2 pieces Parchment Paper
Dragon's Blood Ink
Black Candle
Knife (very sharp, used only for magickal purposes)
Cow's Tongue
4 Thieves Vinegar
Crushed Garlic
7 nails
7 pins
7 needles
Red Cloth
7 pennies
Raise your protective circle however you may wish. Summon Goddess Hekate to witness this spell and see it through.
Use the knife to carve the lair's or lairs' name(s) into the black candle. Light the candle imagining the liar(s) now silenced. If you do not know where the lies are coming from, just light the candle and imagine the gossip has stopped.
On one piece of parchment, with quill and ink, write the lies that have been said about you. Set this under the candle and allow the wax to drip onto it while you do the rest of the spell.
Slice the cow tongue lengthwise from top to bottom. On a small piece of parchment write the lair(s) name(s) with quill and ink. While writing the names is more effective, you may substitute by writing the rumor if you do not know where the gossip came from. Place the parchment between the tongue halves.
Roll the tongue up tip to back. Now roll your 7 nails, 7 pins, and 7 needles first in the 4 Thieves Vinegar and then in the crushed garlic and drive them into the tongue. Each time you drive a nail, pin, or needle into the tongue say,
"The tangled web of lies is now unwoven."
As you do this, imagine all the rumors tangled up like a spider web that is falling apart every time you drive a new object in.
Light a fire in the cauldron. Pick up the piece of parchment from under the candle. Think briefly about what you wrote and how it can no longer be said about you, the draw an X threw it with quill and ink. Then say out loud,
"Rumors, slander standing stout,
with this X, I cross you out
I toss their words into the fire,
all these lies no longer hire
All dross things done and said,
leave my life, be gone be dead!
All the evil that they say,
make it all go away!
Rumors carry me no more,
be gone be dead, be no more!"
Toss the parchment in the cauldron and let all the dross of this matter burn away. Meditate for a moment and extinguish the flames.
Wrap the tongue in the red cloth. And place the left over wax of the candle on top of it.
Thank Hekate for joining you and release her. Then let down your protective circle and clean your area.
Take the tongue, candle and seven pennies to a graveyard and bury it. Place the tongue in candle in the grave then say,
"(Name of lair(s) or skip), for your own sake
I pray you make no more trouble
For to torment me for your own gain
Will only bring you greater pain
For I am child of Hekate
And she is mightier then thee
From this hour forth all ill intent
Shall back upon thy head be sent
In the name of Hekate
And by my own word
Thou shall be thine own victim."
Sprinkle the pennies in the grave as an offering to Hekate, and cover with dirt.