I load the gun


Cock it and pull it

I say hello to the angel from my nightmare

When you look into my eyes

I go out of my mind

I cant see anything

Coz this love has me blind

What is love

Please don't hurt me

You could always make smile

When i was down

Its my loneliness thats the killer

I know you want to be free to live your life the way you want to

I tried so hard

And got no where further

But in the end it didnt even matter

I still fell and lost it all

So much for my happy ending

Lets talk this over

Its not like we're dead

I just need to know where we go from here

I dont want to fall covered in tears and blood again.



18:00 Aug 05 2008

so wich ex this about then?


randomness rocks

17:14 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 787

If the people we love are stolen from us

the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them



We walk the narrow path beneathe the smoking skies

sometimes bearly tell the difference between darkness and light

do we have faith

in what we believe

the truest test is one we can not see

i hear bound and fear

in the streets below

and the women cry

and the children moan

at theres something wrong

its hard to believe in love

it wont rain all the time

the sky wont fall forever

and tho the night seems long

your tears wont fall forever

when im lonely

i lay awake at night

and i wish you was here

i miss you

can you tell me

is there something more to believe in

or is this all there is

i hear bound and fear

in the streets below

and a window breaks

and a woman falls

theres something wrong

its hard to believe in love

will prevaile

it wont rain all the time

the sky wont fall forever

and tho the night seems long

your tears wont fall

your tears wont fall

your tears wont fall forever

i had a dream

you come into my room

you took me until the last

and whispering and kiss me

telling me to still believe

you fill the emptiness

until i felt safe

i fell asleep in your arms

and then cried again for you where gone

oh can you hear me

it wont rain all the time

the sky wont fall forever

and tho the night seems long

your tears wont fall forever

it wont rain all the time

the sky wont fall forever

and tho the night seems long

your tears wont fall

your tears wont fall

your tears wont fall




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