There is nothing more beautiful in this world.
I have seen true beauty in you.
Believe me when i say i only have eyes for you.
I have never seen such a sexy smile.
You are so Beautiful.
I am the luckest person alive as i have you.
You make my heart race.
One word from your sexy voice can take me to Heaven.
I love the sound of your accent and laugh.
You voice is beauitful it matches your beautiful self.
I love you so much my beautiful Girlfriend.
here was a time in my life it was so dark i could not see my hand in front of my face.
So dark i did not know if i was a sleep or awake.
So dark it was hard to tell if i was dead or alive.
So dark that i did not care if i was dead or alive.
A time the darkness surrounded me and did not let go.
I gave in to the darkness for a while i lived in it.
I walked around in the day light but in my heart and mind it was completely dark.
I stopped fighting the darkness i had nothing to fight for so the darkness enclosed me.
It became my life and took over everything.
There was nothing in my life but darkness until you came along and brought the light with you.
You came along and set me free.
Taught me how to live my life in the light.
Taught me no matter how dark it gets in my life there is always hope.
Taught me that i must fight the darkness and stay in the light where i belong.
So now when i feel the darkness start to enclose me i fight and remember all you taught me and i am getting to stay in the light.
Though there are still days when the darkness wins.
But now my life is better in the light with you.
In the darkness i have time all the time i need.
Time i need to think about who i am and who i want to be.
I have the time for me to be me.
Time for me to be free in the darkness where no one can see me and judge me.
I am human to so why do i have to hide in the darkness.
There is nothing really that different about me.
But yet i am scared to be me in front of you.
I am scared of lossing you when i have only just found you.
So for now i will stay in the darkness until i feel confident about telling you who i really am.
So for now the darkness is still my friend and where i feel safe.
I wish it could be darkness all round me all the time until i feel i can let some light in.
The only light i would let in is you.
i am not ready yet to be me in front of you.